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Total Classics

60 files

  1. Total Classics *61

    *61 was a very Special Season in Baseball History: Expansion had begun, Ruth's 60 home run record was broken (although with an " * ") and perhaps even more noticeable was the coming of the '60s ------ Yes, it was a Special Time in Baseball as well as a Special Time in America

    "The M&M Boys" (Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris) became THE single most important story in the 1961 season as both New York Yankee teammates raced to beat Babe Ruth's single-season homerun record of sixty. After going head-to-head for several months, Mantle fell out of the race due to a serious hip infection that required hospitalization. Maris pressed on and finally topped "The Bambino" during the final game of the season with number 61* off Tracy Stallard of the Boston Red Sox.


    The Total Classics *61 mod brings you the sights and sounds of the 1961 baseball season. Besides rosters, portraits, uniforms and audios, the mod provides themed menu and loading screens, stadium select screens with actual stadium photos and correct 1960's era stadiums.

    We hope this recreation of the 1961 Major League Baseball season brings enjoyment to both the seasoned veterans of our MVPMods family as well as the much younger members that would like to take a trip back to see what it was all like in those wonderful days of the very early '60s. This project is a mere continuation of the overall Total Classics phenomena which has taken hold here at MVPMods.


    Much credit needs to be extended to the "Entire" Total Classics Team for creating such an interest in Oldtime Classic Baseball. We hope this project ignites a real interest in the recreation of entire seasons.

    Much "Thanks" & "Appreciation" to the so many MVPModders that have contributed so much to the overall Total Classics experience and continue to do so today. This includes those Cyberface modders; Stadium modders; Uniform modders; Roster modders; Audio modders; Bats & Balls & ALL !!! To Everyone "Thanks so much for the Joy you have brought to so Many of Us!".

    *61 Specific Credits:

    Sandman: Portraits, Overlays, CTS, Theme Screens, Loading Screens, Uniforms, Logos, 1961 Jukebox Music, InGame Music

    Hory: Complete 1961 Schedule, Correct Organization Alignment and Team Name announcing.

    Stecropper: Rosters

    FuzZ: "Leader of da Pak" a.k.a. Creator of the "Click to Classics" phenomena ............

    Jim825: Installer

    Our Special "Thanks" are extended to Thome for his discovery of how to do Flapless Helmets which are implemented throughout the *61 project.

    *** I guess it is easy to see from above that this is truly a Sandman Work of Art - "Thanks Sandy" ****** but it's the Rosters that make the game -"Thanks Don"


    Don and Sandy




    1. Added OTBJoel's Legends from the Booth audio

    2. Updated portraits

    3. Updated rosters


    1. Uniforms reflecting the early '60s

    2. Uniform Select Screens improved

    3. Oldtime Stadiums aligned with proper teams

    4. Stadium Select Screens added

    5. All Pitchers now have their correct pitch types

    6. Face additions

    7. Audio additions

    8. New Walkup Ditties

    9. Minor adjustments to player ratings

    10. All Star Teams now represented

    11. New installer included


    Initial release


       (5 reviews)



  2. Total Classics 1927

    With an all-star lineup known as "Murderer's Row", the New York Yankees outscored their opponents by nearly four-hundred runs and hit .307 as a team. Babe Ruth set the original single season mark with sixty home runs which was more than any other American League team had combined. Outfield counterparts, Earle Combs in center and Bob Meusel in left, hit .356 and .337 respectively. Lou Gehrig had his first big season, batting .373 with forty-seven home runs and a league leading one-hundred seventy-five runs batted in. Second year man Tony Lazzeri ranked third in the American League with eighteen home runs.

    The Yankees' grand finale for the 1927 season, the World Series, was the quickest ever played and lasted only seventy-four hours and fifteen minutes. They became the first American League team to sweep a World Series, and it was only the second four game sweep in World Series history. The Yankees trailed a total of only two innings during the entire series out scoring the Pirates 23-10. Pittsburgh, only once, managed to score more than one run in an inning (during Game 4).


    The Total Classics 1927 mod brings you the sights and sounds of the 1927 baseball season. Besides rosters, portraits, uniforms and audios, the mod provides themed menu and loading screens, stadium select screens with actual stadium photos, 1920's/1930's jukebox and batter walkup music and correct 1920's era stadiums for every team.




    Updates by Jim825:

    1. Tweaked roster attributes (speed, contact, power)
    2. Added accurate 1927 schedule
    3. Added historical uniforms for all teams
    4. Added audio (team names, stadium names, player names)
    5. Added 1920's / 1930's Jukebox Music
    6. Added 1920's / 1930's Walkup Music
    7. Added new and updated stadiums (Fenway Park, League Park, Shibe Park, Braves Field)
    8. Added new classic overlay
    9. Added cyberfaces


    Initial release by Sal


       (7 reviews)

    1 comment


  3. Total Classics '98

    In a year where America was gripped by the race for Roger Maris' Single Season Homerun Record and the Yankees persuit of greatness, MVP Baseball users finally have the chance to change and relive history!

    So many people need to be thanked for this project that I can't fit it here, but they are credited in the Readme and the License/CTS screen! Although I have been granted the permission of Project leaders that I've used work from, if there is anything included that you wish not to be used in the mod, please contact me so I can remove it.

    Also, if there are any issues found in the mod, please post so I can address these issues!

    I hope you enjoy this mod as much as I hated making it!


       (9 reviews)



  4. Total Classics Best of the 80s & 90s

    The Total Classics Best of the 80's and 90's mod brings together some of the best teams of the 1980's and 90's for dynasty play. Each major league team has a 1980's or 90's team selected from Total Classics Phase 10 or a newly created team.

    The following teams are included:

    AL East

    1983 Baltimore Orioles
    1986 Boston Red Sox
    1992 Toronto Blue Jays
    1998 New York Yankees
    1998 Tampa Bay Devil Rays -- NEW TEAM

    AL Central

    1983 Chicago White Sox
    1984 Detroit Tigers
    1985 Kansas City Royals -- NEW TEAM
    1991 Minnesota Twins
    1999 Cleveland Indians

    AL West

    1986 California Angels
    1990 Oakland A's
    1996 Texas Rangers
    1997 Seattle Mariners

    NL East

    1986 New York Mets
    1993 Atlanta Braves
    1993 Philadelphia Phillies
    1994 Montreal Expos
    1997 Florida Marlins

    NL Central

    1980 Houston Astros
    1982 Milwaukee Brewers
    1987 St. Louis Cardinals
    1989 Chicago Cubs
    1990 Cincinnati Reds
    1991 Pittsburgh Pirates

    NL West

    1988 Los Angeles Dodgers
    1989 San Francisco Giants
    1995 Colorado Rockies
    1998 San Diego Padres
    2001 Arizona Diamondbacks




    Initial release


       (9 reviews)



  5. Total Classics Best of the 70s & 80s

    The Total Classics Best of the 70's and 80's mod brings together some of the best teams of the 1970's and 80's for dynasty or exhibition play. Each of the 26 major league teams in existence before 1990 has a 1970's or 80's team selected from Total Classics Phase 9 and Total Classics 1978.

    The 1978 Major League schedule is used for dynasty play and the divisions are setup as follows:

    AL West

    1974 Oakland A's
    1977 Kansas City Royals
    1974 Chicago White Sox
    1987 Minnesota Twins
    1974 Texas Rangers
    1973 California Angels

    AL Central

    1978 Seattle Mariners
    1978 Toronto Blue Jays

    AL East

    1978 Milwaukee Brewers
    1977 New York Yankees
    1975 Boston Red Sox
    1983 Baltimore Orioles
    1976 Detroit Tigers
    1975 Cleveland Indians

    NL West

    1975 Cincinnati Reds
    1977 Los Angeles Dodgers
    1980 Houston Astros
    1980 Atlanta Braves
    1989 San Francisco Giants

    NL Central

    1980 Montreal Expos
    1978 San Diego Padres

    NL East

    1979 Pittsburgh Pirates
    1989 Chicago Cubs
    1980 Philadelphia Phillies
    1973 New York Mets
    1987 St. Louis Cardinals




    Initial release


       (3 reviews)



  6. Total Classics 1988

    In Game One of the 1988 World Series at Dodger Stadium, the Los Angeles Dodgers trailed the Oakland Athletics 4-3 in the bottom of the ninth inning when the Dodgers' Kirk Gibson, badly injured in the NLCS against the New York Mets, hobbled to the plate to pinch-hit against Oakland's lethal closer, Dennis Eckersley.

    With two outs, a 3-2 count against him, and Mike Davis on second base, Gibson used his upper body and wrists to launch a backdoor slider from Eckersley into the right-field stands for a 5-4 Los Angeles victory. Gibson's home run re-energized the underdog Dodgers and shattered the confidence of the A's, who lost the series in five games.

    It inspired the coining of the phrase "walk-off home run," and is widely regarded as one of the greatest moments in baseball history.


    The Total Classics 1988 mod brings you the sights and sounds of the 1988 baseball season. Besides rosters, portraits, uniforms and audios, the mod provides themed menu and loading screens, stadium select screens with actual stadium photos.




    1. Added 30 new / updated faces

    2. Added 4 stadium updates (Candlestick Park, Kauffman Stadium, Jack Murphy Stadium, Yankee Stadium)

    3. Updated rosters with correct ages and salaries

    4. Included 1988 schedule fix that was released after TC1988 had initially been released


    Initial release


    *** INSTALLATION ***

    Installation can be done using the supplied installer or by manually copying the files to your game folder.


    *** NOTES ***

    A) It is recommended that you install Total Classics 1988 over a clean install of MVP Baseball 2005 with at least up to Patch #2.

    This mod was built for the complete replay of the 1988 Major League Baseball Season. Dynasty Mode for a single season is recommended, however, the mod has been completely tested for Exhibition mode as well.

    C) Only the 26 major league teams (and All-Star teams) from 1988 have been created. The other 4 major league teams have their default 2005 rosters. These extra teams do not appear in the game schedules and their player attributes are the default MVP 2005 settings. In addition, only text changes have been made to the Minor League teams. Roster, logo, and audio changes will come in future releases.

    D) If you play a dynasty, it is HIGHLY recommended that you TURN OFF trades & injuries to maintain the opening day 25 man rosters intact throughout the season.

    E) Most teams have accurate 1988 uniforms. An effort has been made so that each team's home and away uniforms are in the default slots. The same has been for the select screens as well.

    F) You MUST use a profile that unlocks the classic uniforms. If you do not, some of the uniforms in this mod may not appear in the game.

    G) An MVPEdit file named 'TC1988.mbe' is included with the mod.


    This project is an extension of Total Classics. Credit needs to be extended to the entire Total Classics team for creating such an interest in Oldtime Classic Baseball. Hopefully this mod will inspire others to create more full season mods.

    Thanks and appreciation also go out to the the many MVPModders that have contributed so much to the overall Total Classics experience and continue to do so today. This includes those Cyberface modders, Stadium modders, Uniform modders, Roster modders, Audio modders, etc.

    Some of the material from Total Classics, Total Classics *61, Total Classics 1967 and Total Classics 1978 was used (with permission) in the Total Classics 1988 mod.

    Those responsible for material developed specifically for Total Classics 1988:

    Rosters: tebjr, AlexTony, Jim825, stecropper

    Audio: Hory, AlexTony, Homer, TxDodger73, Kraw, tebjr

    Stadiums: Pirate, SeanO, Paulw, HardcoreLegend, Hory

    Faces: Homer, jscand, jogar84, Kraw, baseballfans, Veesmack, bodhiball

    Uniforms: RoyalBlues, fizzjob, Homer, redsox, Hory, tebjr

    Portraits: tebjr, AlexTony

    Frontend: Jim825, Kraw, tebjr

    Logos: Jim825

    Overlay: Trues

    Installer: Jim825

    Consulting: Jim825, AlexTony, stecropper, Kraw, Hory





       (5 reviews)



  7. Total Classics 2005 Phase 10


    The Total Classics mod provides 120 classic teams covering the years 1906 - 2006. Besides rosters, portraits, uniforms, faces and audios, the mod provides themed menu screens and loading screens, stadium select screens with actual stadium photos, classic overlays and classic stadiums.

    The modifications used are done for the sole purpose to view/hear past MLB baseball refences. All modifications were done and created voluntarily with personally owned materials and software programs. Some materials were referenced from several personal sites. There is NO monetary request and/or gain to anyone associated with this mod. The modification is to be viewed and heard with NO commercial or personal monetary gains for anyone. There is no association with this mod and EA Sports, MLB the MLBPA and NBHOF of any kind. Simply a mod to have fun!

    Phase Information
    Phase 1: AAA(30) and AA(30) League Replacements with 60 of the best classic

    Phase 2: 30 Single A League Replacements

    Phase 3: 30 MLB League Replacements

    Phase 4: Finally got some in-game screen modifications. More audio, more
    cyberfaces, PaulW's final old-time Yankee Stadium, more roster tweaks
    and more player name announcements. More, More, More! The list just
    goes on and on. This mod rocks, that's all!

    Phase 5: More stadiums, themes, stadium select screens, loading screens, more
    accurate roster tweaks, 1948 St. Louis Browns replaced by the 1942
    St. Louis Browns, more cyberfaces, more portraits.

    Phase 6: More stadiums, more stadium select screens, more in depth player
    ratings, attribute tweaking, team tendencies & appearances, more
    cyberfaces, more portraits, more uniforms, more audios, flapless
    batting helmets, classic gloves, era-appropriate batter walkup music,
    stats visible for all teams, proper titles for jukebox music.

    Phase 7: More accurate pitching rotations, contact and power attributes
    for all pitchers adjusted, new uniforms, new faces, new audios, new
    portraits, new stadiums (Anaheim Stadium, 1950's Wrigley Field,
    1967 Fenway Park, Atlanta Fulton County Stadium, Three Rivers Stadium,
    Riverfront Stadium, Kingdome, Arlington Stadium, Exhibition Stadium),
    three new teams added: 1939 New York Yankees replace the 1962 Boston
    Red Sox, 1994 Chicago White Sox replace the 1912 Philadelphia Athletics,
    1954 Cubs replace the 1964 Cubs.

    -include Trues' Camera Datafile Mod 1.5

    Phase 8 Gold: 1940 Reds replace the 1977 Reds, 2004 Red Sox replace the 1906 Cubs,
    2006 Tigers replace the 1978 Dodgers, added classic intro movies, added
    new audios, new faces,new portraits, new stadiums (60's Comiskey Park,
    updated Baltimore Memorial Stadium, Sicks' Stadium, Colt Stadium,
    L.A. Wrigley Field,updated Metropolitan Stadium, updated Shibe Park).

    Phase 9: New uniforms for 1918, 1941, 1967, 1986 Red Sox and 1989 Cubs, new
    faces, over 1500 new audios, new jukebox music, roster tweaks, new
    menu text, new Total Classics game logo, new CTS screen, additional
    intro movie, new stadium (1956 Milwaukee County Stadium), stadium select
    screens for every stadium, new overlays with Classic Overlay Installer.

    Phase 10: 1933 Giants replace the 1977 Yankees, updated catcher's gear on 1960's
    teams, updated uniforms for 1969 Cubs, 1969 Twins, 1987 Cardinals, 1987 Twins
    and 1998 Yankees, new jukebox music, new splash and CTS screen, over 150
    new and updated faces, over 50 updated portraits, roster tweaks, updated
    stadiums (1956 Milwaukee County Stadium, Astrodome, Candlestick Park,
    Crosley Field, Forbes Field, Olympic Stadium, Classic Yankee Stadium).


       (22 reviews)



  8. Total Classics 1969

    Professional baseball's centennial year began with the expansion of both leagues to 12 teams and the introduction of division play in both leagues, as Montreal and San Diego joined the National League and Seattle and Kansas City (Royals) the American League. Because pitchers had become overly dominant in the game, the mound was lowered and the strike zone shrunk to spruce up the hitting.

    Other news items included:
    Ken Harrelson, who created an uproar by refusing to report after Boston traded him to Cleveland, and only did so after a significant pay raise;

    Donn Clendenon, who refused to be traded to Houston by Montreal and wound up in New York with the Mets;

    Mickey Mantle, who could no longer fight injury and age called it quits before the season opened;

    Ted Williams, who returned to uniform as the manager of the Washington Senators.

    None of these events, including the firing at season's end of Billy Martin of the Western Division champion Minnesota Twins, or the bankruptcy of the Seattle Pilots in their first and only year of existence could equal the biggest surprise in baseball's long history…
    The “MIRACLE of the “AMAZING METS !

    Oh, But perhaps the United States Landing a Man on the Moon in July of 1969 is also fairly memorable too !

    Yes, it was a Special Year in Baseball in 1969. While Baseball was celebrating it first 100 Years across America the turbulent 60's were ending. Without question “The Times They Had Forever Changed!" as the ultimate faith of the Vietnam War had become reality. America would never be the same and neither would her National Pastime… BASEBALL !

    We hope this recreation of the 1969 Season and the 100th Anniversary of Major League Baseball brings enjoyment to both the seasoned veterans as well as the much younger Total Classics enthusiast that would like to trip back to see, hear & feel what it was all like in those wonderful days as the '60s were winding down and America was bracing for the arrival of the 70's.

    This project is a mere continuation of Total Classics. Much credit needs to be extended to the "Entire" Total Classics Team for creating such an interest in Oldtime Classic Baseball. We hope this project is just a continuation of many more Full Seasons Mods to come.

    Much " Thanks " & " Appreciation " to the so many MVPModders that have contributed so much to the overall Total Classics experience and continue to do so today. This includes those Cyberface modders; Stadium modders; Uniform modders; Roster modders; Audio modders; Bats Balls & ALL !!!

    To Everyone "Thanks So Much for the Joy you have brought to so Many of Us!"

    TC69 Specific Credits:

    Yanks763 & Nick: Logos

    Homer: Uniforms & many Cyberfaces

    JoelDeLeon: Overlays; Box Score and many Oldtime Screens; Sounds and other Special Oldtime effects.

    Hory: Complete 1969 Schedule, Team Name & Stadium announcing.

    Stecropper: Rosters; In-game Music; Juke Box Music; Batter Walk-up Ditties, CTS, Theme Screens, Loading Screens.,

    AlexTony: Play by Play & Public Address Audios & Rosters

    Jim825: Installer & Consulting & Support

    Our Special "Thanks" to the hundreds of other contributors as so many of their creations go into making these Full Seasons Mods seem to "Come to Life". In particular to all the fabulous Classic Stadium modders such as Pirate; Sean-O; PaulW; Hardcorelegend etc.

    I cannot allow myself not to mention the immense importance of the FuzZ, Robert Glass, Krawitham & Tywiggins Mods that so greatly enhance this Oldtime Game. Man - You Guys are phenomenal to say the least.



    1. Tweaked some player attributes
    2. Updated Jerry Grote (NY Mets) portrait
    3. Added 1969 umpire uniforms.


    Initial release

    *** TIDBITS ***

    A ) This mod was built for the complete replay of the 1969 Major League Baseball Season. Thus, the use of Dynasty Mode for a single season is recommended. Although other Major League teams are represented in this mod and should be essentially correct they have not been fully tested but likely are OK to use in Exhibition Play.

    B ) Although some Minor League Teams are fairly well represented these also have not been tested and it is "HIGHLY RECOMMENDED" that you “TURN OFF" Trades & Injuries to maintain the opening day 25 man rosters intact throughout the season.

    C ) It is recommended that you install TC69 over a clean install of MVP Baseball 2005 with at least up to Patch #2.

    D ) It will be necessary for you to install a Profile that UnLocks all Classic Uniforms.

    E) In the directory where you install TC1969 you will find a subdirectory named “TC69 Extras". This directory includes:

    1) The most up todate MVPEdit .mbe file for TC69. It is recommended that you import this .mbe file to capture any potential last minute minor updates.

    2) A file named “Sliders.doc" which are the slider setting used to validate the realism & accuracy of this mod during CPU vs CPU style games. You may choose to try these out.

    3) A file named “Glass_Profile.sav" which is a profile to unlock everything. This file should be placed in your “My DocumentsMVP Baseball 2005" directory if you care to use it.

    4) A copy of the TC69 Readme file.


       (7 reviews)



  9. Total Classics 2005 Phase 2

    Donations aren't for putting food on the table. It is a sign of your appreciation whether you donate 25cents or 5 cents. Donating to me or any of the following members directly encourages them to keep working on this tremendous project. Just like last year, donations will be split among the members after phase 3. Even a simple thank you letter or a pm to any of the members is enough to keep us going Team Classics Members ---------------------- Stecropper - roster dude 60s Teams Professional AlexTony - roster dude Portrait Supreme Capa - roster dude extraordinare( beats himself up deciding which 3 guys to cut from a 25 man squad,lol) Cartersyard- Team Classics Spiritual Advisor and Graphics Guy Yanks763 - Team Logos Artist - (about 95 percent of all logos are his i believe) Kccitystar - Logo Refinement Division BigBully - 1962 Los Angeles Dodgers Logo Set SandMan - Uniforms up the whazzooO Thome25 - uniforms - crawfords,yankees,red sox, probably many more from last year. Rolie - boy oh boy, i dont even know where to start. 41 Yanks uniforms, 1908 Cubs Unis, ebbets field, 65 reds unis, Brooklyn Dodger unis, etc.etc. P. Bernard - face specialist FuzZ - packaging, logos, assigning portraits, creating portrait fsh, loc file editing, uniform installing, and i guess all the little things that connects everyone elses efforts. Great job guys.


       (1 review)



  10. Total Classics Walk Through History

    The Total Classics Walk Through History mod brings together some of the best teams from the early 1900's through the early 1950's for dynasty play. The following teams selected from Total Classics Phase 9 are included:

    1908 Chicago Cubs
    1909 Pittsburgh Pirates
    1918 Boston Red Sox
    1919 Chicago White Sox
    1924 Washington Senators
    1927 New York Yankees
    1929 Philadelphia Athletics
    1933 New York Giants <--- New Team!
    1934 St. Louis Cardinals
    1935 Detroit Tigers
    1940 Cincinnati Reds
    1942 St. Louis Browns
    1948 Cleveland Indians
    1949 Brooklyn Dodgers
    1950 Philadelphia Phillies
    1951 Boston Braves

    Besides rosters, portraits, uniforms and audios, the mod provides historically themed menu and loading screens, stadium select screens with actual stadium photos, classic jukebox music, classic batter walkup music and correct classic stadiums for every team.


       (4 reviews)



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