377 files
Federal League 1914-1915
By DonSPa
In 1912, baseball promoter John T. Powers formed an independent professional
league known as the Columbian League. However, the withdrawal of one of the
organization's primary investors caused the league to fail before ever playing a game.
Undaunted, Powers tried again the following year, creating a new league with
teams in Chicago, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, St. Louis, and Covington, Kentucky
. He named the organization the Federal League, and served as its first president.
Because it did not abide by the National Agreement on player payment in place in
organized baseball, the Federal League was called an "outlaw league" by its competitors.
The Federal League's outlaw status allowed it to recruit players from established clubs,
and it attracted many current and former players from the major as well as minor leagues.
Its first season Powers initially served as president, but he was soon replaced by James A. Gilmore,
under whose leadership the league declared itself a major league for the 1914 season.
Other financers of the League included oil baron Harry F. Sinclair, ice magnate Phil Ball,
and George S. Ward of the Ward Baking Company.
As a major circuit, the Federal League consisted of eight teams each season. Four of the teams
were placed in established Big League cities (Chicago, St. Louis, Pittsburgh and Brooklyn).
The other four teams were placed in more marginal areas (Baltimore, Buffalo, Indianapolis and Kansas City).
In the first year, 1914, some of the teams had official nicknames and some did not, but
either way, sportswriters were inclined to invent their own nicknames: "ChiFeds", "BrookFeds", etc.
By the second season, most of the teams had "official" nicknames, although many writers still
called many of the teams "-Feds".
In order for the Federal League to succeed, it needed Big League players. Walter Johnson signed
a three year contract with the Chicago team, but the Senators' Clark Griffith went personally to
Johnson's home in Kansas and made a successful counter-offer.
Major League players that jumped to the Federal League included Bill McKechnie, Claude Hendrix,
Jack Quinn, Russell Ford, Tom Seaton, Doc Crandall, Al Bridwell, Hy Myers and Hal Chase. The Federal
League also recruited Big League names to manage the new teams. Joe Tinker managed the Chicago team,
Mordecai Brown managed the St. Louis team and Bill Bradley managed the Brooklyn team.
The league had close pennant races both years. In 1914, Indianapolis beat out Chicago by 1½ games.
1915 witnessed the tightest pennant race in Major League history, as five teams fought into the final
week of the season. The eventual winner (Chicago) finished 0 (zero) games and .001 percentage point
ahead of second place, and a half-game and .004 in front of the third place finisher.
During the 1914-15 offseason, Federal League owners brought an antitrust lawsuit against the American
and National Leagues. The lawsuit ended up in the court of Federal Judge (and future Commissioner of
Baseball) Kenesaw Mountain Landis, who allowed the case to languish while he urged both sides to
negotiate. Swift action might have made a difference, but without the lawsuit going forward, the Federals
found themselves in deepening financial straits.
After the 1915 season the owners of the American and National Leagues bought out half of the owners
(Pittsburgh, Newark, Buffalo, and Brooklyn) of the Federal League teams. Two Federal League owners
were allowed to buy struggling franchises in the established leagues: Phil Ball, owner of the St. Louis Terriers,
was allowed to buy the St. Louis Browns of the AL, and Charles Weeghman, owner of the Chicago Whales,
bought the Chicago Cubs. Both owners merged their teams into the established ones. The Kansas City franchise
had been declared bankrupt and taken over by the league office after the close of the regular season, and the
Baltimore owners rejected the offer made to them. They had sought to buy and move an existing franchise to
their city, but were rebuffed, and sued unsuccessfully.
Balt Terrapins
Brooklyn Tip Tops
Buffalo Blues
Chicago Whales
Indianapolis Hoosiers(1914
Newark Peppers(1915)
KC Packers
Pittsburgh Rebels or (Stogies)
St Louis Terriers
the files used are the Orioles,Cubs,Astros,Royals,Dodgers,Mets,Cards cl1
Cubs cl2 and Pirates bpa iff's
Negro Lgs set 10
By DonSPa
These files represent teams from the Negro League.They are the Boston Black Bees,
Detroit Wolves,Memphis RedSox and Newark Dodgers.
Ive included directions how to install and also histories of the teams except
for newark and boston as i have very lil info on them.There is very little info
on the years of the unis and also these will
not be 100% correct because of no info especially on the pants.I tried to figure as close as i could on what they may have been like for
those years so the pants a pretty much my own design
The following files are from the diamondbacks,redsox,and Padres home,and the Dodgers away iff's
Color Corrected Uniforms
By DetroitStyle
**UPDATE 5/4**
- Various other fixes and tweaks.
- New color.txt file
- Updated Atlanta Red Alternate
Same as last year, 2K made the colors for these teams too bright or off color. Since the entire uniform can't be changed via my color corrected roster, I'm releasing these fixes. They will change the fielding hat colors as well as more uniform colors and socks. So expect true dark navy and midnight blue for these teams.
Place the .iff files in your MLB 2K12 directory and overwrite the original files. Be sure to backup your originals!
Be sure to check out this thread to suggest any uniform changes that should be made: http://www.mvpmods.c...40
Negro Lgs set 9
By DonSPa
These files represent teams from the Negro League.They are the Chicago Union Giants,
Indianaplois Clowns and Oakland Larks.
Ive included directions how to install and also histories of the teams.There is very little info on the years of the unis and also these will
not be 100% correct because of no info especially on the pants.I tried to figure as close as i could on what they may have been like for
those years so the pants a pretty much my own design
The following files are from the Cubs home and away and Athletics home iff's
Negro Lg set 8
By DonSPa
These files represent teams from the Negro League.They are the Atlantic City Bacharach Giants,
Birmingham Black Barons,IndianHead Rockets,Jacksonville Red Caps and St Paul Black Gophers.
Ive included directions how to install and also histories of the teams.Except for the Rockets as \I could not find any good info
on this team.There is very little info on the years of the unis and also these will
not be 100% correct because of no info especially on the pants.I tried to figure as close as i could on what they may have been like for
those years so the pants a pretty much my own design
The following files are from the Angels home,Twins home,rays away and cl1
and the blue jays home iff's
tigers 1960
By mcoll
the motor city boys of 1960 season uniforms. they go into the cl1 and cl2 placement. the color file is included
Negro Lg set 7
By DonSPa
These files represent teams from the Negro League.They are the PhiladelphiaStars,
and Zulu Cannibal Giants.Ive included
directions how to install and also histories of the teams.
.There is very little info on the years of the unis and also these will not be 100% correct because of no info especially
on the pants.I tried to figure as close as i could on what they may have been like for
those years so the pants a pretty much my own design
The following files are from the Philliesalt1 bpa and Giants home iff's
1968 Detroit Tigers
By Misopogon
I had these for MLB2k10 but never released them because I couldn't figure out how to get the numbers on the sleeves. Now you can (Ty Wiggins (NTTW) is a deity!), and thanks to tonight's rain-out and the fact that certain people on the work flow on either side of me are not getting their stuff in on time.
Since they were looking more boring than Bingo night with the old Senators' uniforms, I added a patch for the '68 winners. So I guess technically this is the Summer of Love. Whatever: it's the '60s--as if anyone remembered them anyway!
I was going to write a nice thing about my dad and the sixties here but it's late. Maybe later.
twins 87 to mid 90's
By mcoll
thes are used in the classic cl1 and 2 palces. they are the twins from 87 to the mid 90's roughly. the pic does show it, but they have m on he socks, i didnt have a player to show that with.
included is the color inof match up the color to the uniform and the two unids.
royals 83 91
By mcoll
replaces the cl1 and cl2 files . 83 to 91 time frame. included is the color infor.
Negro Lgs set 6
By DonSPa
These files represent teams from the Negro League.They are the Cincinnati Tigers,
Cleveland Buckeyes,Denver White Elephants,Seattle Steelheads and Houston Black Buffalos.Ive included
directions how to install and also histories of the teams except denver and houston as i had very little info about thier history
.There is very little info on the years of the unis and also these will not be 100% correct because of no info especially
on the pants.I tried to figure as close as i could on what they may have been like for
those years so the pants a pretty much my own design
The following files are from the reds indians rockies astros and mariners home iff's
white sox 76 81
By mcoll
76 81 white sox retro. these do not have the long jersey or the collar, but do have the stripe sirups. they replace the cl1 and cl2. included is the color info.
Hammerin' Hank, 1945, and How Jews Feel About Gefilte Fish
By Misopogon
If you have never heard of gefilte fish, imagine if you took dead fish, mashed it up into a ball, boiled it, then pickled it.
So as the tale goes, with a week left to go in the 1938 season Hank Greenberg had 58 home runs. At this point his mother promised him if he could hit 61 homers she would make him 61 gefilte fish. Greenberg proceeded to hit 0 more home runs that season. Some thought it was because the league and country were filled with anti-Semites who might tolerate a Jewish ballplayer but not a Jewish home run record-holder. Some thought most ballplayers go much more than a week between three home runs. But the gefilte fish thing clears up any doubt for me: so long as there are people in the world who hate people in the world, Jewish women will continue to cook gefilte fish, and Jewish men will find new and original means of avoiding eating gefilte fish. So is the way of the world.
Much about that world is out of your control. Hank couldn't avoid the fact that the best years of his career came during the time everyone had to go beat Hitler. So Greenberg went as a 30-year-old,
..and returned a 34-year-old. In baseball in 1945 this was pretty old. However most of the boys were still overseas as the 1945 season got underway, so even an aging Hammerin' Hank vaulted the Tigers back into the World Series.
Thus began what some chroniclers have called the worst World Series ever, with replacement-level players abounding on both teams (remember this is two years before Jackie Robinson so most of the best ballplayers stateside couldn't play either). The result was an error-filled, will-someone-please-just-lose fest. Why the Cubs looked so terrible has to do with a sacrificed goat in biblical times or something, but you can probably guess what was wrong with the Tigers: Mrs. Greenberg almost assuredly promised another batch of gefilte fish.
Today we honor Hank Greenberg and the 1945 Tigers with their uniforms...
...ahem, their uniforms:
...from the year Detroit won the War, the World Series, and the liberty of all mankind. We should never forget the tremendous sacrifices they made--not just giving up the primes of their careers to fight for Uncle Sam, but finally sucking it up and eating Bubbe Greenberg's famous baseball-shaped gefilte fish. You are true heroes.
Note: by now if you don't know to change the name of a uniform file from something made to work with TyWiggin's editor, leave it in the comments. Also: the team wore something like it last year to honor the '45-ers but they changed up the logo and wouldn't go back to flannels. I had no such compunction. I'm especially proud of how the chest logo came out.
indians 89 93
By mcoll
the Indians 89 93. they repalce the cl1 and 2 and the color inof is included.
rockies of 02-04
By mcoll
the rokcies of the 02 04 when they had the cr at home had there alt home set.
thes relace there cl1 and 2 uniforms and includes the color file to import wih ty editor.
Negro Lg set 5
By DonSPa
These files represent teams from the Negro League.They are the Ft Worth Black Panthers
Homestead Greys and St Louis Stars.Ive included
directions how to install and also histories of the 3 teams.There is very little info
on the years of the unis and also these will not be 100% correct because of no info especially
on the pants.I tried to figure as close as i could on what they may have been like for
those years so the pants a pretty much my own design
The following files are from the cards away,home rangers home,nationals alt 1 away and home iff's
The stars uni is not 100 5 correct because its supposed to have numbers on the right shoulder
and stars emblem on left.I switched places and still cannot get the numbers to show.I used
the phillies files as a base thinking it would work but still wont show in game.
Hating Texas Since 1994
By Misopogon
(Note: This is meant as humor along with your jerseys, inspired because 20 family members from the DFW metro area are in town this week and the inconsiderate way in which the Rangers beat up on the Tigers. I don't actually have anything against the State of Texas, its baseball team, or the great people of that awful state.)
(Note 2: Unless Delmon Young is from there, because as far as I'm concerned he can go to hell, or Texas.)
(Note 3: I attached three png's in the file for modders with Photoshop, since GiMP's DDS plugin loses some quality with its compression. If one of you would be kind enough to compress and send me the DDS's for those I can update the file version)
(Note 4: None of this applies to Austin. Stay weird friends!)
(Note 5: I think if you actually check stats Texas is only in the bottom third of hated states. This is not scientific. It's humor.)
(Note 6: If I keep saying this isn't serious people may believe me)
94 reasons why everybody hates Texas:
"Don't Mess With Texas" bumper stickers
All of the Rangers' uniforms say "Texas" even at home.
...and they put THEIR STATE FLAG on the jerseys, even though they're not even the only baseball team in the state.
Astroturf. Thanks for that guys; the knees of two generations of ruined athletes are truly grateful.
You can't get anywhere in their cities because their highways become a sea of black Excursions, Suburbans, and RAV4's with one occupant each.
Four words: Dallas-Fort Worth International.
They shot Kennedy
...so they could make Lyndon B. Johnson president and make us all go to Vietnam.
George W. Bush
That the Rangers were once owned by (a group of scumdouches who chose as their face guy) George W. Bush
...and then you made him governor just to get rid of him as owner
...and then you made him president just to get rid of him as governor.
...and that because he was so epically bad at it the GOOD Bush son can't even run now.
The Longhorn Network
I'm pretty sure you were responsible for "Who let the dogs out?" becoming a thing.
Their dysfunctional sibling rivalry in college football that was mostly responsible for turning the SEC and ACC into 14-team behemoths, ruining 12 other great rivalries, and destroying the Big XII.
How you made Randy Smith your *****.
Nolan Ryan
They only joined the United States because the slave states needed to up their numbers.
They celebrate the fact that they've had five other sovereigns other than the United States (i.e. "Six Flags"). These are: France, Spain, Mexico, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederacy. Seriously they are PROUD of this.
The think the Alamo is the most important event in history, because Sam Houston and Davy Crockett personally held off an army of skeleton Mexicans.
Craig James (no truth to the rumors that he killed five hookers while at SMU)
That Craig James actually thought he could run for your Senate Seat!
...and that some of you actually voted for him!
...and that you used that whole farce with his son to get out of paying Mike Leach
They use more power, more gas, and more electricity in that state than all but eight countries. Their environmental footprint is worse than that of France.
King of the Hill -- Go back to making Beavis & Butthead plz k thx.
That their political ads always feature a dude in a huge cowboy hat and cowboy boots standing in front of a fence and talking about "Texas values," despite the fact that barely any Texans are actually ranchers. The only politicians who own ranches are rich dudes who bought them as second homes and so they could tell other Texas they own a ranch.
Beehive hairdos
Enron. You even had a field named for them!
Dallas is the cubicle farm of cities. The whole city is a bunch of boring, architecturally infantile gray boxes and concrete and decorated with soulless, meaningless art because some psychologist said art will increase productivity.
They get much of their information from Yahoo! Answers.
They believe every home should have a gun in it, but God forbid somebody ever actually use a gun to go hunting!
They kept voting Tom DeLay into office.
More cults, and more people who belong to a cult than any other state.
David Koresh
Hook 'em Horns, and Claws and Antlers. Congratulations: you just discovered you have hands.
That they one day decided to call the Cowboys "America's Team" when nobody in America except Texas liked them. Seriously: we all wanted Buffalo to finally win one you bastards.
That every school district has to use the same textbook, therefore textbook makers write them in order to please the psychopath politicians you elect to choose the book.
The most gerrymandered map of any democratic political body in the entire world
They're everything that people hate about the South (bad education, racism, biases, bible-thumping) without any of the good parts about the south (deep respect for history, traditions, politeness, good looking women, great football)
They're everything that people hate about Yankees (pretentious, oblivious to other ways of life, outlet malls) without the good parts about the North (architecture, education, um...really good cheese?)
Belt Buckles!!!!!!
That you think theme parks are "Cultural Attractions"
"Everything is bigger in Texas"
...seriously, your whole state has either Napoleon or smalltrophy syndrome.
That the Spurs complain bitterly when bad officiating screwed them out of an important game, then went on to win multiple championships with some of the most famously biased officiating ever.
That you're such dicks to California. Not that we all like California that much but we don't understand why you're so hard on them.
Like when you stole all of their electricity and gave them brownouts because they passed a stupid law that made it possible for you to do that. Did nobody say "hey, let's warn California that their law is going to get them screwed?" instead of bankrupting another state so your richest a-holes could get even filthy richier?
Mark Cuban. Shut up, Mark.
The Mavs.
Dirk Nowitzki's singing voice: "WLeeeee Ahhhhr thu Chaaaampyuns"
Lamar Odom, Shawn Marion, Vince Carter, Jason Kidd...what are you TRYING to corner the market on universally despised players?
That we had to root for you last year anyway because there was NO WAY we were rooting for Miami.
That you're probably personally responsible for 50% of U.S. obesity.
That when people of other countries do an "American" accent they sound just like you.
...and that most of what they say they hate about Americans mostly applies to Texans.
How much you paid just to TALK to Yu Darvish.
SXSW: the fastest awesome-to-overblown and commercialized transition for any event in history
Juan Gonzalez. /shakes with angar
You build everything too big and too cheap without any consideration of any factors other than is it big and is it cheap
You are willing to screw over all of college football in order to maintain the charade that Baylor and Texas Tech are BCS teams, and you think UTEP and SMU and TCU should be as well, as if Indiana didn't have a bigger athletic program than all of those schools put together.
You blame regulations for your refineries and power plants all being way way out of date, then spend what it would cost you to fix that every election cycle so politicians who will bail you out of your environmental jams can run commercials of themselves in huge cowboy hats and cowboy boots standing in front of a fence talking about values.
That Texas actually held out longer than any SEC school in integrating your athletic teams, and were so proud of Chairman of the Board of Regents Frank C. Erwin for his staunch opposition to blacks in burnt orange that you named the basketball arena for him!
Rick Perry.
Rick Perry commercials. If you ever subject us to those again...
Whatever Elvis Andrus is putting in his hair. That is so gross.
That you use the Death Penalty on kids and mentally disabled.
That you literally started a riot because they cut off your beer on 10-cent beer night.
The worst health care in the country, and more large companies who don't provide health care than any other state.
Mullets. Either chop that thing or put it in a hockey helmet please.
Terrelle Owens when he was with the Cowboys.
How many crappy bowl games can you come up with to scam schools out of millions?
Whose idea was it to let Jose Canseco pitch?
That Mack Brown voted Cal out of the Top 10 so Texas could take their spot in the '95 Rose Bowl
There are 3 million people in the world who are tougher than Chuck Norris. Get over it.
Country Music. And not good country music like they have in the border states which is dripping with soul and the anguish of poverty and the sublime joys of a "simple" life that's anything but simple, but the rhinestone crap sung by a dude in sequins and with his shirt tucked into too-tight jeans who spends way too long on the 2nd syllable of "A-MER-ica"
That you wear cowboy boots in 9,000 places that they're inappropriate (weddings, airplanes, swimming...)
That you were the only state whose police gave Chris Hanson carte blanche to film To Catch a Predator and because of your incompetence every single perv on that episode walked. Yes, my state takes responsibility for Chris Hanson, but he is from Lansing, which is as different from the rest of our state as Austin is from yours.
How long did you keep employing John Rhadigan? This didn't embarrass you at all?
Your approach to business is to Look Out for Number 1 -- we actually take seminars about how to do business with some of your companies because their approach is to try to screw their partners, not make money for their partners.
Didn't you outlaw sodomy or something? Like were there debates about this?
Matthew McConaughy
That they're the only state who actually care that people hate them. Think about it: Californians will just be like "yeah we hate it too." New Yorkers will be like "whatever; we are superior." Alabamans will just talk about how Nick Saban will kick one of your body parts. Illinois will say "that's just our politicians we hate them too." Floridians will just blame a segment of their population. New Jersey will call it a "Jersey thing." Midwestern states will just figure you're from their rival state and mention the last time their football team beat yours (except Nebraska: I've yet to meet anyone who hates Nebraskans. They're just a super-nice state. It's so weird. Unrelated: nobody hates people from Colorado either. A list of things people hate about Colorado starts and ends with Claude Lemieux, who isn't even from Colorado).
That they keep screwing around with Michael Young instead of trading him to a team that would love him. You have one likeable guy on your team, so every year you sign or bring up a new superstar for his position. God forbid you ever move Murphy.
Your attitude towards your border with another country, who by the way happens to be an important friend and ally and business partner with our country. You don't see us patrolling the St. Clair river shooting Canadians do you?
That you stole the Stars from Minnesota, and thus forced us to expand the NHL AGAIN just to give the most obvious hockey city in the USA a hockey team.
Guess which MLB team was Ground Zero for the steroid '90s?
That you signed A-Rod for more per year than some teams' entire annual salaries, and then spent years paying the Yankees a big portion of that contract. You were PAYING the YANKEES! Because they need more money.
That you complained so hard about Elvis Andrus not winning Rookie of the Year (you were right about that) but then threw out every one of your arguments for Andrus plus all pretended like you've never heard of SABRmetrics when trying to justify Feliz the following year.
Stop throwing chairs at fans, breaking TV cameras, etc.
Ron Paul, Ron Paultards, and that they've made it so being a libertarian is now synonymous with the idiots who think smart grid meters and airport metal detectors will give you cancer.
That no matter how many disclaimers I put above, people from Texas are still going to get offended and try to defend themselves and their stupid state. Watch.
The one thing that totally makes up for all of that:
Your barbecue!
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phillies 89 91
By mcoll
the phillies in there 89 91 uniforms. included is the color information so import with ty editor and the uniforms.they replace the cl1 and cl2 for the team
mets of 83 86
By mcoll
this the mets retro of 83 to 86 and uses there road gray jersey. the colors right, except i ddint have the known shade of gray to work with.
a's early mid 80's
By mcoll
the a's of early mid 80's
they used the city name unstead the a's at that time.
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