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307 files

  1. 2025 Major League Schedule

    This download allows you update your MVP Baseball schedule to the 2025 Major League Schedule. It does not affect minor league schedules.

    Installation Instructions
    1. Backup your original schedule.big file in Program Files/MVP Baseball 2005/data/database folder.
    2. In your team.dat file, insure Houston Astros' line reads as follows:
    00b87f3f1,0 Hou,1 Houston,2 Astros,3 HOU,4 0,5 0,6 22,7 0,8 1,9 0,10 0,11 0,12 1,13 0,14 0,15 0,16 0,17 0,18 0,19 0,20 1,21 0,22 0,23 0,24 0,25 0,26 0,27 0,28 2,29 2,30 0,31 2,32 2,33 2,34 1,35 0,36 0,37 1,38 0,39 0,40 0,41 2,42 1,43 2,44 2,45 1,46 1,47 2,48 2,49 1,50 2,51 1,52 2,53 1,54 0,;

    (Just follow the directions here: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=54548&#entry637425)
    3. Copy the schedule.big file you just downloaded to your MVP Baseball 2005/data/database folder.
    4. Confirm replace.
    5. The 2025 MLB Schedule should be loaded into MVP.
    Additional Instructions
    If you have tywiggins' Schedule Updater/Year Changer, you can change the year to 2025, rather than the default 2005.

    1. When you get to the team select screen, ALT-TAB out of MVP.
    2. Load Schedule Updater.
    3. Select option 1 and change the year to 2025, and choose if you want players' ages to change.
    4. The 2025 season starts on March 18. Follow the utility's instructions to move the date to March 18.
    5. ALT-TAB back into MVP and continue as usual.

    Please keep in mind I don't have MVP Baseball 2005 installed on my regular computer, so it's especially hard to test any mod I make.
    Take care,
    2025 MLB Schedule.7z


       (1 review)

    1 comment



    Here's the schedule for the 2024 Season of Major League and Minor League Baseball.
    MLB schedule have a couple of estimated TBD start times. For MiLB schedules there are a few modifications to the real life schedule in order to fit in the MVP Schedule formats: 144 games per team in AAA (6 less than real life). In AA is 140 for Southern and Texas League teams, 142 for the Easthern League. (Actual schedule in 2024 is 138 games for all of them). In High-A, the MVP Schedule needs to be 140 games per team (8 more than in reality).  
    Installation Instructions:
    1. Copy and replace the schedule.big file in your mvpbaseball/data/database folder, before that, remember to backup the previous file.

    2. Moving the year (Optional):
    In order to move the starting year from 2005 to 2024 (Strongly recommended for some rosters, because you will see the accurate age of players) follow this:
    1. Get the Tywiggins' Schedule Updater/Year Changer (find it in the Tools section).
    2. Start a Dynasty/Owner mode, press ALT-TAB out of MVP.
    3. Load the ScheduleUpdater.
    4. Select option 1, write 2024 and press enter (Default date is April 1st, see step 4).
    5. The season starts on March 20th! Open again the Updater and now select option 3 and move 12 days back in order to put that Dodgers/Padres first game as you can see in the screenshot above. THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT STEP, YOU DONT WANT TO BE PLAYING THE SEASON INTO MID OCTOBER.
    6. Go back to MVP and continue as usual.
    Let me know if something is wrong. Have fun!
    Note: a couple of guys had been asking me how to make schedules. Unfortunately I don't have enough time to create a proper tutorial, for now I'll share the Excel files and notes that I use to create these schedules, so you can get a general idea of what the process is like. The folders in the download are for them.


       (2 reviews)



  3. 2024 Major League Schedule

    This download allows you update your MVP Baseball schedule to the 2024 Major League Schedule. It does not affect minor league schedules.
    Installation Instructions
    1. Backup your original schedule.big file in Program Files/MVP Baseball 2005/data/database folder.
    2. In your team.dat file, insure Houston Astros' line reads as follows:
    00b87f3f1,0 Hou,1 Houston,2 Astros,3 HOU,4 0,5 0,6 22,7 0,8 1,9 0,10 0,11 0,12 1,13 0,14 0,15 0,16 0,17 0,18 0,19 0,20 1,21 0,22 0,23 0,24 0,25 0,26 0,27 0,28 2,29 2,30 0,31 2,32 2,33 2,34 1,35 0,36 0,37 1,38 0,39 0,40 0,41 2,42 1,43 2,44 2,45 1,46 1,47 2,48 2,49 1,50 2,51 1,52 2,53 1,54 0,;

    (Just follow the directions here: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=54548&#entry637425)
    3. Copy the schedule.big file you just downloaded to your MVP Baseball 2005/data/database folder.
    4. Confirm replace.
    5. The 2024 MLB Schedule should be loaded into MVP.
    Additional Instructions
    If you have tywiggins' Schedule Updater/Year Changer, you can change the year to 2024, rather than the default 2005.

    1. When you get to the team select screen, ALT-TAB out of MVP.
    2. Load Schedule Updater.
    3. Select option 1 and change the year to 2024, and choose if you want players' ages to change.
    4. The 2024 season starts on March 20. Follow the utility's instructions to move the date to March 20.
    5. ALT-TAB back into MVP and continue as usual.
    Please keep in mind I don't have MVP Baseball 2005 installed on my regular computer, so it's especially hard to test any mod I make.

    Take care,


       (2 reviews)



  4. Retro Batting Helmets

    For "Classics" modders... here is a batting helmet template with adjusted features to give an authentic look. Included are bmps of helmets as well as a psd for additional teams and custom adjustments.
    Inspiration and Expos Helmet used from Total Classics 1984 By Jim825 & dennisjames71.


       (2 reviews)



  5. MVP Baseball 1998 Intro Video

    As a treat for those who have been waiting patiently for MVP Baseball 1998, I've created this intro video for the game. I'll be trying to convert it to .vp6 so that it can actually play in the game as the intro video. But we shall see. Hope you enjoy the flashbacks to 98!


       (1 review)



  6. 2023 Major League Schedule

    This download updates to the 2023 Major League Schedule. It does not affect minor league schedules.
    Installation Instructions
    1. Backup your original schedule.big file in Program Files/MVP Baseball 2005/data/database folder.
    2. In your team.dat file, insure Houston Astros' line reads as follows:
    00b87f3f1,0 Hou,1 Houston,2 Astros,3 HOU,4 0,5 0,6 22,7 0,8 1,9 0,10 0,11 0,12 1,13 0,14 0,15 0,16 0,17 0,18 0,19 0,20 1,21 0,22 0,23 0,24 0,25 0,26 0,27 0,28 2,29 2,30 0,31 2,32 2,33 2,34 1,35 0,36 0,37 1,38 0,39 0,40 0,41 2,42 1,43 2,44 2,45 1,46 1,47 2,48 2,49 1,50 2,51 1,52 2,53 1,54 0,;

    (Just follow the directions here: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=54548&#entry637425)
    3. Copy the schedule.big file you just downloaded to your MVP Baseball 2005/data/database folder.
    4. Confirm replace.
    5. The 2023 MLB Schedule should be loaded into MVP.
    Additional Instructions
    If you have tywiggins' Schedule Updater/Year Changer, you can change the year to 2023, rather than the default 2005.

    1. When you get to the team select screen, ALT-TAB out of MVP.
    2. Load Schedule Updater.
    3. Select option 1 and change the year to 2023, and choose if you want players' ages to change.
    4. The 2023 season starts on March 30. Follow the utility's instructions to move the date to March 30. (Note: I ran into some issues at the end of the season with the change of date to March 30 at the begining of the. However, no issues were encountered if I just changed the year.)

    5. ALT-TAB back into MVP and continue as usual.
    NOTE: I had to create a Virtual Machine for it to work this year.
    Version History
    1.0: March 18, 2023: Initial version.
    1.1: March 19, 2023: The "Non-Year Changer" version.
    Please keep in mind I don't have MVP Baseball 2005 installed on my regular computer, so it's especially hard to test any mod I make.

    Like previous years, there are a few (two) instances of game times still being "TBA." I just estimated, hope that's OK.
    Take care,


       (2 reviews)



  7. Full Controllers MVP Baseball

    I dedicated myself to documenting the different key combinations that can be done to get the most out of the game, either with a PAD (Joystick, control, command) Keyboard 1 or Keyboard 2.
    At the same time I am attaching the configuration file so that the combination of taking off on the bases and diving headlong works for you, as well as knocking down the catcher and jumping to steal home runs.
    Enjoy it!!
    NOTE: Copy file controller.cfg in C:\Users\Documents\MVP Baseball 2005.


       (0 reviews)



  8. 2023 MLB+MiLB Season Schedule

    Here's the schedule for the 2023 Season of Major League and Minor League Baseball.
    In the MLB level, it contains a couple of estimated TBD start times. In the MiLB levels, there are a few modifications to the real life schedule at the beginning and at the end of their seasons (Example: AAA schedules only supports 144 games per team but they're playing 150 games in the reality, you get the idea).  
    Installation Instructions:
    1. Copy and replace the schedule.big in your mvpbaseball/data/database folder, before that, remember to backup the previous file.

    2. Moving the year (Optional):
    In order to move the starting year from 2005 to 2023 (Strongly recommended for some rosters, like mine, because you will see the accurate age of players) follow this:
    1. Get the Tywiggins' Schedule Updater/Year Changer (find it in the Tools section).
    2. Start a Dynasty/Owner mode, press ALT-TAB out of MVP.
    3. Load the ScheduleUpdater.
    4. Select option 1, write 2023 and press enter (Default date is April 1st, see step 4).
    5. The season starts on March 30th! Open again the Updater and now select option 3 and write 2 (days back) and press enter.
    6. Go back to MVP and continue as usual.
    Let me know if something is wrong. Have fun!


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  9. Minnesota Twins New Logos

    Here is Minnesota Twins new logo pack for MVP Baseball 
    How to install? 
    Totall Installer Thingy


       (1 review)



  10. MLB (Post-lockout) and MiLB! 2022 SEASON SCHEDULE

    This file has been in my folders for months, my first intention was to release it with the roster, but, because it has been delayed for this long I felt the need to release it now... in the 18th of june... (seriously, sorry).
    As the name suggest, this download contains:
    The MLB Post-Lockout 2022 Schedule (Doubleheaders everywhere) The Triple-A, Double-A and High-A 2022 Schedules!!!  
    Minor League Schedules.
    I'm suuper excited to have created the actual Minor league schedules for this season. Last year I tried but at that time I was doing something wrong and it didn't work. However, I did make a few tweaks to see everything work fine:
    High-A: in this level they have a 132-game schedule for 2022, but the game needs 140 games for each team, so I did put 8 more games in the actual schedule (two series of 4 games). Double-A: from the programed 138-game schedule, 2 or 4 more games were added (depending on the division) to fit the MVP requirement. Triple-A: they have a 150-game schedule in 2022. Had to take off the last 6 games of the season to fit the 144-game schedule of MVP.  
    The result is that you will see the 6-game series, monday rests and accurate start times of games* for the affiliates, so even if you do not care about the minor league teams, this will give a realistic touch to your game that I think is very cool. You also may want to get the BallFour' excellent work with all the minor league updates of the last couple of seasons**. 
    *Stadium editors are cordially invited by me to make more night minor league stadiums lol.
    **All the shoutouts to BallFour work, this schedule was a desire for him too.
    Again, sorry for not release this before, enjoy it, more things are coming soon...
    TYWIGGINS' Schedule updater:


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    1 comment


  11. 2022 Logo & Name Updates

    For the first month of my BallFIVE anniversary gifts to you, the MVP Baseball 2005 community, I present to you the updated text files for 2022. It adjusts the names of the Cleveland and Beloit teams to their 2022 names, and it's updated the name of Marlins Park to their new corporate sponsored name - LoanDepot Park. It also adds new logos for the Cleveland Guardians, a new road logo for the Kansas City Royals and Hickory Crawdads, and new logo sets for the rebranded Beloit Sky Carp, the Aberdeen Ironbirds, and the Sugar Land Space Cowboys.
    To install, simply use TiT. Always remember to back up your files. Enjoy!


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  12. 2022 Major League Schedule

    This download updates to the 2022 Major League Schedule. It does not affect minor league schedules.
    Installation Instructions
    1. Backup your original schedule.big file in Program Files/MVP Baseball 2005/data/database folder.
    2. In your team.dat file, insure Houston Astros' line reads as follows:
    00b87f3f1,0 Hou,1 Houston,2 Astros,3 HOU,4 0,5 0,6 22,7 0,8 1,9 0,10 0,11 0,12 1,13 0,14 0,15 0,16 0,17 0,18 0,19 0,20 1,21 0,22 0,23 0,24 0,25 0,26 0,27 0,28 2,29 2,30 0,31 2,32 2,33 2,34 1,35 0,36 0,37 1,38 0,39 0,40 0,41 2,42 1,43 2,44 2,45 1,46 1,47 2,48 2,49 1,50 2,51 1,52 2,53 1,54 0,;

    (Just follow the directions here: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=54548&#entry637425)
    3. Copy the schedule.big file you just downloaded to your MVP Baseball 2005/data/database folder.
    4. Confirm replace.
    5. The 2022 MLB Schedule should be loaded into MVP.
    Additional Instructions
    If you have tywiggins' Schedule Updater/Year Changer, you can change the year to 2022, rather than the default 2005.

    1. When you get to the team select screen, ALT-TAB out of MVP.
    2. Load Schedule Updater.
    3. Select option 1 and change the year to 2022, and choose if you want players' ages to change.
    4. The 2022 season starts on March 20. Follow the utility's instructions to move the date to March 20.
    5. ALT-TAB back into MVP and continue as usual.
    NOTE: I had to create a Virtual XP Machine for it to work this year.
    Version History
    1.0: February 20, 2022: Initial version.

    Please keep in mind I don't have MVP Baseball 2005 installed on my regular computer, so it's especially hard to test any mod I make.

    Like previous years, there are instances of game times still being "TBA." I just estimated, hope that's OK.
    Take care,
    Thanks alfre2jose for filling in for me in 2020 and 2021!


       (3 reviews)



  13. 2021 World Series Save File (Dynasty)

    This is a .sav Dynasty file for MVP Baseball 2005, which will begin at Game 1 of the 2021 World Series.
    It is aligned accurately, with the Astros having homefield advantage, and the Game 1 starters are Framber Valdez and Charlie Morton.
    The user-controlled team is the Braves. If you want to control the Astros, use TyWiggins team changer.
    On my machine, I can't get team changer to work. But if you can, you are free to upload the Astros .sav file as well.


       (1 review)



  14. MVP 21 Icon Pack

    2 different sizes.  Install as a shortcut for Windows as you would any shortcut.


       (0 reviews)



  15. Field Of Dreams Stadium Select Screen

    This is compatible with BallFour's Field of Dreams stadium, which replaces AAA Stadium 3.
    Before installing, backup your stadiums.big file, located in the frontend folder.
    Install with TiT.


       (1 review)




    To install just extract and copy and paste it in the game's movies folder and that's it


       (1 review)



  17. MVP Baseball Español.rar

    MVP Baseball Español.rar


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  18. 2021 Minor League Reorganization

    This is a total mod for the 2021 Minor League Baseball realignment. Included are new logos, the proper team names, and correct divisions and minor league teams. To install, drag the logos.big file into your data\frontend folder and drag the team.dat file into your data\database folder. To get the correct team names, replace the FEENG and IGENG files that can be found in the data folder.
    Special thanks to alfre2jose for helping troubleshoot and solve a bug with the playoffs. His fix now has everything running smoothly!


       (4 reviews)



  19. 2021 Major League Schedule

    This download updates the 2021 Major League Schedule. (It does not affect minor league schedules)
    Installation Instructions
    1. Back up the original Schedule.big file.
    2. Copy the schedule.big in your MVP Baseball/data/database folder. 
    2. If you have downloaded the newest rosters you should have the Houston Astros already in the AL West. In any case, make sure that in your team.dat file the Astros' line says this:
    00b87f3f1,0 Hou,1 Houston,2 Astros,3 HOU,4 0,5 0,6 22,7 0,8 1,9 0,10 0,11 0,12 1,13 0,14 0,15 0,16 0,17 0,18 0,19 0,20 1,21 0,22 0,23 0,24 0,25 0,26 0,27 0,28 2,29 2,30 0,31 2,32 2,33 2,34 1,35 0,36 0,37 1,38 0,39 0,40 0,41 2,42 1,43 2,44 2,45 1,46 1,47 2,48 2,49 1,50 2,51 1,52 2,53 1,54 0,;
    3. The 2021 Mayor League Schedule should be loaded into MVP.
    Additional Instructions
    If you want to move forward your Dynasty/Owner mode to the year 2021, follow this:
    You'll need the Tywiggins' Schedule Updater/Year Changer to move the year from 2005 to 2021 (Find it in the Tools Section)
    1. Start a Dynasty/Owner mode, press ALT-TAB out of MVP.
    2. Load the ScheduleUpdater.
    3. Select option 1, write 2021 and press enter. It will move forward to the April 1st, 2021 which its the same date this season will begin, so it's all ready.
    4. Go back to MVP and continue as usual.
    Note: There are some Yankees home games that are still in "TBD" status for their start times, so I put estimated start times in those cases.
    Have fun guys. I'm coming with some other stuffs this season.
    If it is within your reach, I would greatly appreciate any kind of donation or support,
    so I will leave the door here on my paypal account: aj1210.mora@gmail.com
    For spanish users: ver instrucciones en español en el archivo comprimido.


       (6 reviews)



  20. 2021 Minor League Realignment

    This is a mod that will realign the Minor Leagues to 2021 standards. I've included the new leagues/divisions as currently projected, the new team names, and new logos for all teams. I've also added the LOC files to change the names in game.
    To install, drag and drop the logos.big file into your data/frontend folder. Drag and drop the org.dat, team.dat, and tstats.dat into the data/database folder. Drag and drop the FEENG.loc and IGENG.loc files into your data folder.
    The issues that I'm running into right now are the recurrence of one-game playoffs at the High-A level which means you can't start the playoffs. I'm still trying to figure out how to solve this.


       (1 review)



  21. San Diego Padres 2020 Logo Pack

    Here is San Diego Padres logo pack for MVP Baseball 
    How to install? 
    Totall Installer Thingy


       (3 reviews)



  22. 2020 MLB Schedules

    Hi guys! I got some free time and i wanted to make some updates to my MVP, so i would like to share with you my first works.
    In this download you have both, the 2020 MLB original 162 games schedule and the post-pandemic 60 games schedule. Minor League Schedules are not affected.
    Installation Instructions
    1. Copy the 2020 schedule.big of your choice to the MVP Baseball/data/database folder. Remember to back-up your original schedule.big first.
    2. If you have downloaded recent rosters you should have the Houston Astros already set up in the American League. In any case, make sure that in your team.dat file the Astros' line says this:
    00b87f3f1,0 Hou,1 Houston,2 Astros,3 HOU,4 0,5 0,6 22,7 0,8 1,9 0,10 0,11 0,12 1,13 0,14 0,15 0,16 0,17 0,18 0,19 0,20 1,21 0,22 0,23 0,24 0,25 0,26 0,27 0,28 2,29 2,30 0,31 2,32 2,33 2,34 1,35 0,36 0,37 1,38 0,39 0,40 0,41 2,42 1,43 2,44 2,45 1,46 1,47 2,48 2,49 1,50 2,51 1,52 2,53 1,54 0,;
    Note: In the short 60 games schedule there were some game times still being in TBA which i stimated.
    Instructions to set the year to 2020
    First, you'll need to Get the tywiggins' schedule updater/Year Chancer to move the year from 2005 to 2020. Find the tool in this download provide by Gordo:
    1. Get in to the team select screen, press ALT-TAB out of MVP.
    2. Load the ScheduleUpdater.
    3. Select option 1, write 2020 and press enter. 
    4. If you select the 2020 162 original schedule, keep in mind that the season was supposed to start in march 26, so follow the instructions to move the date back up to that day.
    5. Go back to MVP and start the season as usual.

    Instructions to advance to the Playoffs with the 60 Games Schedule
    With a short season schedule, after you play the last game, you will have to do this steps in order to advance to the playoffs or other wise the game will not let you do anything else and you will freak out.
    1. First you'll have to get the Tywiggins' Short Season Advance utility in this download provide by Gordo:
    2. After you play or sim the last MLB Game press ALT-TAB out of MVP.
    3. Load the MVP2005ShortSeasonProjector.
    4. The utility will ask you which league you need to update, just write 0 and press enter as you only need MLB.
    5. Exit the program and go back to MVP and we're done, you'll ready to advance to Playoffs.
    Have fun!!!

    Special thanks to DylanBradbury for his schedule generator, which i used to add a couple of random schedules with the Astros in the AL West for the next two seasons (i don't remember what happens after the third season).
    And i know this is a job that he usually does but with this atypical year i was not sure that he will be abble to make it again, so i took the iniciative to write the schedules and share it with those like me who are still playing this game.
    Take care and wash your hands 🙂


       (1 review)



  23. MVP 20 Icon Pack Ver. 1 (Mike Trout)

    2 different .ico sizes.  Install as you would any icon for Windows. 
    NOTE:  The MVPMods watermark is only on this preview image, not on the icon itself.


       (0 reviews)



  24. Sliders for MVP All-Star level (SIMULATION PACK)

    Sliders for MVP All-Star level (SIMULATION PACK).  See that upload for instructions.


       (0 reviews)



  25. 4gb Patch

    This very little tool patches x86 executables in order to let them have 4GB (instead of only 2) of virtual memory on x64 platforms. This tool comes very handy for applications which need a great amount of virtual memory like games, 3D renderization, multimedia etc. To gain these 2GB, you just have to use this tool to patch the executable (*.exe file) of the software you want to have these additional GBs of virtual memory. It can be used by clicking on it and choosing the file or through command line (e.g.: “4gb_patch file.exe”). It automatically creates a backup copy of the original executable.
    Note: this is not my work. All credit goes to the guy who made it. I don't know his name but his website is right here.


       (1 review)



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