403 files
PNC Field (Formerly Lackawanna County Stadium)
By Guest
Update of Lackawanna County Stadium. Now renamed PNC Field. I just edited it from MarkB's original Lackawanna County Stadium upgrade. Here's what I changed: --Took away the Pablo Ozuna board and just made it a generic SWB Yankees logo on the Jumbotron. --I noticed that some of the ads were from New Jersey, so I changed those around to local Scranton, PA advertisers, as well as some generic national advertisers. --Replaced the "SWB" atop the main scoreboard with an SWB Yankees logo and changed the scoreboard to read the first at-bat for Kevin Thompson rather than A.J. Hinch. --Changed the dugout logo from a Red Barons logo to an SWB Yankees logo. -- Crowds are now a neutral blue color rather than Phillies colors
Aguilas del Zulia Stadium
By salva
Luis Aparicio "el grande" stadium. Sede de las Aguilas del Zulia. Este estadio fue hecho a partir de la estructura del estadio Hiram Bithorn. Contiene: Grama y terreno de juego hechos con texturas fotográficas. Logo de la copa MaltÃÂÂÂn Polar detrás del home plate. Público con camisetas de las Aguilas. Valla publicitaria detrás del home plate. Vallas en el outfield parecidas al estadio real. Disfrútenlo!
Tigres del Licey Stadium
By salva
Incluye: Publicidad real en las vallas del outfield (hechas con texturas fotograficas) Vallas gigantes y pizarra en el outfield. Pendones de cerveza Presidente en las torres de luz. Infield hecho con texturas fotograficas del propio estadio Quisqueya. Vallas reales detrás del home plate. La verdad este estadio quedó muy muy parecido al real. Disfrútenlo panas dominicanos!
Dolphin Stadium 2007
By hyman
Completely updated stadium as close to real life as possible as of the opening homestand of 2007 including real ads, HD scoreboards, LED ring and boards, picnic area and the Dolphins Ring of Honor and too many other things to mention. INSTALLATION: Unrar and extract the propday.big and propnite.big files to your Program FilesEA SPORTSMVP Baseball 2005datastadium folder. Make sure they go into your stadium folder. You will have to overwrite. Backup your original files.
Cuban Stadium vol.1
By salva
Este estadio está situado en la barriada del Cerro, municipio de Ciudad de la Habana, la capital de Cuba, está considerado el terreno más popular y famoso en el paÃÂÂÂs. Fue construido en el año 1946 por la CompañÃÂÂÂa Operadora de Stadium S.A, y fue inaugurado el 26 de Octubre de ese mismo año, con el primer juego de la temporada profesional cubana entre los equipos de Almendares y Cienfuegos, ganado por los primeros 9x1. Hasta 1961 se llamó Gran Stadium de La Habana, cuando toma el actual nombre. Desde 1963 ha sido la casa del equipo Industriales, formando una inseparable y mágica pareja desde los inicios y hasta los dÃÂÂÂas actuales. Es el estadio que más partidos de Series Nacionales se han jugado, y la mayorÃÂÂÂa de los grandes hechos de la pelota cubana han tenido lugar en ese histórico parque, reconocido como uno de los más famosos en Latinoamérica, entre los que destacan el primer partido en clásicos nacionales en 1962 entre Orientales y Azucareros el 14 de enero. Estadio Latinoamericano de La Habana Construido en 1946 Capacidad para 55 personas Dimensiones 325 345 380 400 380 345 325 Translated text: This stadium is located in the quarter of the Hill, municipality of City of La Habana, the capital of Cuba, is considered the most popular and famous land in the country. It was constructed in 1946 by the Company Operadora de Stadium S.A., and was inaugurated the 26 of October of that same year, with the first game of the Cuban professional season between the equipment of Almendares and Cienfuegos, gained by first 9x1. Up to 1961 Great Stadium of La Habana was called, when it takes the present name. From 1963 it has been the Industriales house, forming an inseparable and magical pair from the beginnings and to the present days. It is the stadium that more starting off of National Series have played, and most of the great facts of the Cuban ball they have taken place in that historical park, recognized like one of most famous in Latin America, between which they emphasize the first game in classic Eastern and Sugar nationals in 1962 between the 14 of January. Latin American Stadium of La Habana Constructed in 1946 Capacity for 55 people Dimensions 325 345 380 400 380 345 325
Legends Field (Yankees Spring Training Stadium) v. 1.0
By MarlinsMY
This is a stadium with large-resolution textures - I have tried to keep things as small as possible without sacrificing detail, but it still may not work with every system. If there is a lot of problems with it crashing, I'll try to release a small-texture version. THANKS: ChicagoCubs720- For modifying the datafile and moving the bullpen locations to their correct places DYosua- For being encouraging and enduring my random ramblings involved in the creation of the stadium MarkB- For providing inital source images Beta testers (including bigbully, SeanO, MarkB, ChicagoCubs720, D-Unit, DYosua) Everyone who commented in the original preview thread MISC. CREDITS: source images source images
Cibao Stadium Update
By salva
Corregidos problemas de la pizarra electrónica en el jardin central. Mejoradas las vallas publicitarias encima de la grada. Corregida las tribunas y las gradas. Colocadas nuevas texturas de público. Nueva textura de terreno. Nuevo público. Cualquier duda escribir a:
Tiger Stadium Classic I
By paulw
Tiger Stadium circa 1960 featuring authentic period signs, new scoreboard, new textures and accurate colors. Re-work of EA Original stadium. Works as a good representation for around 1940 to 1970. Also features a bonus team roster - the 1940 Detroit Tigers. This team has only been tested with Total Classics 7. It is not recommended to install this team with any other mod or rosters. This team is not supported in any way by the modder. INSTALLATION: Simply copy the stadium file tigrnite.big into your MVP Baseball 2005/data/stadiums folder. Installing the 1940 Tigers assumes a working knowledge of MVP Edit version 4.
2007 Hi-Res Yankee Stadium
By hyman
Preinstallation Notes ------------------------------- Almost all of the ads and more have been redone from scratch in higher resolution. It is an accurate representation of Yankee Stadium as of June 2007. Based on beta testing, this hi-res mod should work for most, if not all, setups without crashing, even with other 2X mods, but please be sure to back up your original Yankee Stadium files just in case. This mod is compatible with both the original MVP Baseball 2005 and the MVP07 mod. Credits: Y2K deserves full credit for his outstanding graphics in 2004 and 2005, some of which are still included in this mod. Thanks to Big O for the field changer mod and Kccitystar for the Oedit on the crowd. Installation Notes ------------------------------- Backup your original files. Copy the yankday.big and yanknite.big files into the following directory: MVP Baseball 2005/data/stadium Say "yes" when you are prompted if you would like to overwrite the existing files.
LA Memorial Coliseum Final
By Sean O
------------------------------ Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum ------------------------------ Installation: Unpack the file "dodgday.big" to your MVP Baseball 2005Stadium folder. THIS WILL OVERWRITE YOUR CURRENT DODGER STADIUM. Always make a backup pr
YBOR PARK Night Version 1.0
YBOR PARK Night Version 1.0 - Fantasy Stadium for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays using paulw & hyman's Ebbets Field Version 3.0. The classic Ebbets created by paulw and hyman and surrounding areas of the stadium have been repainted to look like Ybor City in the Tampa Bay Area. A once thriving cigar capitol of the world, Ybor City is again thriving as an Entertainment district with restaurants, night clubs, art parlors and other forms of entertainment. High Res pictures of this area has been implemented into this stadium. I tried to change everything I could to look like a modern Ebbets was placed into Ybor City a now possible future home to a real stadium. The walls, buildings, adds and crowds were reworked. Installation: **Please make sure you create backups of any file you copy** Copy the file aaa2nite.big (night Version) into your mvp/data/stadium folder. **Next and in order for the stadium to work properly, you must place the file aaa2nite.txt into your mvp/data file. **Now also important, during league games scheduled at night for you to actually play in the Night version stadium, at the stadium selection screen before entering a game...scroll to this version before entering into the game so that the proper version is being played in. Credits: First and foremost credit for just being able to do this fantasy stadium is due to paulw and hyman for creating this masterpiece. The work I did with this stadium was cosmetic and artistic in nature for the exception of taking out the obstructed view columns. I want to make sure they are not slighted for the hard work they put into this. I also need to give credit to creators of one of the crowd members that I believe was done by tribetime that I did not change in the game(Dude with the black DRay shirt). If I missed or slighted anyone...please let me know. Thanks to this great community that makes this game live on!
YBOR PARK Day Version 1.0
YBOR PARK Day Version 1.0 - Fantasy Stadium for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays using paulw & hyman's Ebbets Field Version 3.0. The classic Ebbets created by paulw and hyman and surrounding areas of the stadium have been repainted to look like Ybor City in the Tampa Bay Area. A once thriving cigar capitol of the world, Ybor City is again thriving as an Entertainment district with restaurants, night clubs, art parlors and other forms of entertainment. High Res pictures of this area has been implemented into this stadium. I tried to change everything I could to look like a modern Ebbets was placed into Ybor City a now possible future home to a real stadium. The walls, buildings, adds and crowds were reworked. Installation: **Please make sure you create backups of any file you copy** Copy the file tropdome.big (Day Version) into your mvp/data/stadium folder. **Next, and in order for the stadium to work properly, you must place the file tropdome.txt into your mvp/data file. To get the correct lighting for this version, go to ...MVP/DATA/STADIUM/lighting.csv and make sure that tropdome is set for value 02day. This is an Excel file that can be edited. When saving and prompted, select yes to save the correct value. Credits: First and foremost credit for just being able to do this fantasy stadium is due to paulw and hyman for creating this masterpiece. The work I did with this stadium was cosmetic and artistic in nature for the exception of taking out the obstructed view columns. I want to make sure they are not slighted for the hard work they put into this. I also need to give credit to creators of one of the crowd members that I believe was done by tribetime that I did not change in the game(Dude with the black DRay shirt). If I missed or slighted anyone...please let me know. Thanks to this great community that makes this game live on!
Sick's Stadium by Sean O
By Sean O
Sick's Stadium was the oh-so-temporary home to the failed Seattle Pilots expansion team that became the Milwaukee Brewers. It was a small, converted minor league park, that had difficulty accommodating major league ball. It did not even have lights, so no night baseball was seen in Seattle until 2000, 31 years later. This comes in two versions, dusk and cloudy in the day and nite slots respectively. In the night version, you will get real rain for the first few innings. Just not enough to call the game. Installation: Extract safeday and safenite.big to the stadium folder. Extract the two .txt files to the main data folder. ***********NOTE************* This will overwrite your current Seattle Mariners park. Back up safeday and safenite.big before installation in a safe place, or rename these files to overwrite another stadium. Enjoy!
Comiskey Park Classic
By paulw
Chicago's Comiskey Park circa 1960-1970. Structure and design by Sean O. Graphic additions by PaulW. Whats new from Comiskey 1950 version: Bill Veck's exploding scoreboard - authentically modeled from 1967 photograph. Collision data for upper deck and roof - All hr's now land in the upper deck without passing through. Balls will land and bounce off top of roof. Custom rf "roof" cam will follow these. Extensive buildings on outside of stadium including horizon of 1960's downtown Chicago. Customized camera files Bullpen and dugouts in correct places. Updated crowd - if you look real close there's a young BB King sitting in the stands. Install: copy the file usceday.big to your ...MVP 2005/data/stadium folder. Copy the file usceday.txt to your ...MVP 2005/data folder (this adds cameras, bullpens and dugout shots) Select U.S. Cellular day to play in Comiskey. Note - Installing this program will overwrite your original U.S. Cellular field. A huge, HUGE thank you to Sean O who made this all possible with his *original* creation. Awesome work!!
1960's Metropolitan Stadium (Nite)
EA had butchered this stadium as far as 'finishing touches' but it was one of the more in-depth stadiums they did as far as structural details, bullpen design, etc. -Fixed fence. -Added distance signs. -Updated scoreboard. -Removed field logos. -Replaced grass. -Recolored various parts of the stadium. -Used EAs 60's era crowd. Enjoy Special thanks goes to Lowell H. Prescott and his wonderful site on the stadium:
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