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Finally I can start my season 2018 in the mlb2k12 !!! :yahoo:


Thank You guys!!!! ^_^



I found some spelling errors on player names.


It's not Orlamdo Arcia.  It's Orlando Arcia.


A few others, too, but can't remember what they were.  I was going to play a Brewers franchise but I can't look at Orlamdo all season long.  Question--can I edit the player names inside the franchise?  Or at all?  Geez, I haven't monkeyed with this game in a few years!



Thanks for such a good roster, I was waiting for something like that, to start editing and correcting errors, you can send the roster.iff I think that file is useful for when you change the color of the eyes and other changes to the roster, but I have to start of 0, but very grateful for the great work, my respect.



I like the fact you have Ohtani as a batter and pitcher for the Angels. But these rosters have so many players on the wrong teams, it ain't funny. Appreciate the effort, but it will take a lot of work to straighten this out. And why do your free agents have such low ratings?



Crashes at the All Star Break unfortunately.



I got excited when I found a way around the crash by going a game at a time when near the break. Unfortunately when finishing the season the stats were nuts. Some players had 150 home runs and at least 8 players with over 150 RBI. BUT the league leader in batting average was .303 which is low, very odd.


Can I ask the a question? Is it possible to explain how to place the Astros into the American league? I would really like to know how. Thanks!



this roster does not work in franchise mode

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