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A lot of work these last days to finish these ones.


In this set, there are 8 uniforms, 3 for the Yankees and 5 for the Astros. Less uniforms than in NLCS set, but a lot more content, I guess. Astros uniforms are part of my own set that I never released here. So most of their material have 2 years saved in a folder of my computer. I fixed the colors and finished some few things more. Yankees uniforms are an update of my 2017 version, but with several color fixes and tweaks too. I've also included Yenkees black uniform for Player's Day. I think it really suits the Yenkees. I know they don't wear alternates, but they really should keep this. This is the only uniform in the set that does not feature 'POST SEASON' patch.


Please, remember to update the uniforms colors by applying UM-ALCS2019Colorfix.txt file. This is important to have the right accesories colors and to enable a couple of extra uniforms in the set. You can use the supplied MLB Roster Tool for this.

This time I had  plenty of time to write about the file while I was uploading it, because of my way, so slow connection. Hope you enjoy this set. And I guess that was my MLB contribution for 2019.

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· Edited by Juliux



Hi, PLEASE!! Someone help me!

Umachines or somebody else, I'm having troubles extracting the files. I need some specific tool? I only have WINRAR. 








Busy bee...great for us! Thanks for these, nice to have your updates!

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