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About This File

Hi, again. For this set I've made 8 uniforms. All the new ones are based on 2012 stock Red Sox road alternate, in case you want to know. I chose this uniform base due to bigger hat logo and the room to rework player’s numbers and names font. Original hat logo space was really small for this team. These are the uniforms:


- Home white uniform (red cap and accessories version)

- Road gray uniform

- New baby blue road uniform

- Alternate red jersey home uniform

- Alternate blue jersey home uniform (this one is in the extra 474 slot)

- Home white uniform (blue cap and accessories version, replacing BPH)

- Alternate blue jersey road uniform (replacing BPA)

- My personal tribute to Nolan Ryan. I include this one in every Rangers sets I make. No changes since 2017 version. It’s in Classic slot 2.


These uniforms also come with @pickelbrad Stance high socks and some extra files from KCcitystar. I knew you were going to make the back numbers, KC. But I had plenty of time for them and for the names font. This is the first time I make the names font, btw. There are some little spots in a few letters. But you have to see really close to notiece them.


Please, remember to update the colors by importing "2020-UM-RangersColors.txt" with MLB2K12 Roster Editor, in order to have the right colors for these uniforms and to activate the extra one.


I hope you like this set. I like the new “Rangers” wordmark for this team in some uniforms. Also, if you don't know it yet, just give a try to this GLOBAL.IFF file to improve the way the jerseys look. It will help not just these uniforms, but all the ones you already have in the game:

And please, don't forget to support me via PayPal: http://paypal.me/umachines , so even greater things will be able to come this season. You know, guys, I love all this stuff, but it takes time and effort too. Let me know about yor donation via PM.


I Hope you like this set. BE SAFE!!!, STAY HOME! I'M STILL AT HOME THESE DAYS...


Version 2022 includes 50th Anniversary of the franchise moving to Arlington, Texas elements. Now Classic uniform 1 is 1972 home uniform, the one they have announced to wear in some games this year. This is not Nike or New Era branded version, since I prefer to see the real uniform this year, in order to imitate all changes. I’ve also fixed the numbers of my Nolan Ryan uniform, the way I use to make them now, using CL1 files. All current season uniforms now feature 50th anniversary patch on right sleeve and cooling mesh under the sleeves. Finally, I've removed red cap and accesories sand blue uniform version, since The Rangers didn't wear it this way last year. Instead, I've added the same uniform with royal blue cap option.


Another thing I forgot to mention in version  2022 text is that I made some few changers to the crowd clothes colors, in order to make it look more like real Rangers fans.


Remember you just have to download one file, the latest one, in order to have your uniforms updated. And import just the respective year TXT with Roster Editor Tool.

What's New in Version 2022 1.0   See changelog


Version 2022 includes 50th Anniversary of the franchise moving to Arlington, Texas elements. Now Classic uniform 1 is 1972 home uniform, the one they have announced to wear in some games this year. This is not Nike or New Era branded version, since I prefer to see the real uniform this year, in order to imitate all changes. I’ve also fixed the numbers of my Nolan Ryan uniform, the way I use to make them now, using CL1 files. All current season uniforms now feature 50th anniversary patch on right sleeve and cooling mesh under the sleeves. Finally, I've removed red cap and accesories sand blue uniform version, since The Rangers dinn't wear it this way last year. Instead, I've added the same unifomrm with royal blue cap option.


Remember you just have to download one file, the latest one, in order to have your uniforms updated. And import just the respective year TXT with Roster Editor Tool.

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Great uniforms, I really like them ! Just one question, I don't see the color.txt inside the file. Instead there is a ROS. file...




Thanks! You are the best



Sure?!. Thanks!. My mistake. Wait for the update, guys.



excellent work my brother but I don't see the 2020-UM-RangersColors.txt



45 minutes ago, jesuah0724 said:

excellent work my brother but I don't see the 2020-UM-RangersColors.txt

I just updated it few minutes after your post. Please, re-download the file.



Felicitaciones excelente trabajo

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