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About This File

Hello, guys. This is my first 2020 and Nike uniform set for MLB Baseball 2K12. I've put a lot of care in this set, since it's the base of what I want to be an important project this new year for me, and for those who follow my modding updates. I've been preparing many things in the off season for this game and for MVP Baseball 2005 too.


For this set I've made 5 uniforms:

-Home pinstripes

-Road sand pinstripes

-Alternate brown jersey road version

-Desert digital camo home alternate

-Jungle digital camo road alternate


This is also the first time I update Jacket and broadcasting logo file, and crowd file too. so, there are 7 .iff files in this set to copy to your game folder. Also remember to update the uniform colors by importing "2020-UM-PadresColors.txt" with MLB2K12 Roster Editor, in order to have the right colors for these uniforms.

I tried to use all the avialable info for this update. But you know many things can happen in the coming season to add eventual changes. Anyway, what I did with this set is a flag ship of what I pretend to do for all the MLB teams. Anyway, I personally like all about Padres uniforms this year. Even those Ronald MacDonald's shoes look great with this color scheme. I also spent a long time with a camo generator, until I got the two patterns  I finally used.

So, I hope you like my first set. And expect more updates in the next days. I Actually want my next project to be a 320p MVP 2005 version of this set itself, for those who still enjoy our beloved game, and in order to practice a good and fast convertion process. It's been a long time since I don't make MVP uniforms, and it may take a while, but I hope it will worth the try.

Also, if you don't know it yet, just give a try to this GLOBAL.IFF file to improve the way the jerseys look. It will help not just these uniforms, but all the ones you already have in the game:



And please, don't forget to support me via PayPal: paypal.me/umachines , so even greater things will be able to come this season. You know, guys, I love all this stuff, but it takes time and effort too. Let me know about yor donation via PM.


Well, that's enough for now. Hope you like them.


What's New in Version 2021-1.5   See changelog


Another update that’s actually a totally new set. Pease, replace all files and do the color list stuff again.


I spent a while updating this set. The Padres are not wearing anything new since their 2020 look update, but this was my first set last season, and it was very unfinished, compared to the latest ones I was excited about the new uniforms, and there were some things I didn’t do then. These guys seem to be enjoying to be annoying with those brown and yellow unies, and I wanted to catch that sense too. So, my personal advice is to add a lot of team color two accessories to complete it even more.


These are the changes I remember, but I'm sure there are more:

- All uniforms moved to Orioles Alternate host, in order to get a bigger cap logo and chest script.

- Numbers and names fonts are updated now. 2020 set had standard numbers and names.

- Much stronger colors. But really. You will love them, or will love to hate them.

- Uniform order has changed to a more logical way

- Several new Stance socks models

- New green jungle digital camo jersey model

- Several improvements to scripts, numbers and names texture effect.

- Old blue uniform is gone for 1998 alternate “Tony Gwynn” blue jersey uniform. Russel Athletic version with WS98 patch.

- Several minor under the hood updates.

File Information

Views 4,256

Downloads 1,278

Submitted February 1, 2020

Updated Thursday at 07:40 AM

File Size 13.7 MB


V2021 1.5:

-The most important update here are both 1978 pullovers, remade my way.

-Better version of back names font, trying to totally remove the rogue fiber

-“Tony Gwynn” blue jersey uniform moved to CL3 in extra slot 464.

***NOTE*** If you have installed my Nationals 2021 set too, please update first Nationals set and then, Padres set, because the latest Nationals set color list desables 464 slot and this Padres set re-enables it, in order to activate "Tony Gwynn" uniform in its new slot.

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Posted (edited)

Great thanks

Edited by jarmusic2


14 hours ago, zxcvbang said:

there is no ci1.iff

Hello. I did not make changes to CL1 uniform this time.


Posted (edited)


Edited by zxcvbang

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