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53 Screenshots

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53-new cyberfaces. Compatible with future KC roster ..... Eight months of my work. Enjoy my friends ....

0012 Alfaro Jorge
0022 Biggio Cavan
0025 Bogaerts Xander
0029 Calhoun Willie
0031 Candelario Jeimer
0035 Choi Ji-Man
0036 Correa Carlos
0037 Dahl David
0041 Diaz Yandi
0043 Escobar Eduardo
0052 Grandal Yasmani
0053 Castro Starlin
0054 Gray Jon
0056 Gurriel Lourdes
0065 Realmuto J.T.
0066 Judge Aaron
0067 Kepler Max
0069 Kipnis Jason
0084 Robert Luis
0106 Ohtani Shohei
0126 Heyward Jason
0127 Tsutsugo Yoshitomo
0129 Verdugo Alex
0131 Villar Jonathan
0145 Polanco Jorge    
0152 Martinez Jose
0153 Vasquez Christian
6443 Cabrera Asdrubal
1856 Cabrera Miguel
2935 Davis Chris
6484 Gonzalez Gio
2115 Greinke Zack
8002 Mattingly Don-Manager
8003 Black Bud-Manager
8007 Martinez Dave-Manager
8012 Rojas Luis-Manager
8017 Snitker Bryan-Manager
8024 Gardenhire Rod-Manager
8028 Maddon Joe-Manager
8034 Lovullo Torey-Manager
8035 Ross David-Manager
8051 Bell David-Manager
8049 Cash Kevin-Manager
1347 Pujols Albert
6457 Verlander Justin
7007 Posey Buster
1176 Polanco Gregory
1327 Senzel Nick
1701 Votto Joey
1166 Pillar Kevin
0710 Brantley Michael
3379 Belt Brandon
3187 Kendrick Howie



What's New in Version 1.1.0   See changelog


Thanks Enrike86 for pointing me to some errors in the ID numbers. Soon after the release of the new KC roster I will be uploading all my cyberfaces. About 170 cyberfaces, which will be compatible with the new roster. For now just a correction for these 53 cyberfaces. Once again I apologize to everyone. All cyberfaces are there, only some had ID numbers incompatible with the future rioster. Now it's fixed ..

The new list:

0012 Alfaro Jorge
0022 Biggio Cavan
0025 Bogaerts Xander
0029 Calhoun Willie
0031 Candelario Jeimer
0035 Choi Ji-Man
0036 Correa Carlos
0037 Dahl David
0041 Diaz Yandi
0043 Escobar Eduardo
0052 Grandal Yasmani
0053 Castro Starlin
0054 Gray Jon
0056 Gurriel Lourdes
0065 Realmuto J.T.
0066 Judge Aaron
0067 Kepler Max
0069 Kipnis Jason
0084 Robert Luis
0106 Ohtani Shohei
0126 Heyward Jason
0127 Tsutsugo Yoshitomo
0131 Villar Jonathan
0145 Polanco Jorge    
0152 Martinez Jose
0153 Vasquez Christian
6443 Cabrera Asdrubal
1856 Cabrera Miguel
2935 Davis Chris
6484 Gonzalez Gio
2115 Greinke Zack
8002 Mattingly Don-Manager
8003 Black Bud-Manager
8007 Martinez Dave-Manager
8012 Rojas Luis-Manager
8017 Snitker Bryan-Manager
8024 Gardenhire Rod-Manager
8028 Maddon Joe-Manager
8034 Lovullo Torey-Manager
8035 Ross David-Manager
8051 Bell David-Manager
8049 Cash Kevin-Manager
8037 West Joe-Umpire
1347 Pujols Albert
6457 Verlander Justin
7007 Posey Buster
1176 Polanco Gregory
1327 Senzel Nick
1701 Votto Joey
1166 Pillar Kevin
0710 Brantley Michael
3379 Belt Brandon
3187 Kendrick Howie

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Excelente trabajo, felicitaciones

Response from the author:

Thanks Bro...


   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members

Excellent !!  Will these only work with KC's roster ?



The problem with the umpire keep going? any answer for this?



Amazing faces bro!

can I use them for my mlb2k20 project?

Response from the author:

Of course....



How do you apply the umpire's(joe west) cyberface?

Response from the author:

Unfortunately, no one knows to say, under which ID numbers are the cyberfaces of the umpires. Unfortunately, we will wait for a new roster for that ...

Jose Carlos


Men excelente work, but I need to ask you something, I look for Joe west in the redditor and I can't find him. How can I put the cyberface for him????

Response from the author:

Unfortunately, no one knows to say, under which ID numbers are the cyberfaces of the umpires. Unfortunately, we will wait for a new roster for that ...



Bonus points for the Joe West face!



waaaoooo great job let me use your faces for the 2K WBC Fantasy

Response from the author:

Of course Bro...



This is incredible work, and the confidence that you spent a lot of time finding the right sources to get the details right mean a lot. Congratulations on a successful release, Jed!

Response from the author:

Thanks Bro.....



es un trabajo espectacular ... esfuerzo de tiempo y dedicación para obtener la mejor calidad excelente maestro

Response from the author:

Thanks Bro....

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