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About This File

A tool to transfer various pieces of data between saves in Super Mega Baseball 2.


Before using this tool, you should close Super Mega Baseball 2. You could potentially corrupt your save file if you use this tool while Super Mega Baseball 2 is running.


The tool will automatically find your save file, although if for whatever reason you have multiple save files inside the save game location, the tool will refuse to continue.


It is also recommended that you create a folder to store the tool and the tool files in. This allows you to organize them any way you wish.

The tool will search for files in the folder it is located and any folders inside the same folder.


You can find the full manual and documentation at the GitLab wiki here.


There is also a roster vault spreadsheet available here. Various teams are already available for download, and I'd be happy to share others if you provide me links.


I can be contacted via GitLab, on the tool subreddit, on Discord as AFerrea#0813, or by here. I try to keep track of the comments on posts everywhere the tool is available, as well as any problems on the Project Awesome posts, but I don't always catch everything, so if you don't get a response, you can feel free to PM me directly.

What's New in Version 0.4.9   See changelog


* Pulls the backend code up to the most recent version. No specific updates or bug fixes to speak of.

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Looks amazing but I can’t download it for some reason



Super good love the mod super impressive



Very impressed! You can quickly see this website along with a huge selection of the very best baseball games, was expertly put together with the latest content.  I am very lucky to have came across this website.  :)



I am unable to see my players with helmets.

Response from the author:

Yeah, this is a known issue right now. I'm hoping to get some time to take a look at it properly over the next few days, but I haven't had the opportunity to do so up to now.


Edit: I've uploaded a new version now that I think should fix the issue. Try v0.4.4 and see if that works.



Cool. I plan on trying this out soon! Thanks for uploading this here at the worlds best baseball site!



Very well done tool  with an awesome developer who's always improving. Works as advertised and allows for some really awesome things to be created and shared for Super Mega Baseball 2. 

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