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About This File

The file is based on "MLB2K19 Total Frontend" from 'andygev35'.
Well, thank you for their hard work.
- If you use a different "Protrait" file other than the "MLB2K19 Total Fronted" patch mentioned above, you may have problems with your rosters or serious problems with playing games. Even a crash will occur.

***How to use***

- Just get in this file at MLB2K12 save folder. ( ex: C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\2K Sports\Major League Baseball 2K12\Saves) And, paste or change your Roster.ROS to this file. I strongly recommend that you make a backup of your original Roster.ROS

***About this Roster file***
1. The transfer of players from 20 MLB teams was reflected in the trade deadlines.
- The selection line-up and position were reflected based on MLB.com

- In addition, the 2019 season National League and American League All-Star were also reflected.
(Sadly, not as good as the postseason team yet)

2. The reason this roster is called "PostSeanson Roster" is because it reflects the stall and roster more precisely for teams that have made it to the 2019 postseason.
- We even tried to reflect the detailed capabilities of the players in the teams that made it to the post season.

2-1. Pitchers
Based on Fangraph.com we have reflected pitch type, pitch speed, pitch value based on pitch type, stamina based on number of innings, ERA, BABIP, WHIP, 9/BB, 9/K, and 9/HR.

2-2. Hitters
Based on MLB.com we have reflected batting average, double, triple, home run, stolen base, defensive position, and defensive capability.
(However, please take into account that the players' proficiency in defensive positions and the specific competency values are insufficient due to the lack of knowledge of the moder. )

*All results were reflected in the 2019 season cumulative record based on MLB.com It is clear that hitters with only a small sample due to injury or roster movement may have very low capacities, but that absolute objectification of numbers was important.

3. Roster-related additions
For some bullpen or backup players, it may not be reflected properly.
- Most of them are players who don't exist on the game roster, or have a very poor season performance based on MLB.com
- Roster modifications for players injured during the season have not been taken into account. (However, their degraded behavior has been reflected at a certain level based on MLB.com )


Some star players have a better stall for their MLB.com season results, which is an alternative to enjoying their team's star players through the game.
- With fewer sample games, the players who performed well in the MLB had relatively surprisingly high levels of capability.(Especially, pitchers are more prominent than hitters.) Surely, Moder was able to reflect on his performance based on Fangraph.com but wanted to show With a new face, his influence on the team, and his strong side.


The penalty or advantage that the hitter and pitcher faced each other from side to side was rarely reflected.

- This should be reflected in detail on Fangraph.com rather than MLB.com which is a time-consuming task. I also hope to complete this work in the near future.
(Of course, it will work with the postseason team and the All-Star team first.)

* This roster can be modified by anyone, but it can be deleted or suspended at any time if requested by the creator of MLB2K19 Total Fronted.
* The speed of work is very slow, but we will also make detailed changes to the rest of the teams.
* Unfortunately, feedback via comments will be very difficult. It may be because of the language barrier. I am not good at English.
* Pictures and faces of many players are not reflected. I'm afraid I don't have the know-how to modify them

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   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

en este roster usted no llevo la regla 12 lanzadores y 13 jugadores de posición ,eso es fundamental a la hora de hacer un roster , vi que en cada equipo usted tiene hasta 18 jugadores de posición,saludos y siga trabajando



  In this roster you did not have the rule 12 pitchers and 13 position players, that is essential when making a roster, I saw that in each team you have up to 18 position players, greeting

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