58 files
SNY Overlay
SNY overlay for MLB 2k12. Just copy into your MLB 2k12 directory after making a backup of the files which will be repaced.
Indians "C" Logo Overlays
"C" logo overlays for lineups, scoreboard, game start, etc. Big credit to Stu Anderson who showed me how to do this. Just unzip and overwrite file in your install directory.
Orioles New Logo Overlays
New Logo overlays for lineups, scoreboard, game start, etc. Big credit to Stu Anderson who showed me how to do this. Just unzip and overwrite file in your install directory.
ESPN HD Overlay
Copy files into your MLB 2k12 directory. Make backup of original files. I couldn't check if the end of inning logo works properly. If it doesn't contact me.
Yellow Triangle Remove
By MalibuKiller
Removes the yellow triangle that showed up after every mound visit for some seconds
King Felix was already annoyed by it as you can see
copy the overlay_static_preload.iff to your MLB 2k12 game directory
The MLB Experience
By DetroitStyle
=DS= Thanks you for downloading!
The MLB Experience 2K12! This is my first major overlay project which completely overhauls all of the original 2K presentation textures. This is meant to replicate a true to life MLB.Tv/MLB.com presentation and atmosphere. This will surely make you feel like you're watching a game directly on mlb.tv! As well, this turns the game into a truly liscensed MLB product.
What's included:
New in game overlay's and presentation wipes
New icons, loading screens, and game mode logos
Enjoy, and feedback is always wanted!
Place the .iff file in you MLB 2k12 directory overwritting the originals. In case you don't like the cyberface be sure to backup your originals!
Screenshots are included in the archive.
If you like these mods, please consider supporting the MVP Mods website!!!
Onfield Display Mod 2k12+
By pena1
Peña1's MLB 2k12
On Field Display Mod+
This makes the following changes to the gamedata.iff
Removes the yellow pitching arrows (FINALLY!)
Removes the blue replay circle [Perfect for video makers!]
Changes the B3 and B5 button icons to Left Bumper and X button.
Removes ball cursor while pitching
Changes the opacity of the fielding circles to ~20% and makes the landing marker a little smaller. Seems minor but makes a huge difference. In other words, No more solid white circles covering half the outfield.
Removes the MAX logo when executing pitching mechanic perfectly. You will still hear the sound.
I am sharing this as the initial release as this is my preferred setup. If anyone would like a variation of this (no arrows, with replay circle, with ball cursor, etc), please let me know. And yes, the yellow pitching arrows are really gone!
REQUESTED VERSIONS [same as the original with the following exceptions]
Version 2.0
with Pitching cursor
Version 3.0
With pitching cursor and arrows
Version 4.0
Removes the yellow arrows under selected fielder [see screenshot below]
Thanks to MalibuKiller for the recommendation on this. Easily my new favorite.
1. As always, back up everything
2. I would recommend downloading and using Jonesoft's Mod Enabler. Otherwise extract the gamedata.iff to your MLB 2k12 folder
3. Click yes to copy and replace
Please let me know if there are any problems with this file.
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please consider making a donation to the site HERE
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securely via paypal:
*this link will send you to my donate page / you do not need a paypal account to donate*
New Orioles Logo Overlay
New Orioles Logo Overlay. Uncompress file and place/overwrite files in 2K12 install directory.
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