137 files
Overlay WBC
By MaceoYK25
Hace algún tiempo atrás incursioné en los mods de MVP y hice algunas cositas como esta. No es lo mejor que pueda existir, pero yo lo disfruté mucho. Espero uds lo disfruten también. Saludos a todos
90s MSG Overlay
By BallFour
This is an overlay mod for the MSG overlay used during Yankees broadcasts in the mid to late 90s. It isn't a perfect replica, but it's as close to the real thing as I can get. Included are music and graphics files. The graphics are largely based on the awesome MVP 13 overlay.
Installation Instructions
To install, simply use TiT. If you wish to add the .big files to your directories, the igonly.big can be added to your data/frontend folder and the audio file will be added to the audio/cd/bdcst_mx folder. As always, please remember to back up your files.
1979-86 NBC/WGAL-TV 8 Overlays
By eskie01
Here is the 1979-86 NBC Overlays. All you need to do is copy the igonly.big file into your data/frontend folder, but make sure you backup your current file first.
I don't have the nice original backup proof that I had for the 1971 overlay, but I did do the research in the NBC site and a few others, to mention that this version can be used from 1979 to 1986 give or take. If I can find anything like the 83 ALCS or any other games for sure in that time frame that sports the NBC logo, I'll fit them in for a screen shot.
Late 60's-1971 NBC/local network Overlays
By eskie01
Here is the Late 60's-Early 70's NBC Overlay with the local network logo WGAL TV from Lancaster/Lebanon, PA. My Dad & I watched the Game of the Week, Sunday afternoon Phillies games and eventually Monday Night Baseball which went 1972-75 according to the documentation that I found on the internet. The original baseball pics are from the 1st night World Series game, game 4 of the 1971 World Series, and the 1971 All Star Game as well.
To install...just copy the igonly.big file into your frontend folder but before you do, make sure you backup first in case you don't like it. If you have any question, just shoot me a note!
fox sports
By juniorabad
Ojo Instrucciones ............
C: \ Archivos de programa \ EA SPORTS \ MVP Baseball 2015 \ data \ frontend: ingame, igonly
C: \ Archivos de programa \ EA SPORTS \ MVP Baseball 2015 \ data \ audio \ cd \ bdcst_mx: bdcstdatC: \ Archivos de programa \ EA SPORTS \ MVP Baseball 2015 \ Data \ igshapes: igcrsrEspero Que disfruten este Trabajo897 downloads
Sports Net
By juniorabad
Primero darle gracias a DIOS x darme la sabiduría de terminar el proyecto Cambios del overlay Estadísticas de bateo mejorado y cambiada de posición, pizarra de entre inning igual q en la vida real también se mejoró la alineación al bate Por favor hágamelo saber si tiene algún problema First thank God x give me the wisdom to complete the project Overlay changes Batting statistics improved and repositioned , slate q between inning like in real life is also improved alignment to bat Please let me know if you have any problemsC:\Program Files\EA SPORTS\MVP Baseball 2005
ESPN Overlay 2014
By bctrackboi11
bctrackboi11's Seabag: ESPN Overlay
This is something I've never tried before and I decided to give it a shot. I tried my best to create and ESPN-style overlay for whatever mod you are playing. There are still some issues, such as font size/style, stretched logos, and inconsistent styles (batting order, defensive lineup, etc.) If you can get past those, it is a pretty nice overlay to play with. Eventually I plan on updating this, please give me any feedback on what I can do to make this better.
-Copy the "frontend" and "igshapes" folder to your MVP2005>DATA folder. Overwrite any files.
-As usual, remember to back up your files before installing!
-The guys at MVPCaribe, for allowing me to use their WBC13 overlay as a base.
-Trues, for this amazing site.
By Rising Son
Igshapes: C:Program FilesEA SPORTSMVP dataigshapes
Igonly , ingame, Stadium : C:Program FilesEA SPORTSMVP datafrontend
** Ver.2: with out "MLB LIVE LOGO"
DL "igonly.zip" to C:Program FilesEA SPORTSMVP datafrontend
*CTS ZIP (Bonus)
C:Program FilesEA SPORTSMVP data
C:Program FilesEA SPORTSMVP datafrontend
For TC-97 Overlay
By Rising Son
C:Program FilesEA SPORTSMVP datafrontendigonly.big
By juniorabad
Espero q disfruten estés ovel hubo mucha trabajo y esfuerzo para q se hiciera realidad este canal q es muy visto..Aceptos colaboraciones de cualquier tipo especialmente de mis hnos de Vzla
Overlay Fox
By juniorabad
Bueno saludos a toda la comunidad fanática a las versiones de los mvp crear esto me ha llevado semanas de dedicación y esfuerzo no sé si vuelva publicar más overlay espero q lo disfruten
Ojo el mod mvp team en el estadio de Boston de noche da error por los archivos de las mangas q son initprgz y initstaz probado en versiones de mvp mod 12 y 13 y no da error tengan en cuenta eso antes de comentar sobre ese error si quieren jugar en ese estadio tendrían q reemplazar ese archivo en caso de tener el mvp team
Overlay TBS
By omar_20
good this is my first overlay I do is of tbs only have to download the rar file what extracted and stick it on the folder
C: Program Files MVP_Baseball_Teams_13 data frontend
hope you like
bueno este es mi primer overlay que hago es de tbs solo tienen que descargar el archivo rar lo extraen y lo pegan en la carpeta
C:Archivos de programaMVP_Baseball_Teams_13datafrontend
espero que les guste
overlay fox vercion mvp
By juniorabad
espero que lo disfruten descompriman y lean las idicaciones
By juniorabad
espero que lo disfruten descomprimen y lean los pasos ojos hagan un respaldo de lo q remplacen
Oldtime Overlay - Total Classics "Oldtime" Edition Overlay
By OTBjoel
Total Classics - "Oldtime" Edition OverlayHello all,Oldtime Baseball is back! This is an alternate overlay for your Total Classics conversions based on an "Oldtime" theme. This overlay will be used in a future total conversion mod for the Negro Leagues and an All-Time Franchise Greats teamset. You get an exclusive pitch count box that shows at the bottom corner of the screen. Each batter comes up with a torn "Newspaper" overlay. The portrait frame has been enlarged so you get a better view of the player's 'card'. The Cooperstown overlay was reworked back into the Total Classics overlay to bring back that Oldtime feel from the past. You also get a Green classic scoreboard in the box score area. Used with the MVP Overlay swapper, you can use this anytime you want to recreate a Classics Replay. This overlay comes in two flavors - with or without Trues' stat infobar. I personally prefer it without the infobar because I watch it in spectator mode but you might like the infobar if you like to play the game. Either way, this overlay is a great choice for the Classics fans. See the picture for a preview.The preview makes the overlay look a lot busier than it really is. You typically won't have all those items on the screen at once. I wanted to show as many features as possible.Changes in version 1.5:Added a new and different classic green scoreboard for when there are no runners on base. I found a graphic on ESPN that I had to work in there. The change can be seen in the preview. Not a big change but should add to your enjoyment of the overlay and offers something different. Hope you guys like it.Changes in version 2.0:Moved the floating scoreboard to right hand side of the screen for right handed batters so that it is out of the way when in batter view. Change made per user request.Changes in version 2.1:One of these days I'll quit messing with this thing but for now, it's still a work in progress. Changed info bar slightly. New version now shows speed of batter as well. Colorized header in speed graphic to sepia tone and separated from info bar. This matches the latest version of Trues' info bar. No change to the no infobar file. Modification made per request. Changes in version 2.2:This was a fix more than anything else. Added blue/yellow 'blip' back to PIP when runners are on base. IGSCR.fsh was updated. Pointed out by danc. New in version 3.0:If the stamina bar wasn't enough, I've now added a pitch count indicator (a mod of Trues' pitch count box).
New in version 4.0
First major changes in over a year. Changed the "Baseball's Top Prospects" overlay to a "Baseball's Immortals" overlay. A nice feature to enable for your Hall of Famer's in your Total Classics replays. Just turn on the Top Prospects flag in MVPedit (thanks to emath for this tip). Commemorative of the Classic Card Set that came out in the early 1980's. Also reverted to the Cooperstown scoreboard overlay when there are runners on base. After having tried other scoreboards, I've found the color scheme of the Cooperstown version just seems to look best. Screenshots of the new features are displayed.
New in version 4.1
An automated installer created by Jim825 is now included with the mod. You now have two options for installing the overlays, either manually or with the installer. Complete instructions on how to run the installer (or install manually) are included.
New in version 5.0
Following a post on MVP mods regarding removing the pitching meter, I started to mess around with this overlay again. While I was removing the pitching meter, I remember a request by Homer to see if I could change the pitch speed indicator to an oldtime -themed Chrome indicator ala the "Time Machine". At the time Trues said it couldn't be done, not sure why. I played with it again and although it's not perfect, I think it will work. Also, I'd been playing with the idea of putting in a tube TV outline overlay so simulate the feel of watching a game back in the day. Stecropper gave me the thumbs up so here it is. This screenshot shows the changes made. Pick the file called otboverlaytv.7z ....Enjoy.
This overlay is an extension of work previously done by Team Classics. Special thanks to Trues for permission to use his player infobar. Install either with Kraw's TIT or manually copy the files into the datafrontend folder. The igscr.fsh file should be copied into datafrontendigshapes .Feel free to PM me with any comments or questions.
MVP 12 Updated Score Overlay
Here's a color update to the MVP 12 score overlay. I made the Top inning indicator a blue metallic and made the "Outs & Balls/Strikes" metallic and kept the red color.
I thought that this stood out and looked nicer while keeping with the Red/White/Blue theme of the other components of MVP 12. I've been using it for the past week and I really like it.
Simply copy the included igonly file into your /data/frontend folder. Backup your original igonly file if you decide that you do not care for this one.
Overlays 2012 latino
By Guaro1379
soy nani1379
I copied this file:
C:\Archivos de programa\EA SPORTS\MVP baseball 2012 Latino\data\frontend
MLB Network Overlay
By kjuggs
Attached is a MLB Network overlay with smaller MLB Network 'Strikezone' logo. Simply extract both files into your Data\Frontend folder. Enjoy.
Phillies Channel 17 Overlay 2.0
By kjuggs
A pitch select and menu overlay specifically for Phillies fans. Extract, then insert into your data\frontend folder. Enjoy!
Root Sports (Seattle) Pitch/Score Overlay
Here is a Pitch/Score Overlay for MVP Baseball 08 or newer.
This is done with a Seattle Mariners/Root Sports Theme.
Just drop the igonly file into your /data/frontend folder.
MVP 12 Pitch Selector Overlay
Here is an updated Pitch and Score Overlay for the 2012 MVP Season.
*MUST USE WITH the MVP 08 Mod*
Import into igonly.BIG (with EaGraph)
Import into feonly.BIG (with EaGraph)
MVP 10 Pitch Selector Overlay
Here's a Pitch Selector I have made with a "MVP 10" logo. I thought it turned out with a good look and figured I would share with all.
Use EAGRAPH to install.
Import pitchslc.fsh into the igonly.big file (in your data/frontend folder).
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