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Creative works derived from the MLB 2K series by 2K Sports

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  1. Headtrip47 MLB2k22 Roster

    I upload the roster first, portraits to follow because my internet connection is so weak...
    Do not Reupload, Copy paste on your roster without my Permission.
    2022 Roster Updated.. batting line ups and Pitching Rotations base on opening day...100 top prospects included.
    2022 Season Schedule Included. 
    Salary, Contract and Service Years Updated..
    2021 Stats and Ratings for Players who played that season. Some top prospect who not made debut still has no stats and ratings..
    Team Stats, Team Standing last 2021 Season updated.
    Batting Stance, pitching motions updated, also pitch types via baseballsavant...
    Portraits for all 40man roster including players made debut..
    Global Id and Cf Id base on Kccitystar mastersheet...
    Change the birth years down to 10 years so that the age is correct at this time..
    Some players need to overwrite to make some new players so you will hear different names...
    Make a custom global id number for new players starting at 10000 and cfid 10000...
    This is only beta.. thanks for the help bostonico, wuilmer... 


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