156 files
1897 National League Roster w/ Uniforms
By nmoore81
1897 National League partial roster of 9 teams. Used 1958 as a base until I was able to get REDitor working and then edited the team names. File of uniforms as close as I could get them. Some are spot on, some are close but from a later era. I take no credit for the uniforms. They're all a conglomeration of uniforms I have downloaded off of here and the respective owners. You all do an amazing job, All I take credit for is the roster editing and create a team. I have to say, not a fan of the old 2k created teams suite. If the game was still around, I could see it being more akin to the WWE 2k games, but we will never know. All team names have also been changed, by me, with REDitor to their respective 1897 counterparts. Below is a list of the teams, what teams they take the place of (if necessary) and some of the notable players on the team:
Boston Beaneaters (Braves) - Kid Nichols, Hugh Duffy, Billy Hamilton
New York Giants (SF Giants) - Amos Rusie
Cincinnati Reds (Reds)
Cleveland Spiders ( Indians ) - Cy Young, Jesse Burkett
Chicago Colts (Cubs) - Cap Anson
Washington Senators ( Nationals )- Roger Bresnahan
Philadlephia Phillies - Nap Lajoie, Ed Delahanty, Sam Thompson
Lousiville Colonels (Created Team) - Honus Wagner, Rube Waddell
Hope you all enjoy. Appreciate all feedback. Will be uploading in the near future to DTSSN on YouTube. Next up and currently working on...1915 Federal League!
- boston beaneaters
- new york giants
- (and 21 more)
MLB 1931
By nmoore81
1931 roster with ALL teams and accurate jersey numbers as best as I could get them, as there is sparse info on the web for AL teams pre 1932. Also included is a file for era specific uniforms that I pieced together. Again, close as I could get them. Just make sure you backup your originals if you dont like them. I did not do the original roster, downloaded it from here and edited the jersey numbers, accessories, and batting stances. Jersey names removed through 2k12 editor for added realism. I did not make the uniforms either, just downloaded them from here and pieced the collection together. All credit for their initial invention goes to their original creators. If you want to see this mod in action, please check it out under the playlist MLB 1931 on DTSSN on Dick Taco's Simulated Sports Network on Youtube. Enjoy and I appreciate all feedback.
MLB 1989 (13 Teams w/ Uniform Files)
By nmoore81
A year near and dear to my heart, as i was 9 years old and just staring to go to games with my father. Again, thanks to jack805td and ALL the creators of the uniforms I have included, as i am only an organizer...well, and a jersey number adder. 13 teams, all with accurate jersey numbers and uniforms, sch as the Phillies, Expos, Red Sox, Rangers, Mariners, Mets, Giants, Athletics, Royals, and more. Hope you enjoy, and remember to backup our uniform files.
- mlb 1989
- mlb 2k12 rosters
- (and 1 more)
MLB 1966
By nmoore81
First of all, would like to credit jack805td with the initial base of this roster AND the base of my 1931 roster as I did not do that in the previous upload. Sorry jack, You do amazing work though. anyway, complete 20 team roster for all 1966 teams complete with uniform file if you'd like. Only thing that is not almost spot on perfect is the KC Athletic uniform. Jersey names removed form all teams that did not have them for added realism. Just back up your original uniform files first as always. Credits go to all original creators of the uniforms, as I did not make these, jsut pieced the collection together for this specific roster. Hope ou enjoy and I appreciate all feedback.
Roster 2020 b
By TorontoBJays
No change from last, except for created Yamaguchi and placed on Toronto, not accurate as could not find stats, but bio is correct, and his pitches. Did not do any of the minor leagues, as not sure where to get the info.
Roster2020MLB Only
By TorontoBJays
This is my first, and only the MLB teams are done, no rating changes, missing Shun Yamaguchi, of Bluejays. I believe this was headtrips roster from last season, all I did was move the players to there current teams. Tested the roster and it worked after several tries. Hope it is good enough for those who are wanting to play.
Official 2K 2012 End of Season Roster
By Kccitystar
This file is the last official roster update from 2K Sports for the MLB2K12 series on PC.
It has not been modified in any way to include any player movements beyond the end of the 2012 MLB season.
This roster can be extracted to the following path:
Roster Opening Day 2020
By xpoueriet22
Roster Opening Day 2020.rar Here I bring you a list of the Opening Day 2020 is not as complete but it is like 90% of the changes of this 2020 take that into account. I am new to this I hope you serve them and that they like nye and thank you.
Full Roster 2019
By rubendavidm
How to Install
- Just get in this file at MLB2K12 save folder. ( ex: C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\2K Sports\Major League Baseball 2K12\Saves) And, paste or change your Roster.ROS to this file. I strongly recommend that you make a backup of your original Roster
-The roster has the numbers of faces and portraits of all players (you have to have the faces and portraits installed for them to be seen)
Based on we have reflected pitch type, pitch speed, pitch value based on pitch type, stamina based on number of innings,Tendency, ERA, BABIP, WHIP, 9/BB, 9/K, and 9/HR.
Based on we have reflected batting average, double, triple, home run, stolen base, defensive position, and defensive capability.
*The roster will be updating even more the lineups and the actual pitching rotation of all the equipment (there are only some of the most important ones)
*if you have any problem leave it in the comments
PostSeason Team Roster 2019
By nco233
The file is based on "MLB2K19 Total Frontend" from 'andygev35'.
Well, thank you for their hard work.
- If you use a different "Protrait" file other than the "MLB2K19 Total Fronted" patch mentioned above, you may have problems with your rosters or serious problems with playing games. Even a crash will occur.
***How to use***
- Just get in this file at MLB2K12 save folder. ( ex: C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\2K Sports\Major League Baseball 2K12\Saves) And, paste or change your Roster.ROS to this file. I strongly recommend that you make a backup of your original Roster.ROS
***About this Roster file***
1. The transfer of players from 20 MLB teams was reflected in the trade deadlines.
- The selection line-up and position were reflected based on
- In addition, the 2019 season National League and American League All-Star were also reflected.
(Sadly, not as good as the postseason team yet)
2. The reason this roster is called "PostSeanson Roster" is because it reflects the stall and roster more precisely for teams that have made it to the 2019 postseason.
- We even tried to reflect the detailed capabilities of the players in the teams that made it to the post season.
2-1. Pitchers
Based on we have reflected pitch type, pitch speed, pitch value based on pitch type, stamina based on number of innings, ERA, BABIP, WHIP, 9/BB, 9/K, and 9/HR.
2-2. Hitters
Based on we have reflected batting average, double, triple, home run, stolen base, defensive position, and defensive capability.
(However, please take into account that the players' proficiency in defensive positions and the specific competency values are insufficient due to the lack of knowledge of the moder. )
*All results were reflected in the 2019 season cumulative record based on It is clear that hitters with only a small sample due to injury or roster movement may have very low capacities, but that absolute objectification of numbers was important.
3. Roster-related additions
For some bullpen or backup players, it may not be reflected properly.
- Most of them are players who don't exist on the game roster, or have a very poor season performance based on
- Roster modifications for players injured during the season have not been taken into account. (However, their degraded behavior has been reflected at a certain level based on )
Some star players have a better stall for their season results, which is an alternative to enjoying their team's star players through the game.
- With fewer sample games, the players who performed well in the MLB had relatively surprisingly high levels of capability.(Especially, pitchers are more prominent than hitters.) Surely, Moder was able to reflect on his performance based on but wanted to show With a new face, his influence on the team, and his strong side.
The penalty or advantage that the hitter and pitcher faced each other from side to side was rarely reflected.
- This should be reflected in detail on rather than which is a time-consuming task. I also hope to complete this work in the near future.
(Of course, it will work with the postseason team and the All-Star team first.)
* This roster can be modified by anyone, but it can be deleted or suspended at any time if requested by the creator of MLB2K19 Total Fronted.
* The speed of work is very slow, but we will also make detailed changes to the rest of the teams.
* Unfortunately, feedback via comments will be very difficult. It may be because of the language barrier. I am not good at English.
* Pictures and faces of many players are not reflected. I'm afraid I don't have the know-how to modify them
headtrip47 Trade Deadline Roster Update 2019
By headtrip47
Only the Roster Updated,, Ratings and Stats not Updated...
By Kleizley
Headtrip47 MLB2K19 Roster Update Beta
By headtrip47
Re Download Again this new Update because the one that i uploaded yesterday is crashing...
so please Re- Download this again.. crashing is already fixed....
WF2K - 2019 Opening Day Roster
By TheWolfof2K
Hey guys, welcome to the 2019 season!,
First and foremost, I appreciate everyone for taking a look at this project. Hopefully, I can deliver a high-quality product that will satisfy our 2K19 craving.
This roster is still under work and will be going through four major steps as the season continues. It's worth mentioning this is a 2019 Schedule - MLB only roster, meaning while many AAA/AA/A prospects are included from the base roster (I honestly forget who's it was, but my best guess is @DaSteelerz,) I am personally not updating any of those.
The steps I'll be taking this roster through:
1 - Off-Season Transaction Accurate (complete)
2 - Full Opening Day 25-Man Roster, Line Up and Rotation Update, using (complete)
3 - Full Portrait Overhaul, replacing all 25-man rosters using ESPN png images and template (in-progress)
4 - Full Rating Update, using the TrueSim Roster Project spreadsheet, credit to Cycloniac at OS (incomplete)
I have run this roster through Franchise mode, seen no crashes at Home Run Derby, Spring Training, or Staff Signing. I have also run through a MyCareer and am in the 2nd year with no crashes as well. If you find any issues, please surf the forums to see what the issues may be. It's really hard to reach and diagnose everyone's issues myself; although my inbox is always open. Additionally, I do have hopes of completing accurate contracts, positions, stances, etc. eventually but its a lot of detailed work and my main focus is being able to replicate the 2019 season for any careers, play nows, or one-year franchises.
That all being said, I hope y'all enjoy. My sincere apologies for any mistakes I make, it really is a tough grind for a college kid.
UPDATE: I'm uploading a portrait file, IT IS NOT THE FINAL ONE. I will be updating the teams one by one and reuploading after a couple teams. If you want to download as they come or wait for the final version, that choice is yours.
- 2019 roster
- mlb 2k19
- (and 1 more)
2001 MLB Season Roster
By vanopetrov
Hello! I present to you the roster of the 2001 season. There were 14 teams (Yankees, Arizona, Blue Jays, Tampa, Indians, Cardinals, Cubs, Rockies, Mets, Atlanta, Oakland, Houston, Seattle and Texas). It was one of the greatest world series of all time: the famous comebacks Yankees, Jeter becomes Mr. November, Seattle’s breaking AL wins record, the first seasons for Ichiro and Pujols, last fot Ripken, Gwynn and McGwire, A-Rod in Texas, Houston's Killer B's and much more. It was heyday of Homerans, the beginning of a new era of the game.
It's a final version of the roster and additions won't be created. Have a good time!
P.S. I’ll do the reworking of the 2008 season roster in the near future and if you want, I could add commands for your taste. Write wishes in the comments
Opening Day 2019 Franchise + Portrait
By pablo.mglez
Baseball is coming 😆😎😁
· This Franchise begins in 2019 so the players are at their real age and real service time.
· All pitching rotations and batting orders are accurate as of 3/28/19 (Opening Day 2019). (using
· All players on the roster of 40 of all teams.
· Currently injured players are in minor leagues team.
· Hundreds of new players and portrait created and updates.
· Fix Schedule. The order of the games matches. (the two games in Japan Mariners-Athletics in the other series between them)
This franchise has also been set up for 162 game seasons and has been set to control all 30 teams.
All you have to do to play a franchise is once you have loaded the file... go into the Option -> franchise automation screen and turn whatever team(s) you wish to play with to "OFF" for any of the MLB or minor league things you wish to control. Fort the rest set “on” 40-Man roster Management, Injuries, Roster and Lineup.
Other settings like cpu trades and injuries are turned off this franchise. This is so I can make trades to match real life rosters as I play my franchise. You can however still change these if you so choose.
Portraits are included for a better experience, it's just extract it and copy it in the location of the game (portrait.iff and portrait.cdf).
You will just need to load the game and load the file in the game to start. Enjoy!
*To install Franchise, extract to one of the following locations:
For WinXP users: C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\2K Sports\Major League Baseball 2K12\Saves
For Vista and Windows 7/8/10 users: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\2K Sports\Major League Baseball 2K12\Saves
- franchise
- opening day
- (and 1 more)
Franchise 2019 Spring Trainning + Portrait
By pablo.mglez
This has been simulated from 2012 until the beginning of the 2019 season so the players are at their real age and real service time.
This is a work in progress. The final version at the beginning of the season
All pitching rotations and batting orders are accurate as of 2/24/19 (start of spring trainning). All players on the roster of 40 of all teams. Hundreds of new players and portrait created. Fix Schedule. Currently injured players are in minor leagues team. This franchise has also been set up for 162 game seasons and has been set to control all 30 teams. All you have to do to play a franchise is once you have loaded the file... go into the franchise automation screen and turn whatever team(s) you wish to play with to "OFF" for any of the MLB or minor league things you wish to control. Other settings like cpu trades and injuries are turned off and trade deadline is also off in this franchise. This is so I can make trades to match real life rosters as I play my franchise even if I am past the trade deadline in my game. You can however still change these if you so choose.
Portraits are included for a better experience, it's just extract it and copy it in the location of the game
You will just need to load the game and load the file in the game to start. Enjoy!
*To install Franchise, extract to one of the following locations:
For WinXP users: C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\2K Sports\Major League Baseball 2K12\Saves
For Vista and Windows 7/8/10 users: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\2K Sports\Major League Baseball 2K12\Saves
1921 MLB
By vanopetrov
Good day everyone. This time I present to you a unique work, the roster of the 1921 season. 10 teams(New York giants, Yankees, Detroit, Cardinals, Cubs, Washington Senators, St. Louis Browns, Cincinnati, Cleveland and Pittsburgh. The only roster where babe Ruth is present (his best season statistically in his career), Ty Cobb, Rogers Hornsby, Walter Johnson. New York Giants with manager John J. McGraw, legends of those times. For realistic games, don't put DH and commentators(radio broadcasts only have one), and place setting home runs in sliders smaller(small ball).
Good game! Leave your wishes in comments
Headtrip47 MLB2k18 Roster Update v2...
By headtrip47
already fixed the crashing on staff resigning period.. so you can play franchise with one team... no Crashing on myplayer and homerun derby... but there is still a bug that when on 2nd season it will crash on september call ups.. So all you have to do is Auto Manage it.. then it wil sim past...
If there is a Crashing please comment and what point is the crashing occured....
Headtrip472k18Roster.ros is the name of the updated ros...
Headtrip47 MLB2k18 Roster Update v2...
By headtrip47
Read First.....
In Able to Play Franchise with no Crashing.. just Manage all 30 teams and just off 40-man Roster Automation for all the 30 teams....
Batting Line Ups and Pitching Rotations updated as of July 1...
Injured Players Put in the Minors....
Base Coaches Real Names...
General Managers Updated...
Years of MLB Experience Updated for the Active Players...
Pitch Types and Tendencies Updated for all the Active Pitchers...
Birth Years move back 6 years to fix the Age in Franchise Mode... no more 14 years old...
I include my difficulty Sliders for better gameplay....
Salary and Stats not yet Updated....
Compatible With Karelafs Portrait....
Rosters Update 2k18 No crashing !!!!
By KunfuSam27
Modifiers, here I leave you a small collaboration of an updated rosters ... I have completed 2 seasons and do not crash, all the credits for @headtrip47 and their wonderful works on the rosters.
saludos desde Venezuela!
Headtrip47 MLB 2K18 Roster with Updated Ratings Beta Release...
By headtrip47
updated transaction as of Aug. 20 2018...
updated ratings for all active players,,, excluded free agents not yet updated...
added some prospects debut like thomas pannone etc...
added my realistic slider for a better gameplay...
dont be surprised of the low ratings,, i used ratings calculator for it....
please feel free to comment ....
LVL's TDL rosters
I have edited my personal roster file for 2K18, that has the latest trade transactions as of 8/5/18. Hope you faithful 2Kers can use them, and tell me if you have any problems with them. I haven't tested them in franchise mode, because I don't know how to get the game to recognize them. In any event, you can try them out in regular game mode. Headtrip47 provided the base, he gets the credit. I just did the transactions.
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