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Roster 2021 Final B

   (5 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

This is a newly updated version of 2k21 roster. MLB teams might need some player shifts, will be updating shortly. Also some player's that are playing that are not on team due to 12 hitter 13 pitcher rule are in the 2k sports roster.

Edited by TorontoBJays
Unzip with winrar, than place into folder that contains roster.

What's New in Version Final B   See changelog


Updated player attributes, should make for a more interesting game. Credit goes to all roster makers, as this has a little of all.

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   16 of 22 members found this review helpful 16 / 22 members

Nobody makes real modifications to the roster anymore, now only the players change to their new teams in the season and that's it, they go up the roster as the current roster without eliminating players who are no longer there or editing the numbers and attributes of the players ... This page is not like before with people truly dedicated to the 2K game...


ya nadie hace verdaderas modificaciones a los roster,  ahora solo cambian los jugadores a sus nuevos equipos en la temporada y ya esta, suben el roster como roster actual sin eliminar jugadores que ya no estan ni editar los numeros y atributos de los jugadores... ya esta pagina no es como antes con personas verdaderamente dedicadas al juego 2K

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   1 of 3 members found this review helpful 1 / 3 members

Thank you

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the roster does not work with the calendar in franchise mode, the game closes with teams like baltimore, kc, parents etc.



el roster no funciona con el calendario en modo franquicia, el juego se cierra con equipos como baltimore, kc, padres etc


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Podrias cambiar las caras de algunos jugadores que no coinciden como ejemplo mike trout

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