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looking to accquire mvp baseball 2005 pc cd
JeffIsSoGreat replied to ikz's topic in Left Field (Off-Topic)
What do you mean by ball lag? I am new to this MVP/PC world within the last few days, and I was able to get the PC version working from Abandonware with a few minor tweaks and it seems to run pretty well. The biggest tweak related to sniping single DLL files that would have likely been tied to the old version of DirectX that doesn't want to install because it is so dated. Thinking out loud here: if your issue is related to the modern OS, will the disc version actually help you? To install the game I had to mount both discs which should be identical to the CD Rom. It was crucial for me to find d3dx9_27.dll because it was required but would not install because the old DirectX version was rejected due to newer versions being around. - Today
Linowood changed their profile photo
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looking to accquire mvp baseball 2005 pc cd
Yankee4Life replied to ikz's topic in Left Field (Off-Topic)
Keep on checking eBay. It may not be there today or tomorrow but it will be posted. -
That front end looks soooo great buddy, getting goosebumps 😀😀
Definitely the good old days, I was creating a prospect on the original game last night. I was a solid closer through birth year of 1987 was the earliest you could move the date to. I was 17 when that game came out! I'm damn near 40 now! What gets me is how much the songs in the game itself create flashbacks to good memories building franchises with my brother during summer break. Some of the songs I hadn't heard since the last time I played this game! Very glad Grok led me to this community! Has been fun getting reacquainted.
the good old days
Makes me feel old 😄👴
Vammy joined the community
hello mvpmods, ive given up on trying to make the cracked version of mvp baseball 2005 work properly (ball lag). im looking to purchase a copy of the game, to my findings, there isn't one copy available online. does anyone on this site have extra copies or have advice on how i can acquire a copy of mvp baseball 05 easier thank you, ken
Linowood joined the community
20 years, unbelievable
That's sick man, I can't wait to finally have updated baseball on PC. I updated 2K11 but it's just not as good as MVP from my chair. Giving OOTP25 a shot right now to see how I like that, but I'm enjoying replaying even the stock MVP 2005. Can't wait to play your MVP 2025!
Greens91 joined the community
Been updating some of the front end graphics (loading screens, background pics etc..). Here's a sneak peak...
4 out of 10, 81 seconds. What a bad week.
6/10 72 seconds.
6/10, 53 seconds. I usually do better in this category.
8/10, 41 seconds
Kyzo_Hoshino joined the community
Only one cuestion my friend What is your model base for this exelent worck?
BernieBaseball changed their profile photo
- Last week
7/10, 58 seconds. Very happy with this score.
Absolutely unbelievably sensational mate.
This is gonna be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Been slowed a little because I'm also a beta tester for OOTP 26 (which is awesome btw, as always). Going to try and get this wrapped up by tomorrow evening though.
Gbbengals123 joined the community
nectaly started following wuilmer26f
Crazy timing for me, I've just downloaded MVP 2005 for PC. I asked Grok3 automation what baseball games exist for PC (since there are none on Steam) and it basically led me here. Said I could get the 2024 Rosters, then I saw this post. Awesome! My brother and I played this on PS2 back when it was new gen, absolutely the best baseball game of all time in my book.
8 out of 10, 114 seconds. A decent day although very slow.
Padres signed INF Jose Iglesias to a minor league contract.