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Dylan's MVP Baseball 2005 Schedule Generator


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File Name: Dylan's MVP Baseball 2005 Schedule Generator

File Submitter: DylanBradbury

File Submitted: 14 Apr 2009

File Category: Tools and Editors

Version: 2.1

This program generates a random schedule for MVP 2005. If you're tired of playing the same schedule year after year, this is for you.


- Generates three (3) random schedules to replace the default schedules in schedule.big

- Each team plays in series, just like a real schedule

- Preview the written schedule in Excel

- Choose the Interleague Division Matchups you want

- Remove Interleague Play, if you wish

- Choose the All-Star Game's Home Team (American or National League)

Follow the instructions in the included readme, to generate a new schedule.


- I've also created a version (2.1) that has moved Houston to the AL West, and generates a schedule with the new alignment. NEW!


If you have any questions or concerns, just e-mail me.


Click here to download this file

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this grate idea, and i'll try it out, but i have ?. does this one or you know of a sheduler that will it, but keep the 2 mlb leagues apart. i'm a older league type guy, be i'm still enough not to have know the baseball without the DH.

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this grate idea, and i'll try it out, but i have ?. does this one or you know of a sheduler that will it, but keep the 2 mlb leagues apart. i'm a older league type guy, be i'm still enough not to have know the baseball without the DH.

No it will not keep the two leagues apart, every schedule it generates will include Interleague Play. Perhaps it'll be something I'll add in a future release. I don't know of another Schedule Generator that will not include Interleague Play.


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its ok, but is something of an idea. maybe it can be done. rules rules, i dont care about if the leagues could be sperated at the major league level. they do it at triple a, so i dont see why its not at least possible?

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its ok, but is something of an idea. maybe it can be done. rules rules, i dont care about if the leagues could be sperated at the major league level. they do it at triple a, so i dont see why its not at least possible?

It's a really good idea actually... It might take a while, but I'll try to make version 2.0 have no Interleague Play. No promises though.

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Ive always wanted someone to come up with this exact tool. I tried doing it with my (limited) skills, but never really worked it out.

Excellent work! One of the best new tools that has come along for a long time. B)

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Fantastic job. I love the option of taking a look at your finished schedule on a spreadsheet. All dynasty owners should grab this. It's another one of Dylan's must-have utilities for you!

Thank you Yankee!

Ive always wanted someone to come up with this exact tool. I tried doing it with my (limited) skills, but never really worked it out.

Excellent work! One of the best new tools that has come along for a long time. B)

Thanks phil! My first try at this, I failed too. Enjoy!

good job dylan ill have to try this out

Thanks roy.

Thanks for the compliments, everyone! :)

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Hey Folks,

I'm sure more than one member would like an option to get rid of Interleague Play. I just need testers to make sure it a sample outputted schedule (without interleague play) works.

If a few of you could test the attached schedule, and report back, it would be very appreciated. Just replace the attached schedule.big over the one in your MVP Baseball 2005\data\database folder.

Please remember to backup, in case it crashes.

Thanks Folks! :)


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Good to see the ability to remove the interleague games. Ive always been a fan of only playing against the other league in the world series, so this is a nice option to have now in MVP. Plus it will cheer up the yankee fans that Wang wont get injured running the bases in June! :-) (ok maybe not the case at the moment... ha)

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Yeah, this is pretty awesome to have. It's too bad something like this wasn't around a long time ago. Oh well, I just came around a few months back, so I get it pretty early on :p

Dylan, you are the man. Other than stadiums, I can not think of any mods I use more than yours. So simple, yet so useful.

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Good to see the ability to remove the interleague games. Ive always been a fan of only playing against the other league in the world series, so this is a nice option to have now in MVP. Plus it will cheer up the yankee fans that Wang wont get injured running the bases in June! :-) (ok maybe not the case at the moment... ha)

Yeah, this is pretty awesome to have. It's too bad something like this wasn't around a long time ago. Oh well, I just came around a few months back, so I get it pretty early on :p

Dylan, you are the man. Other than stadiums, I can not think of any mods I use more than yours. So simple, yet so useful.

Thanks guys! I really appreciate the positive feedback. I'm glad you guys enjoy it!

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I'm getting an error message:



Compile error in hidden module: module 1

I have 3 variations of MS Visual Basic C and 1 of J installed (I'm not saavy in what they mean). Any clues?

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I'm getting an error message:



Compile error in hidden module: module 1

I have 3 variations of MS Visual Basic C and 1 of J installed (I'm not saavy in what they mean). Any clues?

That error usually occurs when you open a workbook that was created in a later version of Excel than yours and one of it's modules refers to something that's not available in your version. I made the program using MS Excel 2003.

I really have no idea how to fix this problem, however. Sorry bro. :(

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tow minors issues for you. one and i dont care about, and i dont if anyone else is going to, but the all star game appears to have seen taken out.

second thing is in doing the shedule at least on the surface, it looks like to me its based of the triple A scheduling, which as teams playing basically everyday, usually in the majors every team as a day off almost every week., but also in the case of the dodgers, there schedule day off of Sunday for about three straight weeks. that another thing that makes thiks it based off the the aaa scheduling tyke setup. i dont care, but i don't if that goig to crate issues as its acully goes threw a season or what affect it'll have so far.

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The schedule is based on the default schedules, so it follows the same format. Therefore if Team A in the default plays everyday for a week, then Team A in the new schedule will too.

There is some randomization involved as well, and therefore it can't account for everything. Generate a new schedule if you don't like the Dodgers having three Sundays off in a row.

Lastly, in every schedule I have made the All-Star Game is there, so perhaps you just overlooked it.

Thanks for using my program, mcoll86.

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that's good. as i said it was first quick imporessions of the version of the schedule. it's possible i missed the all all star in there, but i thought i'd looked throught it before i asked about it. anyway its good, i dont think there much more you need to do with it.

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that's good. as i said it was first quick imporessions of the version of the schedule. it's possible i missed the all all star in there, but i thought i'd looked throught it before i asked about it. anyway its good, i dont think there much more you need to do with it.

Thanks mcoll86!

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  • 9 months later...

Dylan, I have always used Open office instead Microsoft office, and I know this worked for me when you first did it. Now I can't get it to work at all. I keep getting an error.


Maybe I am mistaken, but I swear it worked for me before. You have any idea if it should work? Or do you know if what may be causing the issue pictured above?

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Dylan, I have always used Open office instead Microsoft office, and I know this worked for me when you first did it. Now I can't get it to work at all. I keep getting an error.

Maybe I am mistaken, but I swear it worked for me before. You have any idea if it should work? Or do you know if what may be causing the issue pictured above?

Do you have macros enabled?

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