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2020/2021 San Diego Padres Uniform Set By Umachines
- 4 reviews
- 2405
- 4
Hello, guys. This is my first 2020 and Nike uniform set for MLB Baseball 2K12. I've put a lot of care in this set, since it's the base of what I want to be an important project this new year for me, and for those who follow my modding updates. I've been preparing many things in the off season for this game and for MVP Baseball 2005 too. For this set I've made 5 uniforms: -Home pinstripes -Road sand pinstripes -Alternate brown jersey road version -Desert digital ca -
2019 Great American Ball Park By bctrackboi11
- 1 review
- 525
- 0
Here is my rendition of my favorite stadium, Great American Ball Park in Cincinnati. Screenshots are from the NCAA Mod I am working on, though this is made for the 2k19 season. As I learn Blender, I plan on making a few more changes, such as the scoreboard in left. Here's what was changed: -New ads -New Marlins logo on Standings board -Updated 150th anniversary marks throughout -Updated on field logo Works best with my 150th Anniversary uniforms. INSTALL -
Baez, Donaldson, Trout Cyberfaces By picklebrad
- 6 reviews
- 3265
- 2
Hey guys. HAPPY NEW YEAR! I just want to contribute some faces I've been working on. I'm trying to get better at making these things to take some pressure off of the other guys like JED, ScottyBilly, Headtrip, Bostonicco, Hanny and Wuilmer. I hope you guys like them. Always remember to back up your old files just in case and as always....GOD BLESS you all in 2020! -
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