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Baseball is coming 😆😎😁


·         This Franchise begins in 2019 so the players are at their real age and real service time.

·         All pitching rotations and batting orders are accurate as of 3/28/19 (Opening Day 2019). (using rosterresource.com)

·         All players on the roster of 40 of all teams.

·         Currently injured players are in minor leagues team.

·         Hundreds of new players and portrait created and updates.

·         Fix Schedule. The order of the games matches. (the two games in Japan Mariners-Athletics in the other series between them)

This franchise has also been set up for 162 game seasons and has been set to control all 30 teams.


All you have to do to play a franchise is once you have loaded the file... go into the Option -> franchise automation screen and turn whatever team(s) you wish to play with to "OFF" for any of the MLB or minor league things you wish to control. Fort the rest set “on” 40-Man roster Management, Injuries, Roster and Lineup.


Other settings like cpu trades and injuries are turned off this franchise. This is so I can make trades to match real life rosters as I play my franchise. You can however still change these if you so choose.


Portraits are included for a better experience, it's just extract it and copy it in the location of the game (portrait.iff and portrait.cdf).


You will just need to load the game and load the file in the game to start. Enjoy!

*To install Franchise, extract to one of the following locations:
For WinXP users: C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\2K Sports\Major League Baseball 2K12\Saves

For Vista and Windows 7/8/10 users: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\2K Sports\Major League Baseball 2K12\Saves


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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

you could do a franchise mode of 2019 but with the Houston Astros or if you want you can share the roster or mod that allows you to start in that year, thanks



The game play quality is THE BEST I have ever seen in MVP 2K since I've been a member several years ago!  The problem is that every time I try to simulate a season, or when I start to play a season, I ALWAYS get frozen on DRAFT DAY.  I set up the franchise with all the draft options OFF, so I would think it would just skip right by the draft and keep on going.  But NO MATTER WHAT I DO DRAFT DAY is FREEZE DAY for me.  


I am running MLB2K12 updated to 2021 on an HP computer with PLENTY of power, using Windows 10 Home on a  64-bit operating system and an x64-based processor.  What am I missing here please?



Well, I don't quite understand what I should do exactly in the "franchise automation" option.

Do I have to put everything "off" of all the teams except the one I'm going to play with?

Alex Collejo


<Hola chicos, como actualizo estos Mods, ????

Dave Fernandez


Really good job! It was really nice from you to share this btw.




Excelente gracias por hacerlo y sobre todo por compartirlo 



Excellent job, lots of hard work went into this.  Thank you.

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