135 files
Kauffman Stadium - Kansas City Royals
By DaSteelerz
Here is round one for Kauffman Stadium. I updated the ads and made this park easier on the eyes by replacing the old background grass with better looking grass. The left field windows are now of the correct color but the custom skyline was repeated and still looks ok in my opinion. It is not perfect but will be improved in the future! Enjoy!
- Newest ads- Recolored environment- HD trees and grass- Updated concessions (Some true to life)- Much more1727 downloads
Citizens Bank Park - Philadelphia Phillies
By DaSteelerz
Here, have an update to Citizens Bank Park.
This download is free, but requires much time and patience! Please support modders and!
Donate to my PayPal:¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
Great American Ballpark (2015 ASG)
By DaSteelerz
Here's a All Star Game edition of the Great American Ballpark for the 2015 All Star Game. It's fictional but looks nice.
Instead of the large ASG logo in right I just altered the "team" poles to what you see in the screenshot.
O.Co Coliseum - Oakland Athletics
By DaSteelerz
Oakland fans... here's your update.
Download - Comment - Rate
Petco Park 2015 - San Diego Padres
By DaSteelerz
Here is Petco Park for your season. This park will be further updated in the future as I will be adding more to buildings and outer stadium items.
Any questions just ask. Just unpack and drop the file into the main game and overwrite. Backup original if you prefer.
Please donate, Support your modders¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
AL Central Stadium Packs
By DaSteelerz
Here is a compiled pack of stadiums to make it easier for download. Each stadium has undergone a different level of tweaking. Here are the details.
High/Intermediate change:
Detroit - Detroit has many new ads and some ads have been re mastered to hi definition. Some lighting tweaks and stuff have been done to buildings too.
Cleveland - Cleveland saw the most change in this pack. Buildings have been re-done, the little park in RC has been altered. Many color changes and many ads have been updated. Walls were re-done to resemble real life colors.
Minimal change:
Kansas City - There were a few blemishes and tweaks I've made to the park. There's still room for improvement (as with all the stadiums) but I made the "Hall of Fame" section a bit better looking with hi res textures and the tarp cover is updated with the John Deere ads.
Minnesota - A couple color tweaks and addition of Minnesota flags in RF.
No Change:
Chicago White Sox - This park had no glaring issues, but will be updated later on. It's included here for convenience.
*Night time buildings:
It is apparent to me that the lighting profiles for the new buildings need work. This will come in time as I'm finally starting to master how it works. Soon the buildings will light up the sky as they should!!! In time....
*Files are split up because the site has a 60 mb file size limit.
*Gameplay screens were taken with 'DaSteelerz ENB+'
Comerica Park - Detroit Tigers '15
By DaSteelerz
Always a work in progress.
Just extract the file and drag stadium_det.iff from the .rar and place it in your main MLB folder. Should be in C:/Program Files (x86)/2K Sports/Major League Baseball 2012.
ENJOY!!! Feedback Appreciated!
U.S. Cellular Field '15 - Chicago White Sox
By DaSteelerz
Here is U.S. Cellular for the guys on the South side. Baseball fans will be happy to see high res textures on these ads and bricks. I think this park looks really smooth.
PS: I had to use a previous modders texture for the Vienna Beef ad in CF.
For someone who is in school and recently laid off, a simple small donation will make me happy! Please donate to mvpmods as well! Thanks! Play Ball!¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
Target Field 2015 - Minnesota Twins
By DaSteelerz
Target Field is a beautiful stadium so I tried my best to do it justice. This stadium has a few custom ads and hi-res textures that look nice. Enjoy!
Please donate! ~ <3 Support your modders¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
Great American Ball Park 2014 - Cincinnati Reds
By DaSteelerz
More retextured objects.. updated for 2014
This will be updated further in regards to a few coloring fixes and ads updates
Better description later
*Very special thanks to jaspan for all his help
Safeco Field 2014 - Seattle Mariners
By DaSteelerz
Ok, gamers - Safeco Field is here for the Mariner faithful. This is a nice looking park. Thanks to KC for helping smooth out my transparent background textures. Have fun!
Just extract the file and drag stadium_sem.iff from the .rar and place it in your main MLB folder. Should be in C:/Program Files (x86)/2K Sports/Major League Baseball 2012. Some others may have it in different install locations.
Please take the time to rate and comment!!! I <3 modders
Rogers Centre 2014 - Toronto Blue Jays
By DaSteelerz
Blue Jays fans will be happy to download this beaut'. I removed the glass casing around the fans in center! KC helped on texturing and I did some model work. I hope you enjoy this mod!
Thanks to KC for the quality jersey textures in these screens, and for his time when I bug him
But seriously the global too.
I <3 modders & gamers
Feedback Appreciated!!!
Downloaders: Please if you have a buck or two and you like my work please donate! I have a lot to pay for with school and such so your generosity is much appreciated! Click the link below to donate. It's through PayPal and it's super secure, fast, and easy to do.
Because everyone's time is very valuable...
Thank you so much.¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
Busch Stadium 2014 - St. Louis Cardinals
By DaSteelerz
Ok here's Busch Stadium for the Cards. There's a lot to come for this stadium. Stay tuned for the Ballpark Village in the future. Hope you enjoy.
Feedback appreciated.
If you have a few bucks and you like my work please donate
Paypal is super safe and super fast! Thanks in advance!¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
Yankee Stadium 2014 - New York Yankees
By DaSteelerz
Here's Yankee for 2014. I updated the ads in version 1.5 for behind the plate so all but two are authentic. The other two are custom. Enjoy... install just like the others - to the directory of the games files.
take the time to rate and comment !!!
Please donate
Because everyone's time is very valuable...
Thank you so much.
Paypal is super safe and super fast! Thanks in advance!¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
Turner Field 2014 - Atlanta Braves
By DaSteelerz
Turner Field - Atlanta, Georgia, US of A. This field is really a gem.
take the time to rate and comment !!!
Feedback Appreciated!!!
Downloaders: Please if you have a buck or two and you like my work please donate! I have a lot to pay for with school and such so your generosity is much appreciated! Click the link below to donate. It's through PayPal and it's super secure, fast, and easy to do.
Because everyone's time is very valuable...
Thank you so much.¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
Fenway Park 2014 - Boston Red Sox
By DaSteelerz
This is Fenway Park for the BoSox fans. It has updated ads to 2014, a higher number of high res ads including an updated Citgo sign behind the Green Monster. The scoreboard ads in center had a little glow added to make em look more realistic. I will add some more screens soon... but why wait? Download and see for yourself!
Anyways... I hope you like it and please take the time to rate and comment !!!
Feedback Appreciated!!!
Downloaders: Please if you have a buck or two and you like my work please donate! I have a lot to pay for with school and such so your generosity is much appreciated! Click the link below to donate. It's through PayPal and it's super secure, fast, and easy to do.
Because everyone's time is very valuable...
Thank you so much.¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
PNC Park 2014 - Pittsburgh Pirates
By DaSteelerz
Here it is - PNC Park for your 2014 season.
Just extract the file and drag stadium_pip.iff from the .rar and place it in your main MLB folder. Should be in C:/Program Files (x86)/2K Sports/Major League Baseball 2012.
CHOOSE stadium_pip.iff for day and stadium_pip.iff (1) for night. Make sure to rename and overwrite!
This mod is a combo of KCcitystar's stadium Mega Pack which included work from picklebrad and others I'm sure.. (PM me if credentials for anything in the stadium are due) and a lot of my own work. And of course 2K Sports. Yes there are a few blemishes with this mod - There are textures that overlap and make uglies. Nothing I can do.
Feedback Appreciated!!!
Minute Maid Park 2014 - Houston Astros
By DaSteelerz
Presenting the Houston Astros updated stadium. There are a small amount of original ads left in this one. Grass and dirt textures by picklebrad and sky textures are Kccitystar's work. It's possible that this mod will be updated and tuned up. This stadium as well as many other present some uglies that are tough to mask (LF Landry's restaurant for example).
Just extract the file and drag stadium_hoa.iff from the .rar and place it in your main MLB folder. Should be in C:/Program Files (x86)/2K Sports/Major League Baseball 2012. Some others may have it in different install locations.
Wrigley Field 100 Years
By picklebrad
Here is the new and improved Wrigley Field with the 100 year anniversary logo behind home plate. Be sure to back up your old file in case you don't like this one. Thanks for downloading and enjoy.
Rangers Ballpark at Arlington
By picklebrad
This is an update to my previous Rangers Ballpark at Arlington. I adjusted the dirt lines and the grass to match more accurately to the current stadium. Don't forget to back up your old work in case you like the older version better.
Thanks and happy modding!
Comerica Park
By picklebrad
This is an update to my previous Comerica Park. I adjusted the dirt lines and the Detroit Insignia to match more accurately to the current stadium. Don't forget to back up your old work in case you like the older version better.
Thanks and happy modding!
PB's Total MLB 2K13 Experience
By picklebrad
Okay guys and girls. Here are all of my updated stadiums combined with all of the other stadium modders adjustments. I adjusted the grass colors, textures and the dirt colors and textures and how they "dry up" over time throughout a game. Some of the signs I adjusted as well (Braves and Phillies) and also recolored some things to make them more accurate such as the Citizens Bank Park's stadium brick color, Citi Field's bricks behind home plate and others that I can't really remember. Back up your old files in case you like the 2K dirt and grass better. Just replace all of the files with the ones in your MLB2K directory and enjoy.
-Updated field color,walls,night time lighting was done by kccitystar.
-Ads were done by dennisjames and DonSPa
-I am also uploading a FXAA mod to add great color and depth to the game with very little to no loss in frame rate whatsoever. These are the colors that I see when I play my game with this mod and you can see the full beauty of the stadiums with this installed. Just simply copy all of the files in the "use this one" folder and paste them into your main MLB2K directory. Make sure not to drag and drop....COPY AND PASTE that way if you don't like it, you will know what files to delete. To turn it off and on use your Pause/Break key on your keyboard.
-I also uploaded my GLOBAL file that is a combination of Pena and KC's work along with my adjusted bats, baseballs and some other things that make the game better. Just simply copy and paste this globall.iff to your MLB2K directory. Make sure to back up your old one in case you don't like this one.
-If you use all of these mods along with WUDLS most recent roster update, you will truly get the PB MLB2K13 experience that I have each time I play!
If you have any questions or concerns at all, please PM me and happy modding! GOD bless!
Oriole Park at Camden Yards
By picklebrad
Here is the new and improved Oriole Park. I adjusted the actual grass "texture" and infield dirt and textures as well. I made the grass a more vibrant green and the dirt the closest I could get to what Oriole Park looked like the last recent game I saw. I also dimmed down the warehouse building so it would resemble it's real life counterpart. The dirt will change colors over time throughout the innings and the grass varies in brightness accordingly to the time of day. Make sure to back up your old stadium just in case you don't like my work.
This is an updated Oriole Park.
Updated field color,walls,night time lighting was
done by kccitystar.
ads were done by dennisjames and DonSPa
Thanks and enjoy!
Minute Maid Park
By picklebrad
Here is the new and improved Minute Maid Park. I adjusted the actual grass "texture" and infield dirt and textures as well to match the most recent "darker" pitchers mound and in front of the plate. The grass is also brighter to match the most recent game that I watched. The dirt will change colors over time throughout the innings and the grass varies in brightness accordingly to the time of day. Make sure to back up your old stadium just in case you don't like my work.
This is an updated Minute Maid Park.
Updated field color,walls,night time lighting was
done by kccitystar.
ads were done by dennisjames and DonSPa
Thanks and enjoy!
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