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Stu Anderson

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  1. I've updated this file with the correct uniform and hat logos. The previous version simply has color corrected versions of the current logos.
  2. Here's the modified files. The Orioles file is stock but I think the Indians file has a modified manager's jacket in it. BAO_CLI.rar
  3. I'm still using the Chinese version as I don't think there is an english version to date. If you want I can edit the files for you and post an attachment with the modified files saving you the trouble of using the editor.
  4. It seems that editing anything about the Marlins causes the editor to spit out an error. Unless Ty updates his editor to account for the name change of the Marlins from Florida to Miami, there isn't much we can do. Also, make sure you delete (or uncheck it in the editor) the uniform_mim_cob.iff reference in the exported color file, or you will receive an error when importing it into a another roster. I kept getting the error when importing until I realized this.
  5. I've found those images inside the uniform_{team name}.iff files (The ones with the manager's jacket), but they are in a strange .BMP format. When I import a different logo, I seem to get a ghost image of the old logo whenever the image is small (ie score overlay, showing lineups on the field). Edit: Just tried saving the file as a .PNG with a transparent background and an alpha channel and importing it with a different editor (3DM NBA2K12 MOD) and it seemed to fix the image ghosting problem. Not sure why though.
  6. File Name: Chicago White Sox "Sunday" Red Jerseys & Half-Way to St. Paddy's Day Green Jerseys File Submitter: Stu Anderson File Submitted: 17 Apr 2012 File Updated: 22 Apr 2012 File Category: Uniforms and Accessories Here are two extra jerseys for the Chi White Sox; the Sunday Red jerseys they will be wearing this season for 13 games and their green Half Way to St. Paddy's Day jerseys. They are added to slots 459 and 466 using Ty's editor. I have included the color file to ease this process. Simply copy the .iff files to your main MLB 2K12 directory and import the color file via Ty's editor. Click here to download this file
  7. Version 2.0


    Here are two extra jerseys for the Chi White Sox; the Sunday Red jerseys they will be wearing this season for 13 games and their green Half Way to St. Paddy's Day jerseys. They are added to slots 459 and 466 using Ty's editor. I have included the color file to ease this process. Simply copy the .iff files to your main MLB 2K12 directory and import the color file via Ty's editor.
  8. Can somebody possibly upload the 4-10-12 2KShare rosters or at least directly to a link?
  9. Here's a quick mock up. I simply pasted the away pants over the alternate home uniform. If it's wrong, let me know. I've included the color file with it. The uniform will overwrite slot 468 using Ty's editor, but you can use any open slot you like by editing to color file. TOB_ALT_A.rar
  10. Can you post the uniform .iff file? Perhaps I can see what might be the issue may be.
  11. I'm currently in the process of adding additional uniforms to my roster, but I have encountered a problem. It seems the game wants to add created uniforms via the Create-A-Team function starting at slot 433. I, however, have already added a uniform to slot 434 which causes the game to crash upon entering Create-A-Team mode. Does anyone know which empty slots are safe or will all the empty slots eventually be filled with created uniforms? I'm simply curious as I don't want my uniform mods to cause anyone to lose any unsaved data if they happen to enter Create-A-Team.
  12. Version 3.0


    This is an updated pack for the 2012 New York Mets. You MUST have Ty Wiggin's Editor to properly add these uniforms to the game as they require adding additional uniform slots to the roster file. Included are updated batting practice uniforms (Home & Away), an updated Away uniform (NO BLACK), and extra away Black Alternate, and Home & Away Blue uniforms. Team color file is included with the additional slots added. They replace slots 434, 441, 443, and 444. Be sure to edit this file if you already have those slots in use. Always back up you files before adding these updates. Credit goes to DonSPa for the Gary Carter Patch idea.
  13. I'm currently trying to fix the Mets jerseys. It seems they have have last years colors and logos. I'm working on an updated pack that includes an extra black away alternate, updated batting practice (Home & Away), an alternate Blue home, and a corrected away jersey.
  14. Here's a little something I've been working on while trying to perfect my new uniform templates. They should make it available for download shortly.
  15. I was working on the 2010 home alternate, but you've already saved me the trouble. I've been playing around with a new uniform template that I might start using in my mods as well. It looks pretty good in-game. I might post it here once I get all the kinks worked out.
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