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Oakland A's Portrait Pack #1

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About This File

This package includes new and updated portraits for eight Oakland A's including:

- Ben Sheets (unassigned)

- Brad Kiby (unassigned)

- Adam Rosales (1042)

- Coco Crisp (381)

- Gabe Gross (410)

- Josh Outman (431)

- Craig Breslow (683)

- Kevin Kouzmanoff (795)

- Jake Fox (941)

The numbers in parenthesis above respresent the player's Portrait ID #. You will need to download the NBA 2K10 Mod tool in order to import these images into your portraits.IFF file. You can download the tool from here

To Install:

1: Create a backup of your existing portrait.iff and portrait.cdf files from your MLB2K10 installation directory

2: Extract the contents of this ZIP file to the location of your choosing.

3: Copy your portrait.iff AND portrait.cdf files from your MLB2K10 installation directory to the same directory to extrated these files to

4: Launch the NBA 2K10 Mod Tool, click open, and browse to the copy of the portrait.iff file you just copied

5: When prompted to decompress, select "Yes"

6: Using the scroll bar in the top left pane, scroll to the portrait ID number corresponding to the player you wish to update

7: Click on "Import Res" and select updated DDS file you extracted earlier

8: Now to see the updated portrait in-game, copy the portrait.iff and portrait.cdf files from the location you copied it to before BACK to your MLB2K10 installation directory.

9: Start the game and enjoy

Note: You will not be able to complete step 8 above if the game is running. You will have to exit the game first.

Note #2: Two of the portraits included in this pack are for players that do not have an assigned Portrait number. So you can import them to an unassigned spot and modify the players' Portrait ID using tyWiggins' roster editor. Please refer to the this post which lists all assigned and unassigned Portrait ID numbers.

Special thanks to the following for your mods, tools, discoveries, and inspiration:

- tywiggins

- trues

- tony3

- krawhitham


- jhtapp76

What's New in Version 04/10/10 06:43 PM   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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