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2020-2022 Tampa Bay Rays Uniform Set 2022-1

   (5 reviews)

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About This File

This was supposed to be an easy and fast update. You know all current Tampa Bay uniforms are great, but they are all about the same thing. Then I saw the team brought back their old rainbow script uniform since 2018, so it was time to make this one. It's not exactly 1998 uniform. They took the script and replaced main purple and black colors for their current blue. It looks great anyway, and then it's those stunning rainbow socks. But I wanted to make the old Russell Athletic uniforms, so you have them too. The host for retro uniforms is Tigers road, great for it. Its double outlined names font helped me here, even though I had to split those huge chest scripts anyway. Letters in HR file and ray picture on the uniform itself. The only down side here is that those extra big cap logos don’t fit the HR picture, so I had to put them on the low-res cap picture itself. Regular Current uniforms have all the changes you know I'm making this year. All eight uniforms are updated in this set:


- Home white uniform

- Road gray uniform

- Alternate light blue jersey home uniform

- Alternate navy blue jersey road uniform

- Alternate navy blue jersey home uniform  (it replaces BPH)

- Special ‘Devil Rays’ white uniform (CL1 slot)

- Original late 90’s road uniform (CL2 slot, Russell Athletic brand)

- Original late 90’s black jersey alternate (BPA slot, Russell Athletic brand)


Numbers fonts have been updated to my 2020 format. Names tabs have been removed from regular uniforms, but added on purpose to all rainbow uniforms. I’m adding some Stance socks, according to @pickelbrad models. Hope you like them. This set gave me a lot more work than expected.

Please, remember to update the colors by importing " 2020-UM-RaysColors.txt" with MLB2K12 Roster Editor, in order to have the right colors for these uniforms.


Also, if you don't know it yet, just give a try to this GLOBAL.IFF file to improve the way the jerseys look. It will help not just these uniforms, but all the ones you already have in the game:


And please, don't forget to support me via PayPal: http://paypal.me/umachines , so even greater things will be able to come this season. You know, guys, I love all this stuff, but it takes time and effort too. Let me know about yor donation via PM.


You would amaze about how bad I'm at playing the game. I guess I spend too much time modding, instead plying...



What's New in Version 2022-1   See changelog


2022 Maintenance update for my Tampa Bay 2K12 set. The most important change is alternate light blue jersey. Rays are wearing the one that used to be BP/Spring training until last year. This jersey color is stronger, according to the version I've seen in broadcasts, So I did the same. "Rays" Script has been re-traced to remove a glitch. Current uniforms now feature cooling mesh. Green alpha files fixed in all uniforms, numbers and some names fonts files, including the throwbacks.


This version replaces V2020, so the old download has been removed. Happy Father's Day!,

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Very cool! I always liked those old Rays unis and they were quite popular with fans, as best I can recall. I never got why they changed them to those ugly green ones that were soon (understandably) replaced with the more current look...


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Great job! As usual 

What software(s) you use for this?

Response from the author:

Thanks. 100% Corel software

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· Edited by DiegoR75


The best my friend👍..., Please the Los Angeles Dodgers uniform

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