338 files
Total Classics presents "Legends From the Booth" COMPLETE
By OTBjoel
It's been three years in the making but "Legends from the Booth" featuring Vin Scully, Mel Allen, and Ernie Harwell is now complete. This website article:
rates them #1 thru 3 as the best baseball announcers of all-time. All members of the Baseball Hall of Fame and winners of the Ford Frick Award; Mel Allen was the first to receive the award in 1978 (along with the pioneer of broadcasting, Red Barber). Vin Scully was next in 1982 and Ernie Harwell received his in 1991. Vin Scully is generally regarded as the best baseball broadcaster of all-time, regarded so by his peers and Ernie Harwell even said as much in his Audio Scrapbook. Nobody will forget Mel Allen’s “How about that!” or Harwell’s “He stood like a house by the side of the road… and watched it go by”. Legends from the Booth celebrates the work these men did during their careers. Except for Vin Scully, these announcers are no longer with us. Ernie passed just last year and luckily Mel Allen provided the source for many of these audio clips right before he passed in 1996. However, you can relive those baseball moments and calls, and most important seemingly bring them back to life with this mod.
Although I have "completed" the mod, I do not mean for this to be the final version by any means. With the help of the MVP community, we can continue to work on this to improve it and work out the bugs.
If you are expecting perfection from this mod then you will probably be disappointed. It was very difficult to find an exact match for many of the sound calls especially with the Krukow color. There will be some oddities like one voice doing the introduction for a player but then another announcer actually says the name. You might even think there are "too many cooks in the kitchen". However, without finding the sound calls from all of the resources available, this
mod would not be nearly as complete if I only used the Vin Scully calls. Using all three announcers made it possible to fill in many blank spots. The transitions between announcers isn't as smooth as I would have liked but judging from early feedback, I think most folks will be happy with it. Now that it is complete, the transitions have smoothed out quite a bit. The best way to enjoy this mod is to simply allow the classic voices of these announcers soak in, taking you back to a time when their voices were the average fan's connection to the game before television.
Along with the benefits of the classic Play-by-Play, this mod is also the most ambitious project of including as many players from the history of baseball as possible. There are about 9650 player audio calls in this mod. This last summer, I spent some time compiling the audio indices of all the Total Classics mods as well as the single season mods after 2005. My mission was to create one common index that would be as compatible as possible with all the Total Classics releases and anything left over would come from the modern single season mods. The result of my efforts is included in the spreadsheet “LegendsIDS”. I have made it so the mod will be completely compatible with the original MVP05 and most of Total Classics. It should be about 80% compatible with Total Classics seasons mods but in cases where the name index might be different against Total Classics, the season mod may differ. Right out of the box, you will be able to plug in my mod with just about any season mod and be able to hear mostly accurate audio. The index works first from Totte’s original audio list to Total Classics and then the single season mods. I have made my own additions after starting from that framework. Most of the important, famous players are included.
The PA audio has also been expanded with this mod for many classic players and for historic players that I have added. As a minor addition, this mod also includes my Bob Sheppard announces the Yankees PA announcer mod. For Yankees fans, Sheppard will always announce their favorite all-timers in this mod. I hope to expand on this aspect in the future if we can ever get a library of Bob Sheppard announcements or if they develop some voice morphing software that can closely mimic his voice.
In case anybody is curious, here is the final distribution of the play by play calls by the Legendary Announcers:
Mel Allen: 2840
Vin Scully: 5465
Ernie Harwell: 2870
BLANK: 3925
Vin Scully is appropriately the primary announcer with Mel Allen doing additional play by play and Ernie adding some color commentary. Ernie also does some play-by-play where neither Vin nor Mel has the call in their repertoire. All in all, the mod plays out pretty seamlessly as you get a nice blend of all of these classic announcers.
Note on full classic names: Full players names for modern players are announced by Vin Scully. For classics, Vin Scully tries to say most of the starting pitchers full names regardless of whether they are modern or classic. Mel Allen introduces pitchers coming out of the bullpen so he says many of the reliever’s full names instead of Vin sometimes. Mel Allen says most of the full batter players names for the classic players although Vin says many as well. Classic full player (batter) names are split about 50/50. Vin says more Dodger players and Mel says more Yankee players. Mel simply has more classic names in his database and I think an original classic name pronounced by Mel sounds better than a spliced together name by Vin. Most last names are announced by Vin, classic last names by Mel only if the Mel last name sounded way better than a created Vin Scully last name.
Although you may install this audio mod into any of your existing mods, it assumes you are currently using the stock audio files from a clean installation. Specifically, you need to have the original stadium headers as well as team name headers in order for these to come out correctly. Check with the mod’s author to see about making it Legends from the Booth compatible. I have already spoken to a few mod creator’s and they are already on their way to making this happen.
As a bonus, I am including my special "Oldtime" between innings audio (bdcstdat) in this mod. It just adds a nifty classic feel to the game as well as Ernie Harwell calling the "Voice of the Turtle" in the intro background before the national anthem.
I recommend using the following volume settings:
Broadcast Announcer = 5
Music = 4
Crowd = 3
Compared to audio in some other baseball games, the MVP PBP has a lot more variation. Some calls unfortunately had to be repeated since the replacements simply don't have as much variation.
These are the files included in the mod in case you want to back them up before installation:
pnamehdr.big --> to be copied to: MVP Baseball 2005\data\audio\spch_pbp\
pbpdat.big --> copy to \program files\ea sports\mvp baseball 2005\data\audio\cd\spch_pbp\
pnamedat.big --> copy to \program files\ea sports\mvp baseball 2005\data\audio\cd\spch_pbp\
stdnmdat.big --> copy to \program files\ea sports\mvp baseball 2005\data\audio\cd\spch_pbp\
tnamedat.big --> copy to \program files\ea sports\mvp baseball 2005\data\audio\cd\spch_pbp\
All four will be copied to: MVP Baseball 2005\data\audio\cd\spch_pbp\
PA audio
pnamedat.big \data\audio\cd\spch_pa\
pnamehdr.big \data\audio\spch_pa\
Note: These file names are exactly the same as the pbp player names except that they go into the spch_pa directory. These files are also significantly smaller than the pbp files.
In between innings music: bdcstdat.big
bdcstdat.big --> copy to \program files\ea sports\mvp baseball 2005\data\audio\cd\bdcst_mx\
If you have an existing mod where stadiums and team names have been moved around, you might just want to copy the pbpdat.big and the pname files.
Here’s a brief summary of what some of these files do:
pnamedat.big - this file stores audio for player names.
pbpdat.big - this file is the big daddy. It contains the actual PBP commentary with Krukow blanked out.
stdnmdat.big - if you want Vin and Mel to announce the stadiums in the game intro, then copy this file into your game folders.
tnamedat.big - if you want Vin and Mel to announce the major league teams in the game intro, then copy this file. Ernie Harwell will announce many of the minor league teams.
If you decide to use either pnamedat, stdnmdat, or tnamedat, then you must also use the corresponding pnamehdr, stdnmhdr, and tnamehdr file into \data\audio\spch_pbp\
Acknowledgements and Thanks to:
AlexTony (the original TotalClassics audio guru) for his hardwork with the Vin Scully names and Eddieel for his work with Mel Allen. Special thanks to Hory for teaching me how to resample wave files into condensed .asf and .mus format. This project would have sounded like crap if he had not taught me the key switches in the SX program. HardcoreLegend for originally coming up with the concept of using Vin Scully to replace the default announcers. TyWiggins for the program that was able to extract the Vin Scully sound clips. Stecropper for inviting me over to MVPmods initially. Pohdna, the mission is accomplished. We converted the Mel Allen mod to MVP and made it better with Vin and Ernie. Thanks to the entire Total Classics team especially the founders (Frank, Jim825, AlexTony, and Stecropper) whose work on the classic concept have kept my own vision alive and kicking. I don’t think I could have done this without following the road they already paved. There have been a few others along the way and if I ommitted, I apologize. There was a forum member early on in the process who taught me how to use Audacity to split the name sound clips but his name escapes me right now and I don’t think he’s around anymore. If you’re out there, let me know. More recently, Redeck and the prolific DennisJames have provided some much needed energy and support. Future thanks to Jim825 who is working on putting these files in an easy to use installer. If you prefer to use a packaged installer to implement this mod, just keep an eye out for it in a couple of days.
Finally, this project is a continuation of a project I originally did for High Heat in the early 2000’s. Back then, it was just a Mel Allen/Ernie Harwell project with Curt Gowdy doing PA. I eventually finished it and then merged in Vin Scully when those sound clips became available. It wasn’t until the MVP version of the project that I was able to unlock and extract the Harwell sounds but that just made it that much better.
This project is free on MVPmods. The only payment I ask in return is that SeanO, Rolie, and DennisJames get together and build me San Francisco Seals Stadium
So those of you waiting for me to release this mod before re-releasing your own conversion mods, I give you my blessings. Go for it. You can now include this with your own mods along with whatever tweaks you need to make it work.
Finally, I can leave my cave and join the rest of the world. Hope you all enjoy.
- Updated stadium announcements. More variety and "colorful" announcements.
- Updates/Fixes/Additions to many player names
- Updated Play-by-Play calls. A year's worth of fixes.
- Found about 100 dynasty game calls that were inexplicably missed, that Ernie Harwell now calls..
Repackaged with Jim825's easy-to-use installer.
Initial release
Audios MVP 24
By FantasmaMVP
List Players:
AJ Smith-Shawver
Albert Suarez
Andrew Knizner
Andy Pages
Ben Rice
Blaze Alexander
Bryan Reynolds
Bryan Rocchio
Ceddane Rafaela
CJ Abrams
Clay Holmes
Cole Keith
Colton Cowser
Dan Vogelbach
Danny Jensen
David Hamilton
Derek Hill
Diego A Castillo
Edward Olivares
Evan Carter
Freddy Fermin
Gavin Stone
Ivan Herrera
Jackson Chourio
Jackson Holliday
Jackson Merrill
Jacob Young
Jake McCarthy
James Outman
Jeff McNeil
Joey Ortiz
Jordan Westburg
Jose Azocar
Jose Herrera
Josh Hader
Kirby Yates
Korey Lee
Kyle Finnegan
Kyle McCann
Luis Garcia
Luis Guillorme
Luke Williams
Mark Vientos
Nick Gonsales
Nick Gordon
Nico Hoerner
Niko Goodrum
Owen Miller
Pedro Pages
Rangel Ravelo
Reese McGuire
Ronel Blanco
Ronny Mauricio
Tanner Scott
Taylor Walls
Taylor Ward
Trevor Megill
Tyrone Taylor
Wilyer Abreu
Yohan Ramirez
Yoshinobu Yamamoto
To Install:
1. First back up the next files:
/data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big (acd .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big (acd .hdr files)
/data/audio/cd/spch_pa/pnamedat.big (PA .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr.big (PA .hdr files)
2. Use TiT, bigGUI or EA Graphics to install the audios.
All ID numbers are official, check if they match with the ones of your roster in MVPedit.
José Quijada's audio
By alfre2jose
Full acdp audio for the Angels venezuelan pitcher.
Official ID #0737. Usable for MVP Baseball, WBC and Caribe.
This one should have been ready since the WBC Mod, it didn't because I thought his audio had already been done.
To Install:
1. First back up the next files:
/data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big (acd .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big (acd .hdr files)
/data/audio/cd/spch_pa/pnamedat.big (PA .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr.big (PA .hdr files)
2. Use TiT, bigGUI or EA Graphics to install the audios.
Enjoy it.
MVP23 - MLB Players Audio vol. 2 (and more!)
By alfre2jose
Hello there! Here you can download two diferent things:
1) The four .big files with all the audios of this pack installed.
I'm releasing the four full .big files because I have "cleaned" the files. Since they had been coming on previous unoficial mods with lots of retired players, adding unnecesary weight to the files, I took care of that by deleting those players and now you can see that the files are lighter. Also, all the audios of this and previous packs have already been installed, so you have the option of not downloading the pack.
To Install:
- First back up the next files:
/data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big (acd .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big (acd .hdr files)
/data/audio/cd/spch_pa/pnamedat.big (PA .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr.big (PA .hdr files)
-Copy and replace each one of the files in its corresponding path.
Obviously the files contains audios from others creators (Luigui10, Josesito_YT, Rising Son, jaycee20,...), so credits to them!
2) The actual pack: 156 new player audios!
This is the detailed list of the audio pack for manual installation. Unless noted, these are full acdp* announcements audios for:
1769 Gabriel Moreno
1814 Ryne Nelson
1964 Drey Jameson
1655 Bryce Elder
1772 Grayson Rodriguez
1773 Gunnar Henderson
1897 Shintaro Fujinami cdp
0371 Pablo Reyes
1749 Brayan Bello
1817 Triston Casas
1911 Enmanuel Valdez
0361 Adbert Alzolay
0781 Justin Steele
1382 Christopher Morel
1400 Mark Leiter Jr.
1460 Gregory Santos
1482 Gavin Sheets
0069 Vladimir Gutiérrez
0709 Will Benson
0865 TJ Friedl
1861 Spencer Steer
1951 Brandon Williamson
1979 Matt McLain
1998 Andrew Abbott acd
2000 Elly de la Cruz
2066 Christian Encarnacion-Strand
0448 Ramon Laureano acd (my version)
0694 Tyler Freeman
0831 Emmanuel Clase
1716 Oscar González
1917 Logan Allen
1935 Tanner Bibbe
1936 David Fry
2037 Gavin Williams
4326 Lucas Giolito acd (my version)
0690 Nolan Jones
1050 Elehuris Montero
1729 Jake Bird
1889 Ezequiel Tovar
0832 Jake Rogers
1446 Jason Foley cdp
1467 Matt Vierling
1474 Alex Lange cdp
1666 Tyler Holton
1755 Garrett Hill
1826 Kerry Carpenter
2006 Reese Olson
0123 Phil Maton
0555 Mauricio Dubón
1571 Seth Martínez
1827 J.P. France
1869 Yainer Díaz
1893 Corey Julks cdp
3718 Alex Bregman (my version)
7009 Hunter Brown
1801 Cole Ragans
0135 Mickey Moniak
1892 Logan O'Hoppe
1922 Zach Neto
2012 José Soriano
0554 Evan Phillips
1838 Michael Busch
1950 Bobby Miller
0148 Braxton Garrett
1483 Jake Burger
1488 Bryan de la Cruz
9930 Eury Pérez
1531 Elvis Peguero
1615 Blake Perkins
1830 Joey Wiemer
1875 Garrett Mitchell
1894 Brice Turang
1947 Andruw Monasterio
2056 Abner Uribe
0451 Royce Lewis
1329 Ryan Jeffers
1834 Matt Wallner
1429 Francisco Álvarez
1836 Brett Baty
1883 Kodai Senga
0773 Ian Hamilton
1586 Oswaldo Cabrera
1625 Oswald Peraza
1755 Anthony Volpe
1896 Jhony Brito
1983 Randy Vasquez
2114 Jasson Dominguez
2115 Austin Wells
0952 Seth Brown
1451 Sam Long
1620 JP Sears
1785 JJ Bleday
1788 Esteury Ruiz
1840 Shea Langeliers
1923 Hohan Harris
1924 Mason Miller
2057 Angel Felipe cdp
2058 Tyler Sodelstrom
0298 Edmundo Sosa
1244 Christopher Sánchez
1469 Rodolfo Castro
2074 Johan Rojas
1405 Tucupita Marcano
1530 Alfonso Rivas
1601 Ji-Hwan Bae
1672 Jack Suwinski
1744 Liover Peguero
1902 José Hernández
2040 Nick Gonzales
2041 Henry Davis
2059 Jared Triolo
2072 Quinn Priester
2073 Endy Rodríguez
0331 Tim Hill
1608 Robert Suárez
1648 Steven Wilson
5158 Nick Martinez
1091 Luis Matos
1431 Marco Luciano
1982 Patrick Bailey
0827 Andrés Muñoz
1479 Cal Raleigh
1599 Emerson Hancock
1676 George Kirby
1872 Tom Murphy
1942 Bryce Miller
2021 Bryan Woo
2045 Dominic Canzone
2070 Cade Marlowe
0874 Nolan Gorman
0879 Matthew Liberatore
1589 Brendan Donovan
1733 Zack Thompson
1774 Jordan Walker
1944 Alec Burleson
2025 Luken Baker
0366 José Siri
1582 Josh Lowe
1930 Taj Bradley
9999 Jason Adam
0155 Leody Taveras
0464 J.P. Martínez
0969 Brock Burke
1705 Josh H. Smith
1734 Ezequiel Duran
2028 Grant Anderson
3422 José Leclerc cdp
2096 Davis Schneider
1449 Riley Adams
1466 Mason Thompson
1786 Alex Call
1845 Cade Cavalli
1847 Stone Garrett
1909 Thad Ward
1943 Jake Irvin cdp
1970 Jake Alu
TOTAL: 156
*acdp explanation:
a= Krukow Last Name announcement
c= Kuiper Full Name announcement
d= Kuiper Last Name announcement
p= PA Full Name announcement
To Install:
1. First back up the next files:
/data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big (acd .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big (acd .hdr files)
/data/audio/cd/spch_pa/pnamedat.big (PA .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr.big (PA .hdr files)
2. Use TiT, bigGUI or EA Graphics to install the audios.
All ID numbers are official, check if they match with the ones of your roster in MVPedit.
Enjoy it!!
By alfre2jose
Hi there! This contains the audios that I've created for the upcoming WBC 2023 Mod, around 450 new audios.
These are already installed in the audio files that will eventualy come with that game, the purpose of this donwload is so that you can have them for your other mods, especially MVP Baseball.
Players are divided into two groups, those who have official IDs (235) and those who do not (211) and some bonus. Please check the excel file with the filtered list. Enjoy it!
To Install
1. First back up this files:
/data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big (acd .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big (acd .hdr files)
/data/audio/cd/spch_pa/pnamedat.big (PA .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr.big (PA .hdr files)
2. Use TiT, bigGUI or EA Graphics to install the audios.
Thanks to Omarito for the official IDs from 3000 to 3099, to Dirtdog for his help installing the audios and to Marcos for the great effort he's
putting into the WBC Mod, I'm very happy to have made this contribution.
For searchers' help, here's the full list, although you really should check the excel for more details:
0014 Coen Wynne (P)
0050 Robbie Perkins (C)
0062 Tim Kennelly (OF)
0071 Steven Kent (SP)
0151 Will Sherriff (SP)
0153 Andrew Campbell (OF)
0167 Daniel McGrath (RP)
0171 Darryl George (3B)
0180 Jake Bowey (1B-C)
0187 Jon Kennedy (P)
0192 Josh Guyer (RP)
0197 Logan Wade (SS)
0198 Luke Wilkins (P)
0210 Sam Holland (P)
0213 Todd Van Steensel (RP)
1300 Aaron Whitefield (OF)
3000 Kyle Glogoski (SP)
3001 Ulrich Bojarski (OF)
3002 Jack O'Loughlin (SP)
3003 Robbie Glendinning (2B)
3004 Alex Hall (DH-C)
3005 Mitch Neunborn (RP)
3006 Rixon Wingrove (1B)
3007 Jarryd Dale (IF)
5751 Warwick Saupold (SP)
CANADA (21):
0232 Evan Rutckyj (RP)
0916 Jared Young (1B)
0964 Curtis Taylor (RP)
0966 Jacob Robson (LF)
1521 Otto Lopez (SS)
1583 Matt Brash (RP)
2972 Scott Mathieson (RP)
3008 Ben Onyshko (RP)
3009 Owen Caissie (RF)
3010 Bo Naylor (C)
3011 Cade Smith (RP)
3012 Edouard Julien (2B)
3013 Indigo Díaz (RP)
3014 Denzel Clarke (OF)
3015 Noah Skirrow (SP)
3017 Trevor Brigden (RP)
3018 Mitch Bratt (SP)
3019 Dasan Brown (OF)
3801 Andrew Albers (RP)
4544 Rob Zastryzny (RP)
5156 Kellin Deglan (C)
CHINA (21):
0253 Jinjun Luo (2B)
0254 Chen Chen (3B)
0256 Chen Chen (C)
0259 Chenchen Luan (C)
0260 Ning Li (C)
0275 Yosuke Masago (CF)
0283 Yongkang Kuo (RF)
0287 Pei Liang (RF)
0288 Changlong Su (P)
0293 Chaoqun Zheng (P)
0296 Hailong Sun (P)
0301 Kwon Ju (P)
0305 Qiang Lin (RP)
0310 Xiang Wang (P)
0311 Weiyi Wang (P)
0312 Yuchen Wang (P)
0313 Xin Qi (P)
0314 Jin Yang (SS)
0552 Jie Cao (1B)
3020 Alan Carter (P)
8784 Ray Chang (DH)
0329 Wei-Chen Wang (3B)
0347 Kuan-Yu Chen (RP)
0361 Chia-Hao Sung (RP)
0371 Nien-Ting Wu (1B)
0553 Yu Chang (IF)
0697 Tsung-Che Cheng (2B)
0699 Li Lin (DH)
0703 Yu-Chieh Kao (C)
0705 Kungkuan Giljegiljaw (C)
0706 Chieh-Hsien Chen (OF)
0707 Po-Jung Wang (OF)
0708 Chen-Wei Chen (OF)
0709 Che-Yuan Wu (RP)
0710 Kun-Yu Chiang (SS)
0711 Kuan-Wei Chen (RP)
0713 Yen-Ching Lu (RP)
0715 Shao-Ching Chiang (SP)
0716 Tzu-Peng Huang (SP)
0719 Chih-Wei Hu (SP)
1023 Yu-Hsun Chen (RP)
1100 Chin Cheng (OF)
3021 Kai-Wei Teng (SP)
3640 Tzu-Wei Lin (UTIL)
4085 Wei-Chung Wang (SP)
6426 C.C. Lee (RP)
0039 Adrián Almeida (P)
0144 Julio Vivas (RP)
0193 Jasier Herrera (RP)
0199 Yapson Gómez (RP)
0205 Jesús Marriaga (OF)
0217 Carlos Ocampo (RP)
0333 Meibrys Viloria (C)
0653 Tayron Guerrero (RP)
1051 Evan Mendoza (IF)
1322 Nabil Crismatt (P)
1585 Jhon Romero (RP)
3022 Río Gómez (RP)
3023 Fabián Pertuz (2B)
3024 Pedro García (RP)
3025 Dayán Frías (SS)
3028 Gustavo Campero (OF)
3029 Jordan Díaz (2B)
3030 Santiago Florez (RP)
3031 Ruben Galindo (RP)
3033 Guillermo Zuñiga (RP)
3750 Harold Ramírez (OF)
4271 Elías Díaz (C)
5962 William Cuevas (SP)
9544 Reynaldo Rodríguez (1B)
9897 Adrián Sánchez (IF)
CUBA (26):
0035 Ronald Bolaños (RP)
0146 Yurisbel Gracial (OF)
0158 Alfredo Despaigne (DH)
0186 Liván Moinelo (RP)
0191 Raidel Martínez (RP)
0196 Yariel Rodríguez (SP)
0722 Yadil Mujica (2B)
0723 Ariel Martínez (C)
0724 Roel Santos (LF)
0739 Yoelkis Guibert (RF)
0740 Dayan García (IF)
0751 Andrys Pérez (C)
0755 Luis Mateo (IF)
0768 Frank Álvarez (RP)
0797 Jose R. Rodríguez (RP)
0803 Naikel Cruz (RP)
0838 Yeudis Reyes (RP)
0847 Elian Leyva (P)
0848 Carlos Viera (RP)
0859 Lorenzo Quintana (C)
1578 Miguel Romero (RP)
3360 Yoan Moncada (3B)
3795 Yadir Drake (1B)
4214 Erisbel Arruebarrena (SS)
5436 Onelki García (RP)
9068 Roenis Elías (SP)
0041 Martin Muzik (1B)
0222 Vojtech Mensik (SS)
0225 Filip Smola (3B)
0226 Jakub Kubica (3B)
0229 Ondrej Satoria (SP)
0231 Arnost Dubovy (CF)
0234 Marek Chlup (CF)
0236 Matej Mensik (RF)
0237 Willie Escala (LF)
0251 Jakub Grepl (UTIL)
0319 Filip Capka (P)
0321 Jake Rabinowitz (RP)
0322 Jan Tomek (RP)
0323 Jeff Barto (P)
0330 Marek Minarik (P)
0334 Michal Kovala (P)
0336 Tomas Duffek (P)
0338 Daniel Padysak (SP)
0343 Lukas Ercoli (SP)
0344 Martin Schneider (SP)
0345 Daniel Vavrusa (C)
0373 Petr Zyma (DH)
0382 Marek Krejcirik (RP)
0389 Jan Novak (RP)
1142 Martin Cervenka (C)
0133 Rafael Devers (3B)
0184 Juan Soto (OF)
0770 Génesis Cabrera (RP)
1415 Camilo Doval (RP)
1579 Roansy Contreras (SP)
1592 Jeremy Peña (SS)
3034 Luis L. Ortiz (RP)
3667 Jeimer Candelario (1B)
4197 Teoscar Hernández (OF)
5290 Luis A. Garcia (RP)
0472 Alex Crosby (OF)
0477 Afernee Seymour (2B)
0495 Jaden Rudd (OF)
0497 Alex Webb (RP)
0501 Daniel Cooper (RP)
0503 McKenzie Mills (RP)
0515 Justin Wylie (DH)
0569 Ian Gibaut (RP)
0573 Tyler Viza (SP)
1106 Ural Forbes (C)
2502 Jacob Esch (RP)
3035 Ryan Long (RP)
3036 BJ Murray (3B)
3037 Donovan Benoit (RP)
3038 Michael Petersen (RP)
3039 Chavez Fernander (RP)
3041 D'Shawn Knowles (OF)
3042 Nick Ward (1B)
3043 Tahnaj Thomas (SP)
3044 Chavez Young (RF)
3045 Harry Ford (C)
3046 Joseph King (P)
3047 Matt Koperniak (DH)
3048 Graham Spraker (RP)
3369 Akeel Morris (SP)
5452 Darnell Sweeney (SS)
9978 Trayce Thompson (OF)
ISRAEL (24):
0429 Garrett Stubbs (3B)
0538 C.J. Stubbs (C)
0541 Jakob Goldfarb (C)
0547 Joey Wagman (RP)
0548 Kyle Molnar (RP)
0556 Mike Wielansky (IF)
1790 Bubby Rossman (RP)
1802 Jake Fishman (RP)
2503 Alex Katz (RP)***
3049 Jacob Steinmetz (SP)
3050 Daniel Federman (P)
3051 Matt Mervis (1B)
3052 Josh Wolf (SP)
3053 Evan Kravetz (RP)
3054 Brandon Gold (P)
3055 Colton Gordon (P)
3057 Zack Gelof (2B)
3058 Andrew Gross (RP)
3059 Spencer Horwitz (UTIL)
3060 Noah Mendlinger (3B)
3471 Zack Weiss (RP)
4299 Rob Kaminsky (RP)
5870 Ty Kelly (SS)
8618 Robert Stock (P)
ITALY (26):
0559 Glenn Albanese (RP)
0561 Matteo Bocchi (RP)
0563 Claudio Scotti (RP)
0686 Ryan Castellani (SP)
0788 Matt Festa (RP)
0792 Nicky Lopez (SS)
0823 Robel Garcia (IF)
1228 Stephen Woods Jr. (P)
1360 Brett Sullivan (C)
1471 Vinny Nittoli (RP)
1649 Andre Pallante (P)
1813 Dominic Fletcher (RF)
1881 Ben DeLuzio (CF)
1885 Miles Mastrobuoni (2B)
3061 Dominic Miroglio (C)
3063 Mitchell Stumpo (RP)
3064 John Valente (DH)
3065 Sal Frelick (LF)
3066 Michele Vassalotti (SP)
3067 Vito Friscia (C)
3068 Jeffrey Passantino (P)
3069 Joey Marciano (RP)
3070 Joe Lasorsa (RP)
3828 David Fletcher (IF)
4380 Joe Biagini (P)
5188 Sam Gaviglio (RP)
JAPAN (29):
0033 Tetsuto Yamada (IF)
0060 Atsuki Yuasa (RP)
0304 Shohei Ohtani
0558 Hiromi Itoh (SP)
0650 Hiroya Miyagi (SP)
0862 Kazuma Okamoto (3B)
0863 Shugo Maki (2B)
0879 Munetaka Murakami (3B)
0884 Takuya Kai (C)
0886 Kensuke Kondoh (OF)
0887 Sosuke Genda (SS)
0889 Yuki Matsui (RP)
0890 Takumi Ohshiro (C)
0891 Ukyo Shuto (OF)
0892 Hotaka Yamakawa (1B)
0897 Hiroto Takahashi (SP)
0899 Shosei Togo (SP)
0900 Yuki Udagawa (RP)
0901 Roki Sasaki (SP)
0909 Yoshinobu Yamamoto (SP)
0984 Keiji Takahashi (SP)
0986 Shota Imanaga (SP)
0987 Taisei Ota (RP)
0988 Takumo Nakano (IF)
0989 Yuhei Nakamura (C)
1465 Lars Nootbaar (OF)
1882 Masataka Yoshida (OF)
2500 Ryoji Kuribayashi (RP)
2501 Taisei Makihara (SS-OF)
KOREA (25):
0252 Sung-bum Na (OF)
0913 Baek-ho Kang (DH)
0914 Jeong Choi (3B)
0915 Ji-Young Lee (C)
0920 Eui-ji Yang (C)
0924 Jung-hoo Lee (OF)
0925 Ji-hwan Oh (IF)
0931 Hae-Min Park (OF)
0933 Eui-lee Lee (SP)
0934 Hyeong-jun So (SP)
0936 Woo-young Jung (RP)
0944 Won-Jung Kim (RP)
0945 Yong-Chan Lee (RP)
0976 Chang-mo Koo (SP)
0980 Young-pyo Ko (SP)
0983 Tae-In Won (P)
1053 Kwan-hyun Kim (SP)
1101 See-Woong Park (SP)
1102 Been Gwak (SP)
1103 Kun-Woo Park (OF)
1104 Yun-sik Kim (SP)
1105 Woo-suk Go (RP)
1420 Hyeon-jong Yang (P)
3585 Hyun-soo Kim (OF)
3597 Byung-ho Park (1B)
MÉXICO (24):
0161 Alex Verdugo (OF)
0507 Cesar Vargas (RP)
0543 Joey Meneses (IF)
0544 Roberto Valenzuela (IF)
0565 José Cardona (OF)
0567 Alex Wilson (C)
0570 Randy Arozarena (OF)
0574 Samuel Zazueta (RP)
0576 Wilmer Rios (RP)
0658 JoJo Romero (RP)
0732 Gerardo Reyes (RP)
0881 Isaac Paredes (3B)
1097 Alan Trejo (SS)
1313 Roel Ramírez (RP)
1324 Jesús Cruz (RP)
1686 Adrián Martínez (P)
1768 Jonathan Aranda (2B)
1850 Javier Assad (P)
3026 Alan Rangel (SP)
3071 Erubiel Armenta (RP)
3778 Rowdy Tellez (1B)
4890 Jake Sanchez (RP)
5379 Austin Barnes (C)
5731 Manuel Barreda (RP)
0246 Lars Huijer (SP)
0549 Chadwick Tromp (C)
0605 Juremi Profar (3B)
0849 Franklin Van Gurp (RP)
0850 Kevin Kelly (RP)
0855 Mike Bolsenbroek (RP)
0856 Ryan Huntington (RP)
0860 Wendell Floranus (CP)
0861 Tom De Block (SP)
1265 Josh Palacios (OF)
1670 Richie Palacios (DH)
2713 Roger Bernadina (CF)
3072 Eric Mendez (RP)
3073 Ray-Patrick Didder (OF)
3074 Derek West (RP)
3075 Jaydenn Estanista (P)
3076 Antwone Kelly (RP)
3077 Jiorgeny Casimiri (SP)
4106 J.C. Sulbaran (SP)
8813 Sharlon Schoop (OF)
0070 Elian Miranda (DH)
0577 Melvin Novoa (C)
0578 Wuillians Vasquez (IF)
0579 Benjamin Alegria (3B)
0583 Rodolfo Bone (C)
0584 Dwight Britton (OF)
0587 Juan Montes (CF)
0588 Isaac Benard (OF)
0589 Norlando Valle (LF)
0590 Sandy Bermudez (RF)
0591 Carlos Teller (RP)
0592 Fidencio Flores (RP)
0594 Joaquín Acuña (RP)
0595 Junior Tellez (P)
0598 Kevin Gadea (RP)
0599 Leo Crawford (P)
0602 Ronald Medrano (SP)
0603 Osman Gutiérrez (RP)
2504 Dilmer Mejía (RP)
3078 Steven Leyton (SS)
3079 Duque Hebbert (RP)
3080 Carlos F. Rodríguez (SP)
3081 Milkar Pérez (IF)
3082 Rodney Theophile (RP)
3467 Alex Blandino (2B)
9941 Cheslor Cuthbert (1B)
PANAMÁ (26):
0055 Luis Castillo (RF)
0079 Allen Cordova (OF)
0284 Jhony Santos (OF)
0286 Edgar Muñoz (IF)
0512 Alberto Baldonado (RP)
0527 Javy Guerra (RP)
0648 Erasmo Caballero (DH)
0651 Carlos Sánchez (C)
0652 Rodrigo Orozco (OF)
0657 Alberto Guerrero (RP)
0663 Harold Araúz (SP)
0665 Andy Otero (RP)
0696 Davis Romero (RP)
0702 Jonathan Araúz (IF)
0955 Justin Lawrence (P)
1231 Humberto Mejía (P)
1712 Ivan Herrera (C)
3083 José Ramos (OF)
3084 Matt Hardy (P)
3085 Joshwan Wright (3B)
3086 James Gonzalez (RP)
3088 José Caballero (3B)
4261 Severino González (RP)
6487 Paolo Espino (P)
6869 Jhadiel Santamaria (1B)
9428 Randall Delgado (RP)
0083 Anthony Maldonado (RP)
1013 Enmanuel Rivera (3B)
1421 Johneshwy Fargas (OF)
1577 Jovani Morán (RP)
1607 José Miranda (1B)
1750 Nelson Velazquez (OF)
1849 Nicholas Padilla (RP)
3091 Edwin Díaz (IF)
3093 Dominic Hamel (RP)
3094 José Espada (P)
3095 Jonathan Bermúdez (SP)
3642 José De León (P)
3671 Fernando Cruz (P)
3697 Duane Underwood Jr (RP)
3985 Yacksel Ríos (RP)
4231 Jorge Lopez (RP)
5967 Henry Ramos (OF)
7394 Enrique Hernández (OF)
9564 Francisco Lindor (SS)
USA (5):
0493 Cedric Mullins (OF)
0802 Will Smith (C)
2620 Merrill Kelly (SP)
4136 Mookie Betts (OF)
4247 Tim Anderson (SS)
4289 Trea Turner (SS)
0082 Anthony Santander (OF)
0115 José Alvarado (RP)
0181 Ronald Acuña Jr. (OF)
0280 Andrés Machado (RP)
0357 Pablo López (SP)
0783 Luis Arraez (IF)
1226 Carlos Herández (P)
1374 Luis Garcia (SP)
1745 Max Castillo (P)
3096 Norwith Guidino (RP)
3097 Enmanuel De Jesús (P)
4569 Omar Narvaez (C)
4636 Endrys Briceño (RP)
5506 José Ruiz (RP)
5807 Eugenio Suárez (3B)
0048 Josh Naylor
0063 Norge Ruiz
0456 Michel Baez
1591 Josh Jung
1598 Yennier Cano
1602 Miguel Vargas
1636 Steven Kwan
3611 Ariel Miranda
MVP23 - MLB Players Audio
By alfre2jose
Here's a pack of the new audios that I was able to make this year. Please, note that some of these players may not be on the team listed anymore, enjoy it.
Unless noted, this are full acdp* announcements audios for:
0053 Yadiel Hernández (WSH)
0059 Cionel Perez (MIN)
0208 Andrew Stevenson (WSH)
0341 Julian Merryweather (TOR)
0452 Hunter Greene (CIN)
0516 Spenser Watkins (BAL)
0585 Alex Young (CLE)
0743 Lane Thomas (WSH)
0834 Andrés Giménez (CLE)
0946 Joel Kuhnel (CIN) cdp
0970 Art Warren (CIN) cdp
1058 Jeter Downs (BOS)
1095 Santiago Espinal (TOR)
1156 MJ Melendez (KC)
1203 Dean Kremer (BAL)
1204 Keegan Akin (BAL)
1221 John Schreiber (BOS)
1236 Jhoan Duran (MIN)
1419 Daniel Lynch (KC)
1433 Spencer Torkelson (DET)
1447 Keegan Thompson (CHC)
1542 Kutter Crawford (BOS)
1560 Seth Beer (ARI)
1562 Spencer Strider (ATL)
1570 Reiver Sanmartin (CIN)
1587 Adley Rutschman (BAL)
1604 Seiya Suzuki (CHC)
1605 Jose Herrera (ARI)
1628 Bobby Witt Jr (KC)
1629 Felix Bautista (BAL)
1633 Nick Lodolo (CIN)
1634 Alexis Diaz (CIN)
1668 Kyle Bradish (BAL)
1682 Alek Thomas (ARI)
1693 Graham Ashcraft (CIN)
1706 Michael Harris II (ATL)
1709 Josh Winckowski (BOS)
1727 Kyle Stowers (BAL)
1757 Vinnie Pasquantino (KC)
1771 Corbin Carroll (ARI)
1779 Nate Eaton (KC)
1780 Michael Massey (KC)
1781 Maikel Garcia (KC)
1800 Tommy Henry (ARI) cdp
2198 Bobby Bradley (CLE)
3761 Christian Arroyo (BOS)
4092 Kevin Plawecki (BOS)
4116 Patrick Wisdom (CHC)
8810 Julio Rodríguez (SEA)
*acdp explanation:
a= Krukow Last Name announcement
c= Kuiper Full Name announcement
d= Kuiper Last Name announcement
p= PA Full Name announcement
To Install:
1. First back up the next files:
/data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big (acd .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big (acd .hdr files)
/data/audio/cd/spch_pa/pnamedat.big (PA .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr.big (PA .hdr files)
2. Use TiT, bigGUI or EA Graphics to install the audios.
All ID numbers are official, check if they match with the ones of your roster in MVPedit.
Audios Luti57 2022 1
By Luigui10
2. Verifique los números de identificación de audio/foto, verifique que coincidan con su lista.
3. Realice una copia de seguridad de los cuatro archivos que se modifican:
/data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big (archivos acd .dat)
/data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big (archivos acd .hdr)
/data/audio/cd/spch_pa/pnamedat.big (archivos PA .dat)
/data/audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr.big (archivos PA .hdr)
4. Use TiT para instalar o instale manualmente con bigGUI (consulte los foros para obtener información).
MVP 2021 - MLB Players Audio - Vol. 2
By alfre2jose
Unless noted, this are full acdp* announcements audios for:
0037 Andy Ibáñez (TEX)
0101 Nick Solak (TEX)
0104 Adolis García (TEX)
0130 Drew Steckenrider (SEA)
0132 Brendan Rodgers (COL)
0154 Kolby Allard (TEX)
0179 Alex Kirilloff (MIN)
0209 Chris Flexen (SEA)
0223 Shane Baz (TB)
0227 Cole Tucker (PIT)
0238 Oneil Cruz (PIT)
0239 Tim Mayza (TOR)
0256 Jose Marmolejos (SEA)
0361 Adbert Alzolay (CHC)
0463 Corbin Burnes (MIL)
0484 Brandon Marsh (LAA)
0492 Jaime Barría (LAA)
0505 Enyel De Los Santos (PIT)
0507 José Suárez (LAA)
0562 Dylan Moore (SEA)
0607 Sheldon Neuse (LAD)
0633 Clay Holmes (NYY)
0728 Darwinzon Hernández (BOS)
0735 Jason Martin (TEX)
0752 Ranger Suárez (PHI)
0753 John Means (BAL)
0777 Jared Walsh (LAA)
0778 JD Hammer (PHI)
0810 Jordan Romano (TOR)
0816 Logan Allen (CLE)
0835 Jose Trevino (TEX)
0870 Alec Bohm (PHI)
0930 Chas McCormick (HOU)
1028 William Contreras (ATL)
1070 Tyler Gilbert (ARI)
1196 Kevin Smith (TOR)
1201 Huascar Ynoa (ATL)
1301 Alex Vesia (LAD)
1358 Alejandro Kirk (TOR)
1359 Brent Rooker (MIN)
1368 Tanner Houck (BOS) cdp
1389 Hirokazu Sawamura (BOS)
1401 Garrett Whitlock (BOS)
1402 Geraldo Perdomo (ARI)
1411 Nick Maton (PHI)
1435 Trevor Larnach (MIN)
1438 Bailey Ober (MIN)
1442 Edwin Uceta (LAD)
1444 Griffin Jax (MIN)
1473 Zach Reks (LAD)
1484 Jarren Duran (BOS)
1492 Jake Meyers (HOU)
1495 Reid Detmers (LAA)
1513 Yonny Hernández (TEX)
1517 Joe Barlow (TEX)
1520 Andre Jackson (LAD)
3439 Austin Wynns (BAL)
3691 John Gant (MIN) cdp
3763 Sam Coonrod (PHI) cdp
3877 Isiah Kiner-Falefa (TEX)
4100 Joely Rodríguez (NYY)
4395 Nathaniel Lowe (TEX)
4847 Paul Sewald (SEA)
5440 Ross Stripling (TOR)
5608 Casey Sadler (SEA)
7175 Jameson Taillon (NYY)
*acdp explanation:
a= Krukow Last Name announcement
c= Kuiper Full Name announcement
d= Kuiper Last Name announcement
p= PA Full Name announcement
To Install:
1. First back up this files:
/data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big (acd .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big (acd .hdr files)
/data/audio/cd/spch_pa/pnamedat.big (PA .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr.big (PA .hdr files)
2. Use TiT, bigGUI or EA Graphics to install the audios.
All ID numbers are official, check if they match with the ones of your roster in MVPedit.
More audios should coming soon, enjoy it!
MVP 2021 - MLB Players Audio - Vol. 1
By alfre2jose
Unless noted, this are full acdp* announcements audios for:
0080 Luis Torrens (SEA)
0103 Luis Robert (CWS)
0219 Hoy Park (PIT)
0224 Ke'Bryan Hayes (PIT)
0326 Nestor Cortes Jr. (NYY)
0337 Gregory Soto (DET)
0342 Willi Castro (DET)
0388 Jesus Sanchez (MIA)
0419 Kelvin Gutierrez (BAL)
0475 Pavin Smith (ARI)
0478 Ryan Mountcastle (BAL)
0608 Cole Irvin (OAK) pcd
0630 Adam Frazier (SD)
0659 Tommy Edman (STL)
0726 Bryan Reynolds (PIT)
0782 LaMonte Wade Jr (SF)
0801 Ty France (SEA)
0877 Jonathan India (CIN)
0878 Jarred Kelenic (SEA)
0926 Josh Rojas (ARI)
0951 Devin Williams (MIL)
1096 Bobby Dalbec (BOS)
1139 Daulton Varsho (ARI)
1164 Edward Cabrera (MIA)
1337 Andrew Vaughn (CWS)
1353 Jose Barrero (CIN)
1371 Garrett Crochet (CWS)
1394 Ha-seong Kim (SD)
1397 Akil Baddoo (DET)
1422 Logan Gilbert (SEA)
1437 Alek Manoah (TOR)
1486 Aaron Ashby (MIL)
1493 Josiah Gray (WSH)
3632 Joe Musgrove (SD)
3741 James Kaprielian (OAK) pcd
4191 Raimel Tapia (COL)
4311 Jorge Alfaro (MIA)
4416 Eric Haase (DET)
4468 Mike Yastrzemski (SF)
5996 Harold Castro (DET)
9771 Marco Gonzales (SEA)
*acdp explanation:
a= Krukow Last Name announcement
c= Kuiper Full Name announcement
d= Kuiper Last Name announcement
p= PA Full Name announcement
To Install
1. First back up this files:
/data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big (acd .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big (acd .hdr files)
/data/audio/cd/spch_pa/pnamedat.big (PA .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr.big (PA .hdr files)
2. Use TiT, bigGUI or EA Graphics to install the audios.
All ID numbers are official, check if they match with the ones of your roster in MVPedit.
I'll be doing more small audio packs of MLB players. I hope that in the future these will be part of a megapack that I'm planning to do. At first I had the idea of make it team by team, but I'm figuring out that a single pack of around 2.000 players should be better, so let's cross our fingers for that...
Meanwhile, you can suggest me names for the next pack (please).
MVP Audios: Astros/A's
By alfre2jose
Hi everyone, here you got more new audios:
Houston Astros:
0145 Kyle Tucker
0174 Forrest Whitley---acd
0428 Framber Valdez
0432 Myles Straw----acd
0693 Christian Javier-----cdp
0698 Abraham Toro
0785 Luis Garcia
0812 Jose Urquidy
1223 Blake Taylor
1224 Enoli Paredes
1225 Nivaldo Rodriguez
1311 Andre Scrubb
2611 Cy Sneed-------acd
3723 Chase De Jong
4354 Jack Mayfield
7651 Brooks Raley
9385 Dustin Garneau----acde
Oakland Athletics:
0152 Grant Holmes
0164 A.J. Puk
0349 Lou Trivino----cdp
0455 Jesús Luzardo
0607 Sheldon Neuse
0759 Austin Allen
0784 Luis Barrera
0799 Sky Bolt-------acd
0902 Vimael Machín---acd
1030 Buddy Reed
1042 T.J. McFarland
1180 Nick Allen
1243 Daulton Jefferies---cd
2050 Robbie Grossman
3404 Jaime Schultz
3695 Jonah Heim------acd
3741 James Kaprielian---cdp
3886 Paul Blackburn----cdp
3982 Daniel Mengden---acd
4207 Sean Manaea-----cd
4342 Frankie Montas
4523 Jordan Weems
4573 J.B. Wendelken
4798 Nate Orf
4888 Chad Pinder
9152 Chris Bassit
9294 Jake Diekman
a= Krukow Last Name announcement
c= Kuiper Full Name announcement
d= Kuiper Last Name announcement
p= PA Full Name announcement
1. Back up the files that will be modified:
/data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big (acd .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big (acd .hdr files)
/data/audio/cd/spch_pa/pnamedat.big (PA .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr.big (PA .hdr files)
2. Use TiT to install
3. Check the audio/photo ID's (with MVP Edit or in the attrib.dat file) to verfy they match your roster.
Note: You can also install the audios with bigGUI.
Guys, keep in mind that there may be names that doesn't sound as accurate/natural as you and i want for the lack of the needed syllables or sounds (in the original game) to make some names, but i'm doing my best try
MVP Audios: Dodgers
By alfre2jose
Audio Announcements for the 2020 L.A. Dodgers Organization
0150 Yadier Álvarez
0173 Walker Buehler*
0292 Connor Joe
0375 Dennis Santana
0458 Keibert Ruíz
0480 Mitch White
0497 Caleb Ferguson
0730 Drew Jackson
0742 Josh Sborz
0787 Matt Beaty
0793 Omar Estévez
0808 Edwin Ríos
0875 Brusdar Graterol------acd
0894 Tony Gonsolin
0917 Dustin May
0918 Gavin Lux*
0942 Zach McKinstry
1060 Luke Raley
1070 Tyler Gilbert-----cdp
1157 Cody Thomas
1158 Cristián Santana
1159 D.J. Peters
1160 Hamlet Marte
1230 Víctor González
1340 Shea Spitzbarth------acd
3747 Edubray Ramos------acd
4216 Julio Urías
4304 Dylan Floro------acd
4570 Jake Peter
5187 Anthony García
5862 Reymin Guduan
7270 Terrance Gore
9383 Kyle Lobstein------acd
9620 Blake Treinen-----cd
9727 Casey Crosby
9889 Adam Kolarek
9964 Daniel Corcino
*Corrected Pronunciation
a= Krukow Last Name announcement
c= Kuiper Full Name announcement
d= Kuiper Last Name announcement
p= PA Full Name announcement
(30 of 37 full acdp announcement)
1. Back up the files that will be modified:
/data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big (acd .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big (acd .hdr files)
/data/audio/cd/spch_pa/pnamedat.big (PA .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr.big (PA .hdr files)
2. Use TiT to install
3. Check the audio/photo ID's (with MVP Edit or in the attrib.dat file) to verfy they match your roster.
Note: You can also install the audios with bigGUI.
MVP Audios: Padres
By alfre2jose
New Audio Announcements for the 2020 San Diego Padres Organization
0033 Hansel Rodríguez----acd
0034 Adrian Morejón-----acd
0036 Jorge Oña
0079 Allen Córdova
0081 Miguel Díaz
0118 Dinelson Lamet
0136 Anderson Espinoza
0376 José G. Castillo
0399 Joey Lucchesi
0450 MacKenzie Gore----acd
0519 Jesse Scholtens-----acd
0558 Trey Wingenter-----acd
0605 Brett Kennedy
0680 Jacob Nix
0727 Chris Paddack
0796 Pedro Avila
0882 Luis Patiño*-----acd
0895 Trent Grisham*
0943 Webster Rivas
0959 David Bednar
0981 Jake Cronenworth
0994 Ivan Castillo
1194 Jason Vosler
1321 Michael Gettys
1344 Luis Campusano
1346 Emmanuel Ramírez-----acd
3688 Jorge Mateo
3708 Jordan Guerrero
3755 Chase Johnson
3851 Chih-Wei Hu----acd
3992 Emilio Pagan
3994 Dan Altavila---cdp
4727 Austin Adams
4814 Taylor Williams
4853 Daniel Camarena----cdp
5386 Austin Nola
*Corrected Pronunciation
a= Krukow Last Name announcement
c= Kuiper Full Name announcement
d= Kuiper Last Name announcement
p= PA Full Name announcement
(26 of 36 full acdp announcement)
0681 Luis Medina (NYY) with his .hdrl files fixed
1. Back up the files that will be modified:
/data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big (acd .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big (acd .hdr files)
/data/audio/cd/spch_pa/pnamedat.big (PA .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr.big (PA .hdr files)
2. Use TiT to install
3. Check the audio/photo ID's (with MVP Edit or in the attrib.dat file) to verfy they match your roster.
Note: You can also install the audios with bigGUI.
MVP Audios: Yankees/Rays
By alfre2jose
More new audios! These two are playing a win or go home game tonight. Who you got?
Audio Announcements for the 2020 New York Yankees Organization:
0091 Thairo Estrada
0097 Kyle Holder
0213 Estevan Florial
0216 Albert Abreu
0327 Jonathan Loaisiga
0391 Brian Keller
0402 Michael King
0681 Luis Medina
0790 Nick Green
1062 Brooks Kriske
1063 Clarke Schmidt
1065 Deivi Garcia
1066 Thomas Milone
1181 Addison Russ
1240 Luis Gil
1241 Miguel Yajure---acd
1242 Nick Nelson
3453 Domingo German
3745 Chad Green
3962 Zack Granite----acd
3979 Jonathan Holder
3980 Jordan Montgomery
4059 Rosell Herrera
4345 Ben Heller
4623 Mike Tauchman---acd
4834 Luis Cessa
5641 Gio Urshela
Audio Announcements for the 2020 Tampa Bay Rays Organization:
0143 Brent Honeywell Jr.---acd
0302 Esteban Quiroz
0422 Diego Castillo---acd
0444 D.J. Snelten---cdp
0453 Brendan McKay
0490 Jalen Beeks
0511 Ryan Thompson----cdp
0531 John Curtiss-----cdp
0551 Nick Anderson
0570 Randy Arozarena
0597 Colin Poche----cdp
0756 Nate Lowe
0817 Mike Brosseau*-----acd
0820 Pete Fairbanks---cd
0872 Vidal Bruján-----cd
0873 Wander Franco*
0903 Sam McWilliams
0927 Brian O'Grady
1002 Ronaldo Hernández
1328 Josh Fleming----acd
1360 Brett Sullivan
1372 Shane McClanahan
3536 Dylan Cozens
3625 Kevin Padlo----cdp
3798 Aaron Slegers
3993 Ryan Yarbrough*----acd
4298 Ryan Sherriff----cdp
4334 Manuel Margot----acd
4677 Brett Phillips
4862 Dietrich Enns---cd
5806 Kevan Smith
5982 Joey Wendle*
7860 Chaz Roe----acd
8412 Edgar Garcia
8806 Seth Johnson
9991 Drake Oliver
*Corrected Pronunciation
a= Krukow Last Name announcement
c= Kuiper Full Name announcement
d= Kuiper Last Name announcement
p= PA Full Name announcement
1. Back up the files that will be modified:
/data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big (acd .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big (acd .hdr files)
/data/audio/cd/spch_pa/pnamedat.big (PA .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr.big (PA .hdr files)
2. Use TiT to install
3. Check the audio/photo ID's (with MVP Edit or in the attrib.dat file) to verfy they match your roster.
Note: You can also install the audios with bigGUI.
Next up: Dodgers and Padres.
**************Version 1.0.1****************
-Fixed an issue with the Gio Urshela .hdr file, now Kuiper
should announce his full name properly on every AB
-Corrected ID number for Kevan Smith (5806 instead of 5776)
-Added Brent Honeywell Jr. (acd) and Oliver Drake (full acdp announcement)
MVP New Audios: Marlins
By alfre2jose
New audios for some players of the still unbeaten Fishes:
0088 Magneuris Sierra
0189 Sixto Sanchez
0356 Elieser Hernandez----acd
0408 Stephen Tarpley
0465 Monte Harrison
0639 Josh A. Smith
0761 Brian Navarreto (Corrected pronunciation)
0811 Jordan Yamamoto----acd
0852 Jazz Chisholm----acd (An alternate option is available for him)
1167 Lewin Diaz
1310 Daniel Castano----acd
1330 Trevor Rogers
3406 Ryne Stanek------acd
3456 Chad Wallach------cd
4228 Garrett Cooper
4400 Lewis Brinson
5165 Jon Berti (Corrected pronunciation)
5292 James Hoyt------cdp
6803 Francisco Cervelli----acd
7200 Richard Bleier
9852 Nick Vincent
a= Krukow Last Name announcement
c= Kuiper Full Name announcement
d= Kuiper Last Name announcement
p= PA Full Name announcement
1. Back up the files that will be modified:
/data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big (acd .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big (acd .hdr files)
/data/audio/cd/spch_pa/pnamedat.big (PA .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr.big (PA .hdr files)
2. Use TiT to install
3. Check the audio/photo ID's (with MVP Edit or in the attrib.dat file) to verfy they match your roster.
Note: You can also install the audios with bigGUI.
MVP New Audios: Cardinals
By alfre2jose
Some new audios addition for these Cardinals:
0566 Ryan Helsley-------acd
0662 Dylan Carson
0770 Genesis Cabrera-----acd
0775 Jake Woodford
1305 Kodi Whitley-------acd
1309 Johan Oviedo------cdp
1314 Seth Elledge------cdp
3541 Austin Dean
3766 Daniel Ponce De León---acd
3768 Austin Gomber
3973 Giovanny Gallegos----cd
3991 Tyler O'Neill
4851 Tyler Webb
a= Krukow Last Name announcement
c= Kuiper Full Name announcement
d= Kuiper Last Name announcement
p= PA Full Name announcement
1. Back up the files that will be modified:
/data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big (acd .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big (acd .hdr files)
/data/audio/cd/spch_pa/pnamedat.big (PA .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr.big (PA .hdr files)
2. Use TiT to install
3. Check the audio/photo ID's (with MVP Edit or in the attrib.dat file) to verfy they match your roster.
Note: You can also install the audios with bigGUI.
MVP New Audios: Braves/Reds
By alfre2jose
Some new audios addition:
Atlanta Braves
0170 Ian Anderson
0273 A.J. Minter-------acd
0385 Austin Riley
0454 Kyle Wright
0763 Bryse Wilson
0843 Cristian Pache
3591 Dansby Swanson-------acd
4284 Max Fried---------acd
4463 Tyler Matzek
9494 Shane Green
Cincinnati Reds
0247 Aristides Aquino
0265 Tyler Mahle---------acd
0911 Tyler Stephenson
1052 Shogo Akiyama
1212 Tejay Antone
3698 Sal Romano---------acd
4053 Robert Stephenson
4152 Lucas Sims---------acd
4580 Amir Garret------cd
a= Krukow Last Name announcement
c= Kuiper Full Name announcement
d= Kuiper Last Name announcement
p= PA Full Name announcement
1. Back up the files that will be modified:
/data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big (acd .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big (acd .hdr files)
/data/audio/cd/spch_pa/pnamedat.big (PA .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr.big (PA .hdr files)
2. Use TiT to install
3. Check the audio/photo ID's (with MVP Edit or in the attrib.dat file) to verfy they match your roster.
Note: You can also install the audios with bigGUI.
Happy October! i'll be sharing more audios in the next days
1353-Jose Garcia, 1354-Ljay Newsome, 1355-Joey Gerber Audio & Faces
By cjdtldns
omarito2013 = ID Num.
1353-Jose Garcia, 1354-Ljay Newsome, 1355-Joey Gerber
2020 Play by play Audio Pack (75 MLB+ Players)
By alfre2jose
Firstly, i want to give credits to Homer, unclemo and 63impala for the player audio tutorial that made this possible. And also a shout out to every previous audio maker because i'm sure i used some of their jobs to put together this one.
In this mod you have mostly acd* and a couple of full acpd* anouncement. Some pronunciations are best-guess.
There are .wav files for previews.
In future releases, i will try to make full acdp* announcement
1. Back up these four files:
/data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat.big (acd .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr.big (acd .hdr files)
/data/audio/cd/spch_pa/pnamedat.big (PA .dat files)
/data/audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr.big (PA .hdr files)
2. Use TiT to install
3. Check the audio/photo ID's (with MVPEdit or in the attrib.dat file) to verfy they match your roster.
Note: You can also install the audios with bigGUI.
This is the list of the 75 new play-by-play audio for MVP Baseball (All ID's are official):
Atl - Max Fried 4284
Bos - Chris Mazza 1032
Cle - Aaron Civale 0806
Cle - Shane Bieber 0489
Cle - Triston McKenzie 0156
Col - David Dahl 5938
Col - Jon Gray 4057
Col - Kyle Freeland 4188
Det - Casey Mize 0880
Det - Jordan Zimmermann 1506
Det - Matt Manning 0165
Det - Michael Fulmer 4245
Det - Spencer Turnbull 0754
Det - Tarik Skubal 1323
Det - Tayler Alexander 0582
KC - Brad Keller 0332
KC - Brady Singer 0883
LAA - Griffin Canning 0772
LAA - Jo Adell 0461
LAD - Blake Treinen 9620 ----------only cd
LAD - Brusdar Graterol 0875
LAD - Dustin May 0917
LAD - Gavin Lux 0918
Mia - Brian Navarreto 0761
Mia - Elieser Hernandez 0356
Mia - Jon Berti 5165
Mia - Jordan Yamamoto 0811
Mia - Josh A. Smith 0639
Mia - Magneuris Sierra 0088
Mia - Nick Vincent 9852
Mia - Sixto Sanchez 0189
Mil - Adrian Houser 3730
NYY - Chad Green 3745 ----------full acdp
NYY - Clarke Schmidt 1063 -------full acdp
NYY - Deivi Garcia 1065
NYY - Jonathan Holder 3979
NYY - Jonathan Loaisiga 0327
NYY - Jordan Montgomery 3980
NYY - Luis Cessa 4834
NYY - Thairo Estrada 0091
Oak - AJ Puk 0164
Oak - Jesus Luzardo 0455
Phi - Spencer Howard 1326
Phi - Vincent Velasquez 4200
Pit - Chad Kuhl 4934 ----------only cd
Pit - Jacob Stallings 5263
Pit - Mitch Keller 0149
Pit - Steven Brault 3751 -----------only cd
SD - Cal Quantrill 0177
SD - Chris Paddack 0727
SD - Dinelson Lamet 0118
SD - Jake Cronenworth 0981
SD - Luis Patiño 0882
SD - MacKenzie Gore 0450
SD - Trent Grisham 0895
Sea - Jake Fraley 0949
Sea - Justus Sheffield 0029
Sea - Kendall Graveman 4318
Sea - Kyle Lewis 0141
Sea - Shed Long 0365
SF - Andrew Suarez 0486
SF - Joey Bart 0869
SF - Kevin Gaussman 5712
SF - Steven Duggar 0317
TB - Brendan McKay 0453
TB - Diego Castillo 0422
TB - Joey Wendle 5982
TB - Mike Brosseau 0817
TB - Ryan Thompson 0511 ----------only cd
TB - Ryan Yarbrough 3993 ----------only cd
TB - Wander Franco 0873
Tex - Rafael Montero 5827
Tex - Willie Calhoun 3945
Tor - Dan Vogelbach 3696
Tor - Nate Pearson 0479
(Keep in mind some of this players may get traded in today's Trade Deadline)
a= Krukow Last Name announcement
c= Kuiper Full Name announcement
d= Kuiper Last Name announcement
p= PA Full Name announcement
Please let me know if there is something wrong; and if you like this job, for the next releases, you can PM me requests of missing players audios to make (please make a list of at least 5-10 guys). I will give priority to already bigleaguers and to the best young guys in the minors systems.
Feel free to add this to any TCM. Greetings from Maracay, Ve.
Alfredo José.
Audios MVP Baseball 20
By FantasmaMVP
Los Archivos .Dat lo instalan en data/audio/cd/spech_pbp/pnamedat y los archivos .Hdr lo instalan en data/audio/spech_pbp/pnamehdr ... Instalar con Bigi,Eagrapeh o TIT ...
Andrew Velazquez
Antonio Senzatela
Brian Johnson
Bryan Abreu
Carter Kieboom
Chris Martin
David Dahl
Domingo Leyba
Evan White
Isan Diaz
Jefry Rodriguez
Joe Ross
Josh James
Kyle Gibson
Kyle Ryan
Kyle Tucker
Luke Weaver
Matt Boyd
Mike Ford
Nicky Lopez
Patrick Sandoval
Reynaldo Lopez
Ryan Weber
Sam Hilliard
Shane Bieber
Taylor Rogers
Tim Anderson
Tyler Wade
Victor Robles
Hill Harris
Zach Davies
Walk-up Music for Mvp 11 (REPOSTED)
By Yankee4Life
Fiebre requested this mod that was originally made by Dennis James eight years ago.
Here is the original instructions as provided by Dennis himself:
About This File
Here is a comprehensive update of Walk-Up Music I made for my MVP 11 installations. I changed every song in the MVP 08 mod (walk-up music), with the exception of the handful of ‘Latin’ songs in that collection. The Latin song selection sounded fine in my opinion and I am also not too well versed with the genre, so I left them alone. Other than that, all Country, Pop, Rap, Rock, Hard Rock, and Dance songs have been changed.
Among some of the included artists of these genres are: Smashing Pumpkins, Van Halen, AC/DC, Journey, Zwan, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Vendetta Valentine, The Naked and Famous, Five Finger Death Punch, Paramore, Chevelle, A Skylit Drive, Linkin Park, The Killers, Carlos Santana, J. Geils Band, Michelle Branch, Chris Brown, Memphis Bleek, Braille, Jay-Z, Cascada, Nelly Furtado, The Sandstorm song, LeeAnn Womack, Sara Evans, and Danielle Peck.
The ZIP file has (2) folders and you place the file into your game directory as noted in the folder name.
*Copy the batdit.abk file into the /data/audio/aems directory
*Copy the batdit.AST file into the /data/audio/CD/aems directory.
Make sure to backup your original files if you end up hating the new Walk-Up music.
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