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This has been tested on xbox only as i'm using reditor and only have the 360 tables (no PC) but this should be an easy copy and paste for someone who does. Add all the files 8.

There is no way of getting the year 2013 to show up, at least not on xbox, but maybe on PC it's possible?

If I try and use the year 2013 the schedule just shows up blank so what I have done is to leave the year at 2012.

Copy and paste with reditor (Guru edition needed) into appropriate tabs. The actual (9501) and 162 spring (449) 104 spring (329) 52 spring (179) tabs are the same length in 2k12 and 2k13, the current and old and older are different so what i did was just clone a few extra spaces so they would fit.

WARNING!! When simming Sim from the schedule screen and not the Headline screen as it will crash in years two and beyond if you do. I'm not sure why this is happening , maybe someone else can figure out why. I also notice there are some 5 game sets in year two, :sad: have to take a look at that.


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I'm going to add an xbox roster that has the 2013 schedule in it. I have copied all 8 schedules into it. This will make it easier if someone wants to add to a PC roster if they have reditor. Just copy and paste but remember to add the extra lines to the schedule tabs that need them.

PS: Don't forget to add Houston to the AL West (works great)! :D


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how you getting it done? that great! the other question i have can you tell me a litt bit of what your doing, as i'd to a different shedule eaving the astros in the in nl, but not having the internleague play occur. any tips?

I just copy and pasted from 2k13 xbox roster to a 2k12 xbox roster. As far as making your own schedule it would be major work.

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but yu had said it were having trouble with getting it to work, so did you do anything, or just staight copy and paste

Pretty much straight copy and paste except for adding a few rows to some of the schedule's in 2k12 as some of the 2k13 schedules were a few extra rows long. The problem I was having was that season two and on would crash while simming and it still does IF you try and sim from the Headline screen, you "must" sim from the Schedule screen.

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im only partly understand this stuff. or its not clear. the shedule for it to work needs a few extra lines, ok i get that, but part of the shedule and how many lines. maybe up date the file with whatever you had to do to have it work for us on the pc and put up here, would be esier thean trying explain it to us and havining someone like having to ask a lot questtions? just an idea.

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Ok sorry about my poor explanations. :sad: Hope this is better.

- In the 2013sched.rar file above is the updated 2013 schedule in an xbox roster. Just copy and paste from that roster's schedules into an updated PC roster' schedule as explained below.

- schedule actual/ spring 52/ spring104/ spring162 are a straight copy and paste from that roster into a PC 2k12 roster as they are the same length.

- schedule current in a 2k12 roster has 783 lines or rows by default, 2k13 schedule current has 790 by default so you must add 7 lines or rows to the default 2k12 PC schedule current for it to fit properly. What I did was to clone 7 more lines, I then copy and pasted.

- schedule old in a 2k12 roster has 781 lines or rows by default, 2k13 schedule old has 782 by default so you must add 1 lines or row to the default 2k12 PC schedule current for it to fit properly. What I did was to clone 1 more line, I then copy and pasted.

-schedule older in a 2k12 roster has 781 lines or rows by default, 2k13 schedule older has 790 by default so you must add 9 lines or rows to the default 2k12 PC schedule older for it to fit properly. What I did was to clone 9 more lines, I then copy and pasted.

-schedule minors in a 2k12 roster has 1834 lines or rows by default, 2k13 schedule minors has 1867 by default so you must add 33 lines or rows to the default 2k12 PC schedule older for it to fit properly. What I did was to clone 33 more lines, I then copy and pasted.

As far as the minors schedule i'm not 100% if you even need to change it but I did.

I can't post a PC roster with the schedule change or lines (rows) added a I don't have the PC tables for reditor to edit those schedules.

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Sure hope it works for PC cause I never ordered the PC tables. :sad:

Wanted to re-add this as well so it doesn't get overlooked.

WARNING!! When simming Sim from the schedule screen and not the Headline screen as it will crash in years two and beyond if you do. I'm not sure why this is happening , maybe someone else can figure out why. I also notice there are some 5 game sets in year two, :sad: have to take a look at that.

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What is the purpose of Schedule_Cur? The doc say "Schedule_Cur – the regular season base for an initial schedule for MLB" but what does that really mean?

in 2k12 it is a 52 game Schedule for 26 teams, a 53 game Schedule for 4 teams, and 1 game Schedule for 4 teams

in 2k13 it is a 52 game Schedule for 13 teams, a 53 game Schedule for 16 teams, a 54 game Schedule for 1 team, and 1 game Schedule for 4 teams

Schedule_Cur seems to be about every 3rd game from Schedule_Actual, I think the key would be to recreate Schedule_Cur using Schedule_Actual so it matched the scheme from 2k12

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Maybe the "current" is somehow used if you play a shortened season? I forget exactly what they are but I think you can play a 52 game and one other length of seasons.

What i'd like to know is why i'm seeing a few 5 game sets in April in season two. They could have been there with the default schedule, i'm not sure.

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CUR, OLD, & OLDER seem to list the 1st game for each series.

I would guess you are seeing 5 game series has something to do with interleague play all season long

in 2k12 CUR, OLD, & OLDER all match what happened in real life, in 2k13 CUR matches real life while OLD & OLDER does not (they a also have interleague play all season)

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Ok i'm getting a freeze. The freeze happens after you quit your franchise, the game then attempts to reload the roster that you started with then it freezes. Simple work around though for now at least.

!!!The work around is to simply rename the roster in your saves folder that you started your franchise with (the one containing the 2013 schedule) to something different, then the game won't attempt to reload it upon saving. Works great and the franchise still saves and loads fine and you can continue using that roster for play now games.

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