286 files
Preseason Roster MVP Baseball MLB 2019 (Feb/10/19) 1.0.0
By laca79njac52
Primero que todo, un agradecimiento a todos los miembros, editores y programadores por los aportes hechos, por otra parte quiero agradecer principalmente al Modder junior1617 por permitir usar su archivo database editar el roster MVP y al Modder Gordo por todos sus consejos y recomendaciones.
Soy un fanático del juego MVP Baseball que le gusta jugar con los roster lo mas actualizados posibles y con los atributos mas cercanos a la realidad, en cuanto a tipos de picheo, habilidades al bate y demás, no soy editor ni programador pero estoy incursionando en la edición con el MVPEdit.
Aquí les dejo el roster de la pre-temporada de MLB. Solamente tiene actualizado los roster de grandes ligas, conforme al roster de 40 que tiene cada equipo, algunos jugadores están en la misma organización pero en otro nivel debido a la limitación del roster de 25. Evidentemente, si crees que un jugador debería estar en el equipo de la MLB. Simplemente sustitúyalo por alguien que crees que no debería estar allí.
Espero tener sus Feedback con respecto a esta actualización de roster, recuerden hacer un BACKUP antes de sustituir los archivos de la carpeta database
INSTALACIÓN: Vaya a C:\Archivos de programa(x86)\EASPORTS\MVP2005 (o como se le llame)\data\database. ELIMINAR los 19 archivos existentes .dat. Descomprima este archivo de lista en esa ubicación.
First of all, thanks to all the members, editors and programmers for the contributions made, on the other hand I would like to thank the Modder junior1617 for allowing the use of its database file, editing the MVP roster and the Modder Gordo for all its advice and recommendations.
I am a fan of the MVP Baseball game that likes to play with the rosters as up-to-date as possible and with the attributes closest to reality, in terms of pitching types, at-bat skills and others, I'm not a publisher or a programmer but I'm dabbling in the edition with the MVPEdit.
Here is the roster of MLB preseason. It only has updated the big league roster, according to the roster of 40 that each team has, some players are in the same organization but in another level due to the limitation of the roster of 25. Obviously, if you think that a player should be in the MLB team. Just replace it with someone you think should not be there.
I hope to have your feedback regarding this roster update, remember to do a BACKUP before replacing the files in the database folder
INSTALLATION: Go to C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\EASPORTS\MVP2005 (or as it is called)\data\database. DELETE the 19 existing files.dat. Unzip this list file in that location.
2018 MLB BaseUp! Rosters (End of Season)
By Gordo
This is an end of the season roster. Like past versions, it will typically incorporate players who have given the most service to their respective organization with a few exceptions (e.g., overall playing time during the year such as innings pitched and plate appearances, a more notable name will bump out a lesser name, a pitcher who seemed to be a pure #6 starter will be kept off, etc.). Typically if you think a player should be on the MLB squad, he will most likely be in the organization at some level. Simply substitute him for someone you think should not be there. Several players not previously created, especially pitchers, were included in this version.
Some teams were difficult to keep certain players off the MLB level. A few teams will have 13 players on the pitching staff, but most will have 12.
** A new chin strap/Abe Lincoln type beard was made by BallFour (much appreciation to him!). If you do not install it, you may notice various players with a mustache instead. I would strongly recommend you back up your models.big file and install this beard type found here (4th post down):
**I will not be doing All-Star teams. The game has too many limitations and it's simply not worth the time. Sorry.
Please PM me for any changes needed or place in the comments, not review. I will be doing a version 2, which will address major player attribute tweaks such as pitch control and batting contact/power. I may look at speed again as well.
Since "Placeholder" players (last name) were put in to fill the empty slots, these rosters can be used with injuries and suspensions set to "ON" without crashing. Most every team has 23-25 players.
If you want to use these rosters to create another version or a roster incorporating MiLB, just ask (as someone already has in reference to a standard only roster). If you are thinking of making a MiLB roster set, you can alter the existing "Placeholder" players.
INSTALLATION: Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\EA SPORTS\MVP 2005 (or whatever you named it)\data\database subfolder. DELETE the existing 19 .dat files. Unzip this roster file to that location. DO NOT SIMPLY OVERWRITE!
**If you're going to give feedback, please make it intelligent. If the rosters are not working for you, then don't leave feedback and rate the rosters down simply because you don't know what you're doing. Ask for help!
**Also, don't just be a leech around here! .... give feedback to ALL modders from whom you download files. Make comments. Give suggestions.
2018 MLB BaseUp! Rosters (Trade Deadline)
By Gordo
Incorporates latest trades and significant moves to the trade deadline Call up players who had major injuries Send down players with major and season-ending injuries Create new players who have debuted and are impacting
Please PM me for any changes needed. I'll most likely be tweaking this over the next few days.
Since "Placeholder" players (last name) were put in to fill the empty slots, these rosters can be used with injuries and suspensions set to "ON" without crashing. Most every team has 23-25 players.
If you want to use these rosters to create another version or a roster incorporating MiLB, just ask (as someone already has in reference to a standard only roster). If you are thinking of making a MiLB roster set, you can alter the existing "Placeholder" players.
INSTALLATION: Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\EA SPORTS\MVP 2005 (or whatever you named it)\data\database subfolder. DELETE the existing 19 .dat files. Unzip this roster file to that location. DO NOT SIMPLY OVERWRITE!
**If you're going to give feedback, please make it intelligent. If the rosters are not working for you, then don't leave feedback and rate the rosters down simply because you don't know what you're doing. Ask for help!
**Also, don't just be a leech around here! .... give feedback to ALL modders from whom you download files. Make comments. Give suggestions.
2018 MLB BaseUp! Rosters (All Star Break)
By Gordo
Incorporates latest trades and significant moves Call up players who had major injuries Send down players with major and season-ending injuries Create new players who have debuted and are impacting Batting attributes updated for rookies; some pitching attributes adjusted especially for call-ups who had not pitched since last year
Since "Placeholder" players (last name) were put in to fill the empty slots, these rosters can be used with injuries and suspensions set to "ON" without crashing. Most every team has 24-25 players.
If you want to use these rosters to create another version or a roster incorporating MiLB, just ask (as someone already has in reference to a standard only roster). If you are thinking of making a MiLB roster set, you can alter the existing "Placeholder" players.
INSTALLATION: Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\EA SPORTS\MVP 2005 (or whatever you named it)\data\database subfolder. DELETE the existing 19 .dat files. Unzip this roster file to that location. DO NOT SIMPLY OVERWRITE!
**If you're going to give feedback, please make it intelligent. If the rosters are not working for you, then don't leave feedback and rate the rosters down simply because you don't know what you're doing. Ask for help!
**Also, don't just be a leech around here! .... give feedback to ALL modders from whom you download files. Make comments. Give suggestions.
2018 MLB BaseUp! Rosters (JUNE Ver. 1.2)
By Gordo
Incorporates moves to beginning of June Call up players who had major injuries Send down players with major injuries Create new players who have debuted New speed attributes established for all 30 MLB teams; some pitchers speed attributes increased
Since "Placeholder" players (last name) were put in to fill the empty slots, these rosters can be used with injuries and suspensions set to "ON" without crashing. Most every team has 24-25 players.
If you want to use these rosters to create another version or a roster incorporating MiLB, just ask (as someone already has in reference to a standard only roster). If you are thinking of making a MiLB roster set, you can alter the existing "Placeholder" players.
INSTALLATION: Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\EA SPORTS\MVP 2005 (or whatever you named it)\data\database subfolder. DELETE the existing 19 .dat files. Unzip this roster file to that location. DO NOT SIMPLY OVERWRITE!
**If you're going to give feedback, please make it intelligent. If the rosters are not working for you, then don't leave feedback and rate the rosters down simply because you don't know what you're doing. Ask for help!
**Also, don't just be a leech around here! .... give feedback to ALL modders from whom you download files. Make comments. Give suggestions.
2018 MLB BaseUp! Rosters (End of April)
By Gordo
Update for MVP rosters reflecting players who have come off or are soon to come off major injuries Other players who have experienced major injuries moved down Some attribute changes made to those moved up and had no edits since beginning of last season A few new players who made debuts created and added to their respective MLB roster
Since "Placeholder" players (last name) were put in to fill the empty slots, these rosters can be used with injuries and suspensions set to "ON" without crashing. Most every team has 24-25 players.
If you want to use these rosters to create another version or a roster incorporating MiLB, just ask (as someone already has in reference to a standard only roster). If you are thinking of making a MiLB roster set, you can alter the existing "Placeholder" players.
INSTALLATION: Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\EA SPORTS\MVP 2005 (or whatever you named it)\data\database subfolder. DELETE the existing 19 .dat files. Unzip this roster file to that location. DO NOT SIMPLY OVERWRITE!
**If you're going to give feedback, please make it intelligent. If the rosters are not working for you, then don't leave feedback and rate the rosters down simply because you don't know what you're doing. Ask for help!
2018 MLB BaseUp! Rosters for MVP (Opening Day)
By Gordo
This is more reflective of an Opening Day roster set as compared to last year. There are a few exceptions as some teams are only indicating 4 starters and the MVP game demands 5 (with the Giants being the most difficult).
A good number of relievers especially had to be created. For those debuting in the MLB this year, I had to rely on scouting reports which are not always the greatest.
Other major change since the last tweaks include pitchers who either do not feature a 4 seam fastball or throw one at all had the control for that pitch pushed down to 10.
Line-ups are set per the RosterResource site. Of course guesses about DH for NL teams and no DH lineups for AL teams had to be made.
If you find any mistakes (batting stances, pitching styles, jersey numbers, etc.), please PM me and I'll include the fixes, if warranted, in the next update, or if there are enough I'll upload another version.
Manager cyberface nos. may not be complete/correct, especially for Tampa Bay.
Since "Placeholder" players (last name) were put in to fill the empty slots, these rosters can be used with injuries and suspensions set to "ON" without crashing. Most every team has 24-25 players.
If you want to use these rosters to create another version or a roster incorporating MiLB, just ask (as someone already has in reference to a standard only roster). If you are thinking of making a MiLB roster set, you can alter the existing "Placeholder" players.
INSTALLATION: Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\EA SPORTS\MVP 2005 (or whatever you named it)\data\database subfolder. DELETE the existing 19 .dat files. Unzip this roster file to that location. DO NOT SIMPLY OVERWRITE!
**If you're going to give feedback, please make it intelligent. Thanks.
Roster Spring Training MVP 18
By junior1617
Roster sprinng trainning version 1.1 MLB 2018 for MVP 18 improve some things like changes and new id improvements in batting patterns speed of pitcher attributes etc in this roster you will be able to appreciate many things improved to the style of real life, which gives a realistic flavor to the game
new players id
Fernando Tatis Jr 0871
Joe Palumbo is 0351
Mike Ford is 4863
Kazuhisa Makita 0384
2018 BaseUp! Rosters Spring Training
By Gordo
This roster incorporates changes/edits made at the end of last season. Additionally, fielders speed edits are now better integrated thanks to MLB stats being tabulated for baserunning speed. Some players had to be adjusted accordingly (e.g., Altuve). Not all new players have been created as of yet as they are uncertain for the start of the season. Moves include up to today (Lucas Duda to KC).
This will be the only Spring Training roster. Once again, there will be NO creation or organization for the minor leagues as it is just too time consuming. So when you leave feedback, leave it wisely. If you leave feedback about why the minor leagues are not accurate, I will promptly show up at your door and smackeral you Monty Python style!
2017 BaseUp! End of Season Rosters ~ Phase 3
By Gordo
End of Season Update
Rosters primarily reflect players on the roster at the end of the season who have largely given the most service to the MLB squad to date. There are some exceptions when it comes to some marquee players, but I do take into consideration the total amount of playing time, especially with pitchers. However, some players get caught during a trade and I couldn't justify putting them up on the MLB roster over another player. If you do think that a certain player deserves to be on the MLB squad over another, you can simply move him within the game itself or one of the editors.
I made sure each team had 12 pitchers and 13 fielders.
Phase 1: These are primarily setting the rosters only. A few pitchers had to be created that I had missed previously and very few fielders' batting numbers were adjusted. I have NOT included some of the latest cyberface numbers, though you can easily correct this again with one of the editors or doing it directly in the attrib.dat file (as previously discussed in the forums).
Phase 2:
**Batting adjustments for power and contact for all fielders completed.
**Starting pitching rotations adjusted to largely match RotoWorld.
**Secondary pitches velocity reduced by 3 mph (except for 2 seam FB).
**Recent cyberface ID changes integrated.
Phase 3:
**Updated control attributes for all MLB pitchers based on last 3 year WHIP ratings
**Updated batting contact/power ratings for pitchers with 100+ PA over past 5 years.
**Pitch speeds adjusted (off speed pitches, especially change-ups and curves do not translate from MVPedit properly)
**Pat Neshek moved up to the Rockies bullpen.
If you notice any correction needs, please PM me. However, please do not PM me about minor league players.
INSTALLATION: place this rar file into the database subfolder (where your 19 .dat files are). DELETE the existing 19 .dat files first. Then, unzip/rar this file to this location. DO NOT SIMPLY DO AN OVERWRITE!!
**If you're going to give feedback, please make it intelligent. THIS WOULD INCLUDE IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. Leave a comment or question in the comments area if you need assistance, not in the feedback area. Thanks.
2017 BaseUp! End of Season Rosters ~ PC vs PC!
By Gordo
End of Season Update
Rosters are adjusted for PC vs PC play only. If you attempt to play vs. the PC you may not get the same results.
NOTE: The ratings for the main batting attributes (contact & power) are purposely lowered to play effectively like this. Do not contact me about this.
NOTE 2: You can load these rosters, then save in game, then re-install other preferred rosters. If you do this, you'll have to then load your save to play PC vs. PC.
INSTALLATION: place this rar file into the database subfolder (where your 19 .dat files are). DELETE the existing 19 .dat files first. Then, unzip/rar this file to this location. DO NOT SIMPLY DO AN OVERWRITE!!
You can use this thread re: how to set up the game:
**If you're going to give feedback, please make it intelligent. THIS WOULD INCLUDE IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. Leave a comment or question in the comments area if you need assistance, not in the feedback area. Thanks.
2017 MLB BaseUp! Rosters for MVP (Trade Deadline Update)
By Gordo
Trade Deadline Update
Rosters include the trade deadline transactions and relevant call-ups/send downs. Necessary new pitchers created.
New minor league affiliation names and moves completed.
2017 All Star teams added. 9 pitchers who appeared for each team included. Certain members not included due to the 25 man limitation.
Note: rosters do not reflect this actual date as they may have players who are still currently on 10 day DL lists, etc.
If you notice any correction needs, please PM me.
INSTALLATION: place this rar file into the database subfolder (where your 19 .dat files are). DELETE the existing 19 .dat files first. Then, unzip/rar this file to this location. DO NOT SIMPLY DO AN OVERWRITE!!
**If you're going to give feedback, please make it intelligent. THIS WOULD INCLUDE IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. Leave a comment or question in the comments area if you need assistance, not in the feedback area. Thanks.
2017 MLB BaseUp! Rosters for MVP (All-Star Break Update)
By Gordo
All-Star Break Update
Rosters include transactions and relevant call-ups/send downs. Significant no. of pitchers' edits, especially relievers who have been brought up. Batting edits done to some rookie position players.
Note: rosters do not reflect this actual date as they may have players who are still currently on 10 day DL lists, etc.
If you notice any correction needs, please PM me.
INSTALLATION: place this rar file into the database subfolder (where your 19 .dat files are). DELETE the existing 19 .dat files first. Then, unzip/rar this file to this location. DO NOT SIMPLY DO AN OVERWRITE!!
**If you're going to give feedback, please make it intelligent. THIS WOULD INCLUDE IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. Leave a comment or question in the comments area, not in the feedback area. Thanks.
2017 MLB BaseUp! Rosters for MVP (Beginning of June Update)
By Gordo
Beginning of June update
Rosters include transactions and relevant call-ups/send downs. Significant no. of pitchers edits, especially relievers who have been brought up.
Note: rosters do not reflect this actual date as they may have players who are still currently on 10 day DL lists, etc.
If you notice any correction needs, please PM me.
**If you're going to give feedback, please make it intelligent. Thanks.
2017 MLB BaseUp! Rosters for MVP (End of April Update)
By Gordo
End of April update
Rosters include moves and relevant call-ups/send downs. Updates made to many rookie and young fielders' hitting attributes.
Note: rosters do not reflect this actual date as they may have players who are still currently on 10 day DL lists, etc.
If you notice any correction needs, please PM me.
**If you're going to give feedback, please make it intelligent. Thanks.
2017 MLB BaseUp! Rosters for MVP (Start of Season)
By Gordo
This is NOT an opening day roster set, as indicated in the announcement thread.
This is a start of the season roster. This means that most every team will include players on the short DL stints. That being said there can be oversights. Also, I'm sure not every line-up is picture perfect. Adjust the line-ups to your liking, especially for inter-league play.
Tweaks that were included in the pre-season roster are here. A few players (fielders and pitchers) were tweaked additionally. Primary additions for this roster are rookies who had very limited or no MLB action last year. Pitchers who had no experience will have fairly generic pitching profiles until some data comes in. Sidearm type pitchers were better identified.
If you find any mistakes (batting stances, pitching styles, jersey numbers, etc.), please PM me and I'll include the fixes, if warranted, in the next update.
Since "placeholder" players were put in to fill the empty slots, these rosters can be used with injuries and suspensions on without crashing.
If you want to use these rosters to create another version, just ask (as someone already has in reference to a standard only roster).
**If you're going to give feedback, please make it intelligent. Thanks.
2017 MLB PreSeason Roster
By Gordo
Pre-season MLB roster to date for 2017. There are a few LRP's for which I have no data at release of this roster set.
THESE ARE FOR MLB ONLY! This is not a minor leagues roster. This is why you will see many players name "Placeholder" because that's exactly what they holders. However, all teams do have 25 players and therefore you should be able to turn on injuries and suspensions without crashing.
I have adjusted pitchers during this past off season so that most pitchers do not have 3+ strong pitches. Also, a good number of speedsters were brought down a bit in speed.
If anyone see any jersey numbers, batting stances or pitching styles that are incorrect, PM me with changes needed and suggestions.
See you on opening day!
Roster MLB 2017 formato correcto 1.2.0
By sungyeolpark
hola amigos este es el roster actualizado de MLB 2017 hasta la fecha de ayer 23 de enero 2017.. anteriormente habia enviado un roster pero fue un error mio lo coloque con otro formato que no es el adecuado.. cualquier jugador que falte o no este en su respectivo equipo me avisan y lo modifico.. tambien estoy trabajando con los portrait respectivo con estos ultimos cambios... PRIMERA VEZ que estoy colaborando con el equipo de MVP Caribe.. saludos hermanos.
2016 NCAA Rosters
By grmrpr1313
Hello All I have completed my overhaul of Roy's Rosters for the Awesome NCAA 16 Mod.
Every team is edited along with the 2016 Final Team records.
I have also created a generic schedule using Roy's team settings so ENJOY!!
Thanks to Roy, Dennisjames and all else who worked on this Project!
2016 MVP PC v PC MLB Playoffs
By Gordo
This file is for WATCHING PC versus PC games, not playing. This features modifications to the 8 2016 MLB playoff teams.
Simply set the matchup that you want for a given game in the "Season Prep" mode and choose MVP levels for both teams. Use the recommended sliders in the appropriate thread or make up your own.
Have fun!
2016 MVP MLB Playoffs
By Gordo
SAV file only featuring opening round playoff rosters.
Keep in mind it is nearly impossible to have everyone entering the post-season with 100% stamina. Also you will see relievers in a starters slot (because the game demands the 5 starter slots be filled).
The file is saved to play as the Chicago Cubs. To change teams, use the tywiggins team changer app (found in the downloads section).
MVP 2016 End of Season PC v PC
By Gordo
For observing (not playing) MLB level games. Suggested sliders and set up in the forums (link: MVP 2016 PC vs PC Sliders)
*NOTE: Contact and Power ratings will be considerably lower than usual. This is to make the game play better for PC vs PC conditions)
MVP 16 End of Season Rosters
By Gordo
End of 2016 season rosters. MLB focused only. There was no attention given to MiLB at all.
Primarily rosters reflect amount of service given to a given organization, except for some particular players who need to remain at the MLB level.
Adjustments given to younger fielders contact/power Control adjustments made for pitchers at upper and lower ERA levels Hot/Cold zones changed for all fielders according to ESPN's ratings for last 2 seasons Contact/power for upper 10 and lower 10 fielders also adjusted
It is highly recommended to play with injuries, trades and suspensions set to OFF, otherwise your game/season may crash.
If you believe another player should be on the MLB level, he's probably on one of the minor league squads. If you find a jersey number is wrong, this is easily changed via MVPedit or right in the .dat file itself.
If you believe you've found a blatant omission, please PM me for a correction.
PC vs PC roster set is forthcoming.
Roster Convertion MLB THE SHOW MVP 16
By junior1617
First of all I want to thank God and my esteemed friend and brother Jeferomer, which has been one of the people which helped me a lot for the elaboration of this great roster brother thanks you are the best, also the brains of ID Mr. Oscar Morales has given the greatest possible number of ID for this great roster, thank you too brother without you either hubiece been possible this project and also thank Omardj for the help in the Line Up of the All Star Game by you too brother, and before I forget ae thousand thanks also thanks to the lord Laroquece have cast all changes in MLB and MILB and all of you modders MVPMODS and MVPCARIBE are thanked as well.
1 Changes
In this roster they have cast all changes in mlb and MiLB until today's date 09/09/16 alla possibly one other change that last beyond us, but most are the maximums echos the MLB and MILB.
For this version of the roster of MVP 16 version America, we have improved much more stability pitcher attributes to the real throwing style in its majority, as his stamina and movement releases, also Hermos improved almost entirely their speeds and actual pitches removed from the page PLAYERS DEPTH CHART.
It has also been improved players to their attributes, fielding, batting, and improvements tally when hit taken from many videos seen and they have added the most similar, also have been added to contact agility etc, many cozas that will be able to see when playing.
Undoubtedly one of the most anticipated is the Roster for the ALL STAR GAME 2016, I will also update a phenomenal way thanks to the master Omardj, enjoy it for exibicion party.
This is version 3.0 of the roster for MVP 16 version America, it has been hard work with my dear friend jeferomer in which we discussed many things to give them the best roster ever prepared for all of you, no doubt a great job MLB and MILB no more to say just enjoy this great work and discuss it costs nothing is free, thanks soon more things for MVP 16 Junior1617 humble servant Shalom
Primero que nada quiero darle las gracias a Dios y a mi estimadisimo amigo y hermano Jeferomer, que ha sido una de las personas de las cuales me ha ayudado mucho para la elaboracion de este gran roster gracias hermano eres el mejor, tambien el cerebro de las ID el señor Oscar Morales que ha otorgado la mayor cantidad de Id posibles para este grandioso roster, gracias a ti tambien hermano sin usted tampoco hubiece sido posible este proyecto, y tambien agradecer a Omardj por la ayuda en el Line Up del All Star Game gracias a ti tambien hermano, y antes que se me olvide tambien mil gracias a e señor Laroquece gracias a el se han echo todos los cambios en MLB y MILB y a TODOS ustedes MODDERS de MVPMODS y MVPCARIBE se les agradece tambien.
En este roster se han echo todos los cambios en mlb y milb, hasta la fecha de hoy 09/09/16 posiblemente alla uno que otro cambio que se nos alla pasado, pero en su mayoria estan echos la al maximos MLB Y MILB.
Para esta version del roster del MVP 16 version latina, hemos mejorado mucho mas la estabilidad de los pitcher sus atributos al estilo real de lanzar en su mayoria, al igual su estamina y movimiento de lanzamientos, tambien hermos mejorado casi en su totalidad sus velocidades y pitcheos reales sacados de la pagina PLAYERS DEPTH CHART.
Tambien se le ha mejorado a los jugadores sus atributos, fildeo, bateo, y mejoras de cuadre a la hora de batear sacadas de muchos videos vistos y se le han agregado las mas parecidas, tambien se le han agregado poder contacto agilidad etc, muchas cozas que las podran ver a la hora de jugar.
Sin duda una de lo mas esperado es el Roster para el ALL STAR GAME 2016, tambien se le actualizo de una manera fenomenal gracias al maestro Omardj, disfrutenlo para los partido de exibicion.
Esta es la version 3.0 del roster para la MVP 16 version latina, ha sido un arduo trabajo junto a mi estimado amigo jeferomer en las cuales hemos debatido muchas cosas para darles el mejor roster nunca antes elaborado para todos ustedes, sin duda un gran trabajo en MLB y MILB sin mas que decir solo a disfrutar de este gran trabajo y comentar no cuesta nada es gratis, gracias pronto mas cosas para su MVP 16 de este humilde servidor Junior1617 Shalom
Roster MVP 16 - Conversion Roster MLB The show
By junior1617
Roster MVP 16 - Conversion Roster MLB The Show
It is an honor for me to have been the one elabororar
This roster after so many hours of hard work and nights
desvelandome reviewing all today we can say that it has been a great
hard work on this roster I hope to continue getting together in this
mvp baseball great game I thank God first and also to
all who have helped me in this roster as are jeferomer,
anthony500, moral, fat oscar and others that escape me hope
you enjoy a great conversion project this roster version
a mlb the show for mvp.
Forms of real batting and attributes in its most players
mlb of the most similar to reality.
Forms of pitches and speed and pitching repertoire in his
majority and more like the mlb like in real life.
For this roster also is taken into account accessories
colors of gloves, shin guard, elbow pads used by jugaores of mlb
in their majority to give more reality to the mods.
Thanks to the ID assigned by Oscar Morales has been possible upgrade
mostly minor league teams as are the triple AAA,
Double AA and something in class A, in order to give a more complete roster
in all its aspects hoping you enjoy it and enjoy to play
and also to try the minor leagues
In this roster they have cast all changes and traspazos of mlb and MiLB
to date 10/07/2016
Players ID
All ID portrait and faces are officiales by Oscar Morales
whom I owe my respects.
To take into account this roster players 60 days of lecion
and place hidden in free agency, some are hidden tmbien
minor league players created this for the reason that there is no space
for many jugaodores there in the minors.
By last
I share the sleeves that come in the Initstaz to play them
see nitido and sleeves pitchers hoping you enjoy it
credits sleeves Mr. Humashines.
Jeferomer, Ronald13ru, Anthony Gordo 500 and the elaboration of this the best roster of all time, for the enjoyment of you, soon more ... !!!!
I can not dismiss without saying that they want to free my dear friends
and mvp baseball fans and also thanking all those who have believed in
this project and if the weather gives me seguire putting hand on this from
LATIN AMERICA pal world .. !!!!
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