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Hi, there. I’m back with another update. This time it’s seven uniforms for the Blue Jays. There are several changes in this set. In fact, many parts of these uniforms have been reworked. I used very few files from my 2017 uniforms. The most important change is a little trick I used to give the jersey bird logo a more accurate size and place. Also numbers font has been reworked to look less plastic, as in Cincinnati set. These are the uniforms:


- Home white uniform with all royal blue cap

- Road gray uniform

- New 2020 powder blue alternate with navy blue cap and accessories for some home and road games

- Canada Day home uniform, based on 2019 version but Nike branded (it replaces BPH uniform)

- Royal blue jersey alternate, road version (it replaces BPA uniform)

- Home white uniform with white front cap (Extra slot 472)

- Royal blue jersey alternate, home version (Extra slot 473)


Former Blue Jays secondary logo, the bird without the ball, is now the primary logo. So I also made the update in the broadcasting logo. Manager jacket is also updated, with a navy blue concept, based on powder blue scheme. I managed this time to make my own Stance socks, according to @pickelbrad models, of course. So, I think these are his anway.

Please, remember to update the colors by importing "2020-UM-BlueJaysColors.txt" with MLB2K12 Roster Editor, in order to have the right colors for these uniforms and to activate the extra uniforms too.

Also, if you don't know it yet, just give a try to this GLOBAL.IFF file to improve the way the jerseys look. It will help not just these uniforms, but all the ones you already have in the game:



And please, don't forget to support me via PayPal: http://paypal.me/umachines , so even greater things will be able to come this season. You know, guys, I love all this stuff, but it takes time and effort too. Let me know about yor donation via PM.

And I inssist: BE SAFE!!!, STAY HOME! Look for funny things to do, like making some mods, or just play with them, if you prefer.



What's New in Version 2021-1.0   See changelog


General fixes to all uniforms and now both throwbacks are updated. This set now comes with 9 uniforms. It also releases some redundant slots and fixes crowd colors.


The most important Changes:


- Current season uniforms now feature side mesh under the sleeves, like in my 2021 Phillies uniforms

- Fixed the alpha files that cause some stains in certain uniforms.

- General fixes on numbers and names fonts of all uniforms

- A few fixes in color scheme for all current uniforms,

- Fixed some colors in crowd's caps and clothes.

- Added 1993 "Joe Carter" uniform in CL1 slot. It features 1993 World Series Patch.

- Added my own version of 1977 baby blue visitor pullover (CL2).

- Released redundant slots 467 and 468, in case you have installed these uniforms on 2019/2020 mod.


v2020 file is gone, since this new version covers all those uniforms. Color schemes are updated and there are two new uniform, so don’t forget to apply these changes again, by importing “2021-UM-BlueJaysColors.txt” with the Roster Editor Tool.

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Thank you very much Great work!!😀



Thanks Bro...God job...



Absolutely awesome! Thanks for these!

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