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About This File

The PA team would like to share with the Super Mega Baseball community our MLB 30 team pack for your enjoyment. Our pack aims to bring all 30 Major League teams to the SMB2 world to enjoy alongside Metalhead Software’s pre existing teams.


Our design philosophy was to create all 30 MLB teams in SMB2 rated in such a way that they can compete with the game’s stock teams. High ratings of 99 have been reserved for the truly outstanding players!


A lot of hard work and collaboration went into gathering stats, developing helper tools, and compiling, tweaking, or creating from scratch the absolute best logo representations around.  We are quite proud of the final product which is a direct result of our team’s dedication to recreating all 30 MLB teams in the SMB2 universe. We hope you enjoy playing it as much as we enjoyed creating it!.


You can find a preview of our work here! http://www.sweethoss.com/smb2            




  • Realistic logos and uniforms for all 30 MLB teams
  • Current rosters for all 30 MLB teams
  • Pitchers have real to life windups, pitch types and arm angles
  • Recreated all MLB players within SMB2
  • MLB teams fit in with developer created teams
  • Unique likenesses for each individual player
  • Unique custom stats for each individual player
  • Unique gear and equipment for each individual player   


Rating System Explanation


Our rating system is derived from OOTP ratings, which for the current year are based in turn on ZiPS predictions.


Key points to note about our conversions:


  • Out of the Park Baseball (OOTP) ratings typically run from 0-200 rather than 0-99, so scaling is a simple case of dividing by two
  • Every stat is increased by 8% in order to give numbers that are fairly competitive with the stock teams
  • All stats are capped between 1 and 99 in their respective categories after all of the calculations have been performed
  • Whenever rounding needs to be performed, it's always rounded down.



For power, contact, junk, accuracy, the vsL and vsR ratings are added together and then divided by four. (Divided by two to average, then divided by two again to scale to SMB2)



For arm, we simply divide the relevant arm rating by two. For IF primaries this is IF arm, for OF primaries it's OF arm and for C primaries it's C arm.



For fielding, we combine the range and error ratings and divide by four. The types follow the same as arm, except that for C primaries we simply divide catcher ability by two.



For velocity, we take the centre of the MPH range given by OOTP, and add a random amount of velocity between -0.5 and +0.5 MPH. This allows pitchers who are listed as having the same velocity range to have different velocities. We then scale the velocity between 85 MPH at 1 velocity, and 99 MPH at 99 velocity. The downside of this system is that repeatedly generating stats will give differing velocities to each pitcher (unless they fall well off the top or the bottom of the scale). We decided this trade-off was worth it to avoid the situation where every pitcher with a certain range would have identical velocity.


The formula to convert MPH to a velo stat is given as ((mph - 85) * (98/14) + 1). Apply the 8% increase after.



Speed was a tough decision to make. It was hard to find a formula that would give good results for both modern and historical players. Eventually, we settled on using a combination of fielding range, stealing ability, and running speed.


Positional Stats

For P/IF primaries, we use running speed, stealing ability, and IF range, and divide by six. (Divided by three to average, then two again to scale)


For OF primaries, we use running speed, stealing ability, and OF range, and divide by six.


For C primaries, since they don't have a range, we use running speed and stealing ability alone and divide by four.







We at Project Awesome would like to address statements regarding the source of some of our teams and set the record straight.


Here are the break down for the credits:


Aferrea - Tool creator/Rosters/ Player Skills Rating Formula
Archangel_Alan - Logos
kccitystar - Player Appearances
Randallb21 - Logos/Uniform
TheRosterFarian - (15) Teams used as a base with permission
tjans - Logos/Unis/Player Appearances /Player Skill Ratings/Rosters
Tootblan - Logos/Uniforms/Player Appearances/Rosters/Stats
Wiggin - Player Appearances /Stats
woofy - Logos
ZachAlmighty - Logos/Uniforms/Rosters/Player Skill Ratings /Player Appearances


We were provided permission to use TheRosterfarians teampack for our project and an ID conflict that we were previously unaware of arose from this. The teams that previously conflicted were still used as a base from which to build our own Teams /Logos/ Rosters/ Uniforms/ Player skill ratings and their player appearances. We would like to apologize for any issues this has caused for the community that wanted to enjoy both packs. The ID issue that was overlooked by the team has since been resolved in the latest version.


Claims that we stole work from others are false. Our goal is and was always to give credit where credit is due.


Moving forward our teams will be created from scratch. A special thank you to all who have supported us and left wonderful comments. This has been a good learning experience for all of us and it’s great to see people have been enjoying our teampack. We all appreciate it.



Project Awesome


What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


We would like to share with you our 2018 All-Star update with the SMB2 community!


This update sees the addition of the 2018 All-Star teams along with some much needed changes to a couple of players and a logo improvement.


WARNING: If you’re in the middle of a season and want to update your teams to the newest version you will have to cancel your season and delete the league they are in for the updating to work.


We understand this can be a huge inconvenience for some and is quite annoying but at the current moment that is the only way to ensure everything gets updated correctly. If you would like to just download the All-Star teams separately you can grab them here. We thank you for your understanding.


AFerrea’s (JudgeZarbi) Transfer Tool


All-Star Team Explanation


Our goal wasn’t to get a player from every team our goal was to get the best of the best from each league.  All of the starting positional players and starting pitchers reflect the real life All-Star teams. We looked at real life stats to determine bench players. There may be 4 Astros players on the AL squad but they currently have some of the best players stat wise in the game and we wanted to reflect that. If you feel your favorite player wasn’t included please feel free to add them! The All-Star game is tonight and trust us, playing with these teams will be a lot more fun than watching the game!  


All-Star Update Change Log


  • Willson Contreras' name is now spelled correctly.
  • Angels logo has been improved to better reflect real life
  • Edwin Diaz has 4 seam now instead of the 2 seamer.
  • Rangers Colon and Beltre both now throw with the correct arm.
  • Updated team IDs to ensure no conflicts with other packs
  • Added 2018 NL and AL All-Star teams


All-Star Team Credits

  • Afferrera: Rosters
  • Randallb21: Logo/ Uniforms
  • TOOTBLAN: Rosters
  • ZachAlmighty: Rosters/ Logos/ Uniforms / Player Appearances


We look forward to your feedback and sharing our next update with you soon!


 - Project Awesome

User Feedback

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Bravo!!!!  SMB2 = Best Baseball Game Ever !!!



Thanks for the hard work,going to try this out and will leave a review later.



suggestion.......you should make versions of these updates for older prepatch versions of the game.....These darn patches ruin the friggin game. I appreciate developers who fix game breaking bugs but these patches it seems are one step forward, two steps back....have to learn the game each time they rebalance the difficiulty uggghhh

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