About This File MVP Baseball portrait updates as per Gordo's end of season roster list. Install as a pack with TiT or individually with bigGUI. Portraits generated with Krawitham's portrait maker v1.5
laroquece September 9, 2018 1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member Thanks man, nice job
Alain03 September 11, 2018 0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member Esta padrisimo Pero aun Faltan Hermano x ejemplo Asdrubal Cabrera, Wilson Ramos, pero buen trabajo hermano
Gordo September 9, 2018 Gargantuan effort!! Thanks so much man....this will make playing in the off season look good! Sorry, the leechers around here won't give you your just due. But there are many around here who appreciate the time this took!