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  1. 8235 downloads

    FoX 08 THEME v1.0 Includes all the FoX type overlays along with the other essentials. **I included my personal pitcher cam lines (FY87 FoX Pitcher cam lines.txt), which you can integrate in your own preferred datafile using your favorite text editor. These lines will also get the default pitch meter location in the spot shown in the video.** Thanks goes out to rmcguire for the great FoX broadcast audio! Hope you enjoy the experience.
  2. 6212 downloads

    TBS THEME v1.0 Includes all the tbs type overlays along with the other essentials. **I included my personal pitcher cam lines (FY87 tbs Pitcher cam lines.txt), which you can integrate in your own preferred datafile using your favorite text editor. These lines will also get the default pitch meter location in the spot shown in the video.** Edited the igshapes file so there is a strike, and hot/cold zones V2: included the rare but possible One Game Playoff occasion Thanks goes out to Hardcorelegend your screenshots were extremely helpful in making this! Hope you enjoy the experience.
  3. Im having issues as well, i recently started a dynasty and sporadically the game crashes during play. When i played in exhibition this never happened. Strange. Could it be due to the poor match between the models.big and your rosters when using the plusmaker?
  4. 535 downloads

    FY87's Fox 08 Logos V.1 For all 30 MLB teams only. To install: First backup your logos.big, in MVP Baseballdatafrontend folder then copy over the downloaded logos.big. This is made to support KSM's future Fox 08 overlay update. The baseball card logos will most likely be displayed out of proportion in the game. Whenever KSM releases his new Fox overlay he probably will fix the logo sizes etc. in the game so just be patient for that. Enjoy!
  5. 4560 downloads

    YES THEME! Designed only for all 30 MLB teams Features realistic behind the pitcher YES cam, along with strategically placed pitcher meter, for correct eye concentration. All the YES art visuals i could mod into the game without it crashing. Other added YES elements such as their little jingle, and updated logos. Enjoy! Thanks goes out to KSM, and Trues their past contributions made it possible for me to create this. Thanks also to the Yes Network for their awesome broadcast art! If you appreciate the work put into this please leave a paypal donation to southfire@msn.com
  6. 929 downloads

    There are 6 combo datafiles in all using the original datafile of spitoons + trues while i added KSMs ESPN+FOX V2.5 cameras ESPN~2,3,4 FOX~1,2,4 i also made the spitoons walk fix less stressful as the green meter was too thin etc I take no credit except the adjustments i made enjoy
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