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2 Screenshots

About This File

This is some sort of tribute for Cardinals season. It is also a kind of lazy work, since I already had almost all the files I needed XD...


Please, don't forget to update the colorlist info, in order to have the right accesories colors and to enable the uniform, since it's in an extra slot. Use the MLB Roster tool for this. You can download it with most of 2k12 uniform updates, my own sets included.


What's New in Version 1.2   See changelog


I'm really sorry for being updating this so much. I guess it's finally done. But since opinions are, you know how... Well, I took the first tone I used right from this picture: St-Louis-Cardinals-New-Powder-Blue-Unifo


But I don't think they really look realistic in gameplay. This kind of uniforms have these opinion problems with the color selection. So I've added a lighter version of the same uniform in a new folder insde the download. Same instalation process, just replace the main file. This way you can choose by yourself what you think is closer to the right color.

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great as ever...thanks!

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