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  1. Today
  2. Absolutely unbelievably sensational mate.
  3. Been slowed a little because I'm also a beta tester for OOTP 26 (which is awesome btw, as always). Going to try and get this wrapped up by tomorrow evening though.
  4. Crazy timing for me, I've just downloaded MVP 2005 for PC. I asked Grok3 automation what baseball games exist for PC (since there are none on Steam) and it basically led me here. Said I could get the 2024 Rosters, then I saw this post. Awesome! My brother and I played this on PS2 back when it was new gen, absolutely the best baseball game of all time in my book.
  5. 8 out of 10, 114 seconds. A decent day although very slow.
  6. Padres signed INF Jose Iglesias to a minor league contract.
  7. As much as possible yes... every team's A ball players should be very young prospects anyway, I've not just filled the rosters with spare vets at that level. Here's the Salem Red Sox, just as an example
  8. Hello everyone! It's been a while since I last posted on this forum. So to set things straight, let's picture this: [INTRO - STORYTIME] You're some guy who's played MVP Baseball on an old PC when you were a little kid, and now you miss those times. Nowadays, you have a brand new, powerful laptop, running Windows 11, with an RTX Graphics Card, a powerful processor... You know, a strong setup. And you think, that by having such a powerful system, you should have no problem when running MVP Baseball 2005 in said laptop. Until you run into two problems, first one being, there's no CD Drive to insert the MVP Baseball 2005 CD into. "Oh but I can just figure it out by buying an external CD Drive that can read the CD, or I could just make some kind of no cd patch or use tools that imports the CD into an .iso file!". Okay, then your first problem is solved. But then you run into another one. One that's very common amongst modern computers: Your game just won't work. You try everything, you run compatibility mode? Nothing. You try and run it on Administrator? Nope. Won't work either. Nothing is working. One would think that they have no choice but to either install a Windows XP VM, or just give up like I did for a while, and not play MVP Baseball on PC anymore, as there's no other solution to our problems. ... But what if there actually was, indeed, a solution to our problems? [WHY IS MVP BASEBALL POSSIBLY NOT RUNNING ON YOUR MODERN PC?] The reason MVP Baseball 2005 is not running in your modern Windows 10/11 PC, is that it most likely is having compatibility issues with Direct3D. And since the DirectX Version of such game is old and outdated, there's just no support for it on Windows 11, which would leave us on a checkmate situation, without the possibility of running the game on PC. That is, until I found a really useful tool. [THE SOLUTION] It all lies on an open-source, retro-compatibility program named dgVoodoo2. Which you guys can download and use in this website here. I couldn't believe it at first, but when I tried it, and had the delight to see the game running, I'm telling you, my reaction of pure joy was priceless. [HOW DO I INSTALL DGVOODOO2 TO MAKE MY MVP BASEBALL 2005 COPY WORK?] The formula is actually simple. To begin, install your MVP Baseball 2005 copy like you normally would. There's no difference in those steps. You don't want to install any mod to the game though. (I haven't really tested if mods will work with this workaround, but hey, at least you get the game you loved back, right?). Once you've installed the game in your computer, you want to enter the dgVoodoo2 website here --> Downloads - Dege's stuffs Once you've entered the website, you want to download dgVoodoo v2.84.1 - for regular usage, in the stable releases (the version may change if there's a new update in dgVoodo2's website, so beware of that). This will dow nload a zip. You wanna extract that bad boy into your desired folder, and you want to open the program "dgVoodooCpl.exe" first. Run it as an administrator! Once you're there, you want the settings to look similar to these ones I made, you can tweak them if you want, that is up to you: Once you've done that, hit on "Apply" changes, then hit "OK". A file named "dgVoodoo.conf" should've been created in the dgVoodo folder. Move the "dgVoodoo.conf" file to wherever your MVP Baseball 2005 installation is. You want to copy that file into the same directory where the "mvp2005.exe" file is. We're not done yet. Go back to the dgVoodo2 folder, then enter this directory: MS --> x86. Select all of the files there, and move them to wherever your MVP Baseball 2005 installation is. You want to copy those .DLL files into the same directory where the "mvp2005.exe" file is And voilà, you just fixed your problem, you should now be able to run MVP Baseball 2005 with no further issues. I hope this tutorial was helpful, and I hope that this has finally solved, at least, part of the issues for Modern PC players. Best of luck to all of you! Mega PS: I'm also adding my dgVoodo.conf file so you guys can download it and paste it on your MVP Baseball 2005 folder if you want. It's up to you whether you wanna configure that file on your own or if you want to use my setup. dgVoodoo.conf
  9. Braves signed INF Matthew Batten to a minor league contract. Red Sox signed RHP José De León to minor league contract. Cubs re-signed RHP Yency Almonte to a minor league contract.
  10. how you looking, you always want to make backups before using mods, really hate seeing people learn the hard way hope you were able to save your franchise mode
  11. this is awesome! ○( ^皿^)っ
  12. Posting today. Every people here look and reviuw to. Take to help You make a great job.
  13. 4/10, 76 seconds. A lot of difficult questions today.
  14. Yesterday
  15. 5/10, 48 seconds. Rugby and auto racing questions made it difficult today.
  16. Oh mate, I’m sooooo looking forward to this. Looks like you’ve done a brilliant job
  17. Saying that this is an incredible amount of work would be an understatement. Thank you for your dedication 👏
  18. Should be releasing this in the next day or two. Just need to play test it a bit to make sure there are no crashes or other issues. I'm acutely aware that changing rosters as much as I have and creating dozens of new players increases the chances of something going doink... so just want to make sure as best as I can 👍
  19. 3out of 10, 95 seconds. Rugby questions. What the hell?
  20. 6/10, 49 seconds. I got the golf questions right but I missed the soccer ones. Go figure.
  21. sesaif

    Roki Sasaki

    Excellent work
  22. Last week
  23. Brewers signed LHP Jose Quintana to a one-year contract. Pirates claimed RHP Justin Lawrence off waivers from the Rockies. Braves signed RHP Hector Neris to a minor league contract.
  24. 5 out of 10, 84 seconds. A bad day all around. A lousy score and I have a cough and a cold that is knocking me for a loop.
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