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About This File

Hi, again. For this set I've made 7 uniforms. Most of the changes are the common ones I’m making to all 2020 uniforms. I’ve updated all official uniforms,  plus the classic 1985 “SOX” pullovers and there is a 1917 uniform too. These are the included files:


- Home pinstripes uniform

- Road gray uniform

- Alternate black jersey home uniform

- Alternate black jersey road uniform

- 1985 home pullover uniform. All players wear 72 on left leg, in honor to Carlton Fisk. This is modern Nike version.

- 1985 Road pullover. Almost the same home uniform, but this is the original version and with no numbers on the leg.

- 1917 home uniform. It replaces BPA uniform.


These uniforms also come with @pickelbrad Stance high socks. Base uniform for both pullovers was stock Marlins home, and for 1917 home uniform, it was the same home White Sox. Also numbers fonts are updated, some of them with satin effect.

Please, remember to update the colors by importing "2020-UM-WhiteSoxColors.txt" with MLB2K12 Roster Editor, in order to have the right colors for these uniforms.

Also, if you don't know it yet, just give a try to this GLOBAL.IFF file to improve the way the jerseys look. It will help not just these uniforms, but all the ones you already have in the game:


And please, don't forget to support me via PayPal: http://paypal.me/umachines , so even greater things will be able to come this season. You know, guys, I love all this stuff, but it takes time and effort too. Let me know about yor donation via PM.

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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Great! Typical top shelf mod by UM!



good job my friend very nice uniform thank you for all

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