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About This File

This set is mostly about colors. Watching videos from 2019 season and 2020 spring trainings, I noticed many of my 2017 sets still have too pale colors. Cubs uniforms scripts and numbers have also a satin finish that I’m trying to imitate with a couple of old tricks. But the new stuff is 1969 home pinstripes uniform and 1978 baby blue white pinstripes pullover. There are six uniforms in this set:


- Home white pinstripes uniform

- Road gray uniform

- 1969 home pinstripes uniform. Not vintage, but modern Nike version.

- Alternate royal blue jersey away uniform

- Alternate royal blue jersey spring training home uniform with mesh cap (BPH)

- 1978 baby blue white pinstripes pullover (BPA). 2016 Majestic version.


As I said, colors are stronger and there are some light effects in the scripts. I took my Cubs 2017 golden font for the numbers satin effect too. Please pay attention to it and tell me if it’s too much or too little. I’m also adding some Stance socks, according to @pickelbrad models. I’m spending much more time than expected in any set, since energy blackouts in my hometown are up to 8 hours.

Please, remember to update the colors by importing " 2020-UM-CubsColors.txt" with MLB2K12 Roster Editor, in order to have the right colors for these uniform.

Also, if you don't know it yet, just give a try to this GLOBAL.IFF file to improve the way the jerseys look. It will help not just these uniforms, but all the ones you already have in the game:


And please, don't forget to support me via PayPal: http://paypal.me/umachines , so even greater things will be able to come this season. You know, guys, I love all this stuff, but it takes time and effort too. Let me know about yor donation via PM.

What's New in Version 2022-1   See changelog


Cubs have not added any patch or relevant change in two years for their uniforms. But I wanted to review this set, in order to add some updates already avialable in some other sets. Mainly work under the hood with alpha files, and current jerseys now feature cooling mesh, including City Connect all blue uniform, although it's not shown in 2022 picture. Spring training home uniform cap has been updated to v2022. I turned alternate pinstripes cream uniform to Majestic version, since Nike has not released its version yet.


There are two new classic uniforms in this set:

- CL1: My own version of 1942 vest cream home uniform with zipper, instead buttons. I wated to make a modern event version, with read and blue accesories, as usual,

- CL2: 1909 Road uniform gray with a narrower pinstripes pattern and the vertical script "CHICAGO" on the button front. This one is more like a vintage version, with brown shoes and accesories.

Both uniforms are based on my 2021 St. Luis Cardinals textures.


This time, old version has been replaced, because all its files have been updated in v2022.

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Good Job! Thanks!!


Just a qustion, what about the little cubs logo on the front side of away pants??


Thank u

Response from the author:

Hey!. I have not noticed them before. This deserves an update:




Great work dude!!

Like ming I'm checking the site everyday for updates




Excellent as usual! Great work on the helmet logo, too. I think only Domny got that logo right up til now!

Lol, I'm checking the site for your new unis like a junkie! 

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