377 files
Red Sox away with pesky armband
By DonSPa
This is the Redsox road jersey that they will be wearing
to honor johnny pesky
THIS FILE WILL replace the original so back up the original
in case u no longer want this
1994 Houston Astros
By Kccitystar
Included are the 1994 Home and Away set of uniforms for the Houston Astros and a colorlist that corresponds to team color changes for these uniforms. It is recommended that you back up all your changes as well as exporting your original colors for both the Home/Away Astros uniform slots using Ty's Roster Editor for MLB2K12.
1) In this mod series are 2 files that can be MANUALLY EXTRACTED TO YOUR MLB 2K12 FOLDER. They will overwrite both uniform_hoa_home.iff and uniform_hoa_away.iff
Your MLB 2K12 directory can be (if you have an x64 version of Windows) either in:
2) There is also a colorlist.txt file that you should IMPORT TO YOUR ROSTER using the MLB 2K12 Roster Editor (URL is here)
1) Load up your roster/franchise/career mode using Ty's Roster Editor for MLB 2K12
2) Go to Uniforms, click Import and select the text file.
3) It will notify you when the changes have imported successfully.
Once all of these procedures are done, you can run MLB 2K12 and begin playing.
As you know, this update is 100% completely free. If you really love my work and feel that it has increased your enjoyment of MLB2K12, be sure to leave a small donation by clicking the link below. A little goes a long way towards paying things like tuition for college
Thank you, and enjoy!
Louisville Slugger M9 DDS
By Strawberry18
Here is a dds bat logo in Louisville Slugger M9 Model C271. Back up what you have before replacing your existing bat logo dds. Colors are gold and a off white (30% black). Enjoy.
Domnyy1 MLB 12 uniforms
By domnyy1
28 teams of MLB updaded uniforms textures, logos and colors of undershirts and helmets - without batting practice uniforms
YOU MUST!! put Roster.Ros (BSU-FAN'S NoFakeNames Roster V.2 with my colors for teams -included in file ) to the folder with saves
Enjoy the Addon!
THNx to BSU-FANS´S ROSTER and KC´s for base colorlist
-Washington Nationals
-St.Louis Cardinals and New York Mets - better uniforms colors and logos
-colors changed in Roster file
-added color list 1.01
-Angels,Astros,Indians better uniforms colors(all) and helmets,caps logos(Indians and Astros)
How to import the colorlist:
1 - Load up your roster using Ty's Roster Editor for MLB 2K12
2 - Go to Uniforms, click Import and select the text file.
3 - Thats all..!! :)
1997 Pirates alt black
By DonSPa
There are 2 folders One for those that have Tys roster editor and one for those
that dont.There are 3 methods to installing.
Tys Editor Instructions
U can install these into the main mlb 2k12 folder and they will not overwrite any file.
Open Tys editor and import the info from the text file included.These unis will have
the correct color codes.Start tys editor open the roster that u want to install the unis to.
Click on the uni tab then click on import.When the window open sup find wherever u have the text
file located at ,clikc the text file and open this will install the unis into game with
the colors
Normal Install instructions
WARNING BACK UP ORIGINAL FILES as these will overwrite the originals.Unzip into
the main mlb2k12 folder.Start game these will NOT have the correct color codes because
of the way 2k does their files
Generic Mod Enabler(use the files in the normal install)
This is the best way for those who dont have tys editor and dont want to over write the originals.
Download from http://www.users.on.net/~jscones/software/products-jsgme.html
and follow thier directions.Once installed there should be a folder called *MODS*
Inside this folder u can create another folder.For example if u just want national league
modded unis name a folder NATIONAL LEAGUE and place my unzipped uni files
inside this folder.Start the enabler and choose the folder that has the mods
then start the game and the unis should be available.If u want to revert back to the originals
then just shut down the enabler again these will not have the correct color codes
By request this is the 1997 Pirates alternate black.Install per directions.If u are
using tys editor i have this uni in the 483 slot.If u wanna change slots just open the text file
with a text editor and change the number to whatever slot that u wanna use
2012 Rays turn back the clock
By DonSPa
There are 2 folders One for those that have Tys roster editor and one for those
that dont.There are 3 methods to installing.
Tys Editor Instructions
U can install these into the main mlb 2k12 folder and they will not overwrite any file.
Open Tys editor and import the info from the text file included.These unis will have
the correct color codes.Start tys editor open the roster that u want to install the unis to.
Click on the uni tab then click on import.When the window open sup find wherever u have the text
file located at ,clikc the text file and open this will install the unis into game with
the colors
Normal Install instructions
WARNING BACK UP ORIGINAL FILES as these will overwrite the originals.Unzip into
the main mlb2k12 folder.Start game these will NOT have the correct color codes because
of the way 2k does their files
Generic Mod Enabler(use the files in the normal install)
This is the best way for those who dont have tys editor and dont want to over write the originals.
Download from http://www.users.on.net/~jscones/software/products-jsgme.html
and follow thier directions.Once installed there should be a folder called *MODS*
Inside this folder u can create another folder.For example if u just want national league
modded unis name a folder NATIONAL LEAGUE and place my unzipped uni files
inside this folder.Start the enabler and choose the folder that has the mods
then start the game and the unis should be available.If u want to revert back to the originals
then just shut down the enabler again these will not have the correct color codes
This uni is best when using tys editor.U will notice that the file is Miami and not Tampa Bay.This is because
I needed a team that had the front number.If u use the normal install the uni will be under Miami but the coloring will be wrong for the helmets and numbers.If u use the one in tys folder then the uni will be found under Tampa and the right colors.The slot number i used with tys editor is 486 but u can change the number to any slot that u wanna use
SSK & X Bat Logos
By Strawberry18
Here are two bat logo dds's for your global.iff. You need knowledge of NBA mod tool use. Back up what you have first in case you don't like these.
KC Royals Alt Away Uniform
By Griz891
This is the Kansas City Royals Alt-Away uniform. I redid the batting practice away uni so this file will replace that .iff file. Just place this in your MLB2k12 directory. Remember to backup your originals.
modernized retro fansity yankees
By mcoll
for those of you that been around a long time, might remember i did a series of modernized/retro/fantasy uniforms for mvp, theses are the 2k version for 12 game i choice to to do for the yankees. more maybe coming soon. the color file is included a. the replace the batting practice sets for the team. the color goes in by ty editor,
modernized retro fansity redsox
By mcoll
for those of you that been around a long time, might remember i did a series of modernized/retro/fantasy uniforms for mvp, theses are the 2k version for 12 game i choice to to do for the redsox. more will be coming soon. the color file is included a. the replace the batting practice sets for the team. the color goes in by ty editor,
modernized retro fansity jays
By mcoll
for those of you that been around a long time, might remember i did a series of modernized/retro/fantasy uniforms for mvp, theses are the 2k version for 12 game i choice to to do for the jays. more will be coming soon. the color file is included a. the replace the batting practice sets for the team. the color goes in by ty editor,
modernized retro fansity o's
By mcoll
for those of you that been around a long time, might remember i did a series of modernized/retro/fantasy uniforms for mvp, theses are the 2k version for 12 game i choice to to do for the o's. more will be coming soon. the color file is included a. the replace the batting practice sets for the team. the color goes in by ty editor,
modernized retro fansity rays
By mcoll
for those of you that been around a long time, might remember i did a series of modernized/retro/fantasy uniforms for mvp, theses are the 2k version for 12 game i choice to to do for the rays. more will be coming soon. the color file is included a. the replace the batting practice sets for the team. the color goes in by ty editor,
modernized retro fansity indians
By mcoll
for those of you that been around a long time, might remember i did a series of modernized/retro/fantasy uniforms for mvp, theses are the 2k version for 12 game i choice to to do for the indians. more will be coming soon. the color file is included a. the replace the batting practice sets for the team. the color goes in by ty editor,
modernized retro fansity white sox
By mcoll
for those of you that been around a long time, might remember i did a series of modernized/retro/fantasy uniforms for mvp, theses are the 2k version for 12 game i choice to to do for the white sox. more will be coming soon. the color file is included a. the replace the batting practice sets for the team. the color goes in by ty editor,
modernized retro fansity twins
By mcoll
for those of you that been around a long time, might remember i did a series of modernized/retro/fantasy uniforms for mvp, theses are the 2k version for 12 game i choice to to do for the twins. more will be coming soon. the color file is included a. the replace the batting practice sets for the team. the color goes in by ty editor,
modernized retro fansity royals
By mcoll
for those of you that been around a long time, might remember i did a series of modernized/retro/fantasy uniforms for mvp, theses are the 2k version for 12 game i choice to to do for the Royals. more will be coming soon. the color file is included a. the replace the batting practice sets for the team. the color goes in by ty editor,
modernized retro fansity m's
By mcoll
for those of you that been around a long time, might remember i did a series of modernized/retro/fantasy uniforms for mvp, theses are the 2k version for 12 game i choice to to do for the M's. more will be coming soon. the color file is included a. the replace the batting practice sets for the team. the color goes in by ty editor,
modernized retro fansity Angels
By mcoll
for those of you that been around a long time, might remember i did a series of modernized/retro/fantasy uniforms for mvp, theses are the 2k version for 12 game i choice to to do for the Angels. more will be coming soon. the color file is included a. the replace the batting practice sets for the team. the color goes in by ty editor,
Blue Jays crowd - Leafs
By tinpanalley
"Go Leafs Go " - A Toronto Blue Jays crowd clothes edit
Another release to go with my first ever cyber release. This one was just an attempt to put more Leafs shirts in the crowd. Sure, because of the random distribution of the crowd shirts throught the stadium, it will appear WAY more than it should. I'm aware of that. No, I don't think it's realistic. But personally, when I'm playing with my Jays, and I'm pitching late in a game trying to get out of a jam and I see that Maple Leafs logo in the crowd, it feels awesome. Just some old nostalgia for those of us out there that grew up in Toronto.
modernized retro fansity rangers
By mcoll
for those of you that been around a long time, might remember i did a series of modernized/retro/fantasy uniforms for mvp, theses are the 2k version for 12 game i choice to to do for the rangers. more will be coming soon. the color file is included a. the replace the batting practice sets for the team. the color goes in by ty editor,
modernized retro fansity A's
By mcoll
for those of you that been around a long time, might remember i did a series of modernized/retro/fantasy uniforms for mvp, theses are the 2k version for 12 game i choice to to do for the A's. more will be coming soon. the color file is included a. the replace the batting practice sets for the team. the color goes in by ty editor,
MLB2K12 - WBC Japan uniform
By garfield8
MLB2K12 - WBC Japan uniform
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