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    City Of Orange, CA

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  1. Not bad, though it is missing the halo. The early Angel caps had a stitched silver halo around the top of the cap. I don't know if it can be done in the file.
  2. I remember that Nitro played that Sid clip 10 times or more the night after it happened. You have to watch it once, I mean it's pretty sick, but it's still something you need to see. Lesnar's moonsault is pretty sick too, he was lucky he didn't die there. After that, he was obviously a zombie, there was nothing but a vacant stare, but somehow he and Angle were able to finish it.
  3. 1144 downloads

    HaloFan's Angel Stadium Of Anaheim Mod for Major League Baseball 2K9 Version 1.0 4/27/2009 So here we go, after nearly 4 years, I have returned with a full and complete mod of Angel Stadium...well at least as complete as 2K Sports will allow. Just about everything that can be altered has been. For those who don't know the story, this mod is one of the longest running stadium mods still being maintained, as I started modding Angel Stadium for High Heat Baseball back in 2001. From High Heat, to MVP Baseball and now MLB 2K9, my little mod has managed to stand for 8 years and three different game franchises. Unfortunately, due to the limitations that currently exist in our modding of 2K9, this stadium is a bit of a step back from the MVP version. But that's a discussion for another readme. Here's the rundown for this version Angel Stadium. Issues corrected: The original version of the stadium had incorrectly place the 370 distance marker in the deep center field area. This has been replaced with the correct 400 number. 2K Sports logos removed from various objected in the game, replaced with real life brands. Flags have been replaced with their real counterparts. Retired Numbers have been replaced with better and more accurate counterparts. Names can now be read. Dugout Tops and surrounding ring updated for 2009 Season. Out Of Town Scoreboard Updated to look more like its real life counterpart. 2010 All-Star Game and Nick Adenhart Memorial signs added. Issues Not Corrected: 2K Sports and Visual Concepts signs on the Right Field Scoreboard cannot be replaced at this time. Repeating Ads causes the game to have many ads in incorrect locations, and also forces me to not include all the ads that could be included. I've done my best to choose the most important ads to give the stadium a unique and local flavor, keeping local companies and major team sponsors as much as I can. Ads Included and repeated ad nauseum: AM 830 Aquafina at&t Orange at&t Red AutoTrader.com Barracuda Networks Best Buy/Geek Squad Carl's Jr. Coors Light Backyard BBQ Coors Light Billboard Corona Del Taco The FOX Nation freecreditreport.com Gatorade Howard's The Island Hotel Konica Minolta KTLA News Pechanga Pepsi Pepsi/Aquafina Bottles Stanley State Farm StubHub! Subway Vegas.com Yellowpages.com Instructions: Extract stadium_laa.iff to your Program Files\2K Sports\MLB 2K9 Folder Backup your original file if you wish to remove this mod.
  4. 463 downloads

    HaloFan's 2009 Anaheim Angels Uniforms for Major League Baseball 2K9 Version 1.0 4/26/2009 This is my first mod for 2K9, and my first released mod for any game in nearly 4 years. So bear with me as I get back into the swing of writing one of these files. There really isn't much to this mod. The Angels in 2009 are wearing two memorial patches on their uniforms. On the right sleeve is a diamond shaped patch for Preston Gomez, a longtime scout in the organization who passed away late last year. And on the chest near the heart, a circular patch honoring Nick Adenhart, the young pitcher who was killed hours after making his season debut. I have added the two patches to the Home, Road, Sleeveless, Red Alternate, and Cool Base Uniforms. In Addition, I have also provided road versions of the Batting Practice and Red Alternate Uniforms in the zip file. Instructions: Extract the 6 uniform files included here into your Program Files\2KSports\MLB 2K9 folder and overwrite the current files. If you wish to use the Road versions of the Red Alternate and Batting Practice uniforms, you will find those files in the Extra Uniforms Folder. They are named the same as the home versions, so you can just extract them to Program Files\2KSports\MLB 2K9 and overwrite. I would suggest renaming the two files so that you can switch back and forth, but that isn't necessary. If you wish to uninstall these uniforms, make sure you back up your original files before using mine.
  5. 3432 downloads

    HaloFans Angel Stadium Of Anaheim Mod for MVP Baseball 2005 THE PROTEST EDITION Night Version 1.0 Day Version 1.5 5/04/05 New for this version: The Night Version 1.0: After being unable to complete it for 2004, here is my first night release for the MVP game series. The night version features most of the same ads from the day version, as the real stadium has fewer rotating ads, and those that do change are repeated elsewhere in the park. I have made a few changes to ads. I've also used extensive lighting techniques to make some ads light up as they should, or appear to be backlit, or just made dark due to no lights. The Day Version 1.5: This is a minor update to correct minor problems with the first version, and to bring it up to date with the night version. I've also color corrected parts of the stadium (a special thank you to hyman for helping me out with this) in order to better represent how the stadium should look. The RF wall ads have been corrected for size, color, and placement on the wall. I've also created new dugout suites to replace the ugly ones I used in the original release. Finally, I've managed to reduce the file size of the mod by nearly 3 megs, which will hopefully make it more stable for those that had problems with the original release.
  6. 1160 downloads

    After a lot of soul searching, name calling, insults, arguments, and support, I finally made the decision to work on and complete this mod for 2005. Of course if you've been following the threads, you know that this mod comes with some controversy. This version of Angel Stadium Of Anaheim is being dubbed by me as the Protest Edition. Due to the disgusting and insulting name change, I have made several alterations to my Mod of the stadium in order to reflect my feelings toward the decision that has robbed me and 3 million people of their baseball team and their identity as residents of Orange County. I've replaced all ads in the stadium that were for the Angels official website with ads for savetheanaheimangels.com. The scoreboard ad for the Times has been removed and replaced by one for the Orange County Register, the areas only real local newspaper. I've also added Anaheim and Beat L.A. shirts to the crowd. Other than that, just about everything else in the mod is a spot on perfect representation of the real Angel Stadium Of Anaheim. The rest, is Angel Stadium Of Anaheim as it should be. I hope you enjoy using it.
  7. 789 downloads

    What you have downloaded is the most extensive photo release available today. All in all there are 190 photos of Past, Present, and Future Anaheim Players, Managers, and Announcers included in this photo set. You'll find updated 2005 player photos for every single Anaheim player in MVP Baseball 2005, along with photos of players not yet included in the game. I have updated the photos of three of the legends players who played for Anaheim in classic California caps. Also, I have made updated photos for many former Anaheim players in order to remove their Anaheim images from the game and give them the look of their current team. NOTE: My photos are done in the High Heat style of player photos, not the close up facial look of MVP. I prefer this look and will not be altering them to match the rest of the game. FINAL NOTE: Many of the photos in this set are for players not included in any roster set. To view these player photos, you need to add the PhotoID number listed below if you create these players for the game. Hory, and any roster editors, if you could use these numbers when you create your new roster updates, it would be most appreciated.
  8. 1821 downloads

    This file contains files for the following stadiums that will fix their working scoreboards to properly show runs, hits, and errors for both teams: Dolphins (Pro Player) Stadium Day Dolphins (Pro Player) Stadium Night Jacobs Field Day Miller Park Day Miller Park Night Safeco Field Day Safeco Field Night Shea Stadium Day Shea Stadium Night Tropicana Field NOTE: Jacobs Field Night does not need to be fixed. Also, if you use Pirates Jacobs Field Mod, you will not see the working scoreboard as he has covered it up. This fix will not damage any modded stadiums, it just effects what the working scoreboards display.
  9. 346 downloads

    This is just a simple update that will remove the swirling "New" icon that appears next to the Mini Games and Owner Mode options in the game menus. If you want to get rid of that icon, this is all you do: Extract this file (feonly.big) to this folder: C:Program FilesEA SPORTSMVP Baseball 2005datafrontend Overwrite the file that is there, and thats it! If you want to be safe, rename the feonly.big file in that folder feonly.bak, just in case you want that icon back.
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