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1 Screenshot

About This File

This is a package of stadiums from the National league division WEST updated with images of the 2020 
logo and an occasional update of billboards.

Dodger Stadium
AT&T Park
Chase Field
Petco Park
Coors Field


Thanks to the MVP Mods page and all its Modders, and especially to DaSteelerz, Kccitystar, Umachines and 
all those who follow my work and encourage with great words to keep going .....

mlb2k12 2020-05-04 21-15-49-350.jpg

mlb2k12 2020-05-04 21-16-53-709.jpg

mlb2k12 2020-05-04 21-17-54-124.jpg

mlb2k12 2020-05-04 21-18-56-843.jpg

mlb2k12 2020-05-04 21-19-31-416.jpg

mlb2k12 2020-05-04 21-20-13-294.jpg

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   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

Nice job, however it would look more realistic if you left out the MLB2K20 ads around the stadiums.

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