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If you're just going to be a douche, why post in the 2k9 forums? I don't get it.


For the OP ... there if a fielder speed slider in the difficulty section of the menu. Increase the slider to make your fielder's faster.

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on my sliders for user control i upped my fielders speed and when im running after the ball ill double push on the joy stick, sometimes i do manage to get them to run faster to make a catch

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Unfortunately, I think on certain hits, it seems like the game predetermines that the fielder won't get to the ball in time, and thus slows the fielder down to make it seem like they are jogging. It's a neat thing to implement, but it should only happen on really obvious hits, and not on the bloops where the fielder can sprint full speed and dive to get to it.

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on my sliders for user control i upped my fielders speed and when im running after the ball ill double push on the joy stick, sometimes i do manage to get them to run faster to make a catch

I have wondered if the batting success slider causes/effects this (slow-down, hesistation, automatic hit, etc).

For example, if you have the batting success rating high, but also fielding speed high ... something has to give. You can't have both hitters with high success, and fielders chasing down everything.

The big thing I notice, is that switching dynamic indicator to locked, has really improved outfield smoothness and redueced slow down. Some balls that used to fall in are now caught.

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What do you mean "Dynamic Indicator Locked"? It's either on or off. I have it on. I do notice that switching to the CPU to field a ball hit in the outfield increases the errors they make. Line drives hit to my outfielders are missed when I hit the button to let the CPU field it. I usually move the fielder manually unless it's a routine play, like a high lazy fly ball.

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step 1. put down the controller and throw out 2k9

step 2. play mvp.

problem solved.

seems like a fix to me. Esp given how many broken elements of the game there are. I played this for two weeks and gave up. Too many glitches and bugs, even post-patch, and many aspects of the game feel pre-determined.

So i just went back to MVP. O wells

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You can set it to "fixed".

It works very well for me, I rarely see any fielder slowdown.

I'm using darkspace's sliders and they provide a bit more pop in the bat, and that also has cut down on the short-hop singles. Home runs are realistic, as are extra base hits (no left stick). Other than franchise glitches and poor/no collision detection, 2k9 is playing pretty darn well for me. Thanks to the roster edits, sliders, removing inside edge, and challenging 3-step pitching sliders. It's a lot of work for the customer, but 2k baseball games always are.

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seems like a fix to me. Esp given how many broken elements of the game there are. I played this for two weeks and gave up. Too many glitches and bugs, even post-patch, and many aspects of the game feel pre-determined.

So i just went back to MVP. O wells

im pretty sure he couldve figured that out on his own

the only reason he's posting this is cuz he wants to stick with the game and give it a shot

we could really do with less of those go back to mvp smartass comments

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Yep, I would like to see a way to prevent those 2K haters from posting in MLB 2K9 thread.

Really annoying!

Maybe there will be rules for this.

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Yep, I would like to see a way to prevent those 2K haters from posting in MLB 2K9 thread.

Really annoying!

Maybe there will be rules for this.

When people say they "went back to MVP", do they mean the original game with default sliders, or are they referring to the ones that has 4-5 years of mods, including redone datafiles, walks/K fix, jerseys enhancements, potrait enhancements, redone stadiums, roster edits, custom sliders, etc .... I know MVP is a really good game, and liking 2k9 does not make me not like MVP (especially with the resolution mod) ... but I would bet that playing the original MVP05, would be very revealing just how MUCH the game has been modded and enhanced.

I don;t understand why folks just refuse to let others enjoy something that they do not enjoy. I guess I am weird in the regard that I don't go to forums for games that I do not enjoy ... and encourage others to join my disgust.

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Whoever said others could not enjoy the game?

And trust me, general consensus in the sports gaming community is that Out of the box MVP is loads better than anything 2k out of the box.

I just added my input about 2k9 in the 2k9 thread. IS it wrong for me to tell the truth and say that I left a buggy game that hampered my enjoyment for pc baseball? If you dont want people who like MVP to give input than go to the 2k forums and chum it up. I mean this is MVPmods so of course mvp players and those who play both games will have a say.

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seems like a fix to me. Esp given how many broken elements of the game there are. I played this for two weeks and gave up. Too many glitches and bugs, even post-patch, and many aspects of the game feel pre-determined.

So i just went back to MVP. O wells

There's nothing wrong what you or what SESbb30 posted about your opinions on MLB 2K9. I mean no matter how you look at it, this game is buggy.

But for the guy who created this thread, he still plays this game and he wanted help and he deserves to get it.

Maybe the answer "put down the controller and throw out 2k9 and play mvp" is not something that this guy can do. He may not even own MVP. And if he does, he's playing 2K9 now and that's his choice.

Look, I'll admit I was scared off of buying 2K9 just by reading the posts on this website about the bugs in it. But both of you guys can't deny that there have been some pretty good looking mods made for this game. The stadiums are very good looking and the uniforms are top notch.

If you guys (and I don't want to single just you two out) want to criticize 2K9, do it in a thread that has nothing to do with anyone looking for support or a question asked about this game. It's only fair to the people in here that are still playing this game and want to continue doing so.

Fair enough?

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That's what I was getting at. THe opening post asked a simple question about changing fielder speed, not whether 2k9 was worth playing, or whether he should give it up for MVP (the 'douche' comment was over the top and uncalled for, I admit). If that was the question, I would never have commented. There are lots of opinion threads on 2k9, both here and at 2k forums.

I didn;t see the need for the comment (but understand that some are really frustrated with 2k9), given the nature of the question.

I also am not going to try and bash MVP to support 2k9. Both games are played and enjoyed by me. I did comment on the wonderful enhancements that the mvpmodders and eamoders have made to MVP, and have greatly enhanced it's enjoyment and replayability. It is someting that may never be matched by another modding community. Well done, men.

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I'm not gonna come on here and bash 2K9, as much as I would like to. I just want to say this, the reason you see so many 2k9 haters coming in threads and voicing their opinions, I would bet, is because the site is called MVPmods yet it's nearly overrun with 2K9 crap. I come on here nearly daily looking to see if anything's been done for MVP or if there's any interesting threads involving the game and I have to sift thru all the 2K posts and mods. For instance, someone not too long ago posted a thread "New Yankees Stadium mod" or something like that so of course, I'm getting excited hoping someone has decided to take it on for MVP but nope, it's just another 2K9 ad replacement mod.

Maybe it's time for all of the 2K forums and downloads to go on it's own site or perhaps a subdirectory of this one that's only connected through one link on the homepage?

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You tone seems to indicate that the modders owe you something, or require your permission to do with their site as they please?

I don't get it. MVP, a 4yo game is still being modded ... and for free. Maybe the mods are not being produced at the pace you desire, but still ...

You're the second person I've seen complain about 2k9 mods due to the name of the website. I wonder, at what point, is it going to be okay for people to stop modding mvp at all? 2010? 2015?

There's lots of options you could do. You could make your own mods, make your own site, etc .... but telling others what to do with their site, their free time, their generosity, etc ain't likely an option.

I'd say you have some balls for the comments you made, but I don't think it's a case of having balls at all, but more like a spoiled attitude, where you feel others owe you some type of continued enjoyment.

I guess the mvp die-hards are lucky, because due to the continual impatient demands for mods and the release of MVP09, as well as, the complaints that a handful of modders are using their free time elsewhere, or the nerve of them to have a 2k9 forum at an "MVP" modding site, well ... if I owned the site, I'd put up a single picture of a middle finger, and close everything down.

I'm not sure you guys even realise what you're saying and who you're saying it to (the modders, the owners of the site). I would imagine quite a few of us are fortunate that the modders/site-owner do not display the number of mods we've downloaded compared to the amount of money we've donated.

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First off, **** you dude! It was a ******* suggestion. I wasn't telling anyone what to do with their site. I was simply saying, hey, it's a pain in the *** sorting through what goes to which game, I think it'd be cool if they somehow split em up. If they don't, it ain't no sweat off my back, if they do, it makes it all that much easier for everyone who comes to the site. Honestly, I don't care what they do with their site, it's their site and I'll take what I can get. But please forgive me for making a mere suggestion. Nobody owes me anything but I don't owe it to anybody to keep my mouth shut when I have something to say either. I respect the hell out of what the owners have done with the site and what the modders have done with the game. That doesn't mean I should have to silence my opinion.

Anyway, to go back to the beginning of your post, your tone seems to indicate that you're a ******* *****...

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Really now how hard is it to click on the forums tab and go into the mvp forum instead of the 2k9 forum.Its pretty easy to tell what posts are for what game.Should there not be posts for other things besides mvp because the site is called mvpmods? I see 23 different places to post for various things on this website. So you must really be lost.

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Because on the front page, the home page, which is where I do most of my forum searching unless I'm looking for something specific, everything is just thrown in together.

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