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34 Screenshots

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Greetings to my people here the semi update of the mlb stadiums NOTE: (not all images were included due to time limit and connection)
20 semi-renovated stadiums:
in its version day and night
medium white stadium (daytime only)
Boston Stadium (day only)
san francisco stadium (day only)
I could not update these three stadiums for the night version because it gave me problems.
the rest if it is updated are 20 in total.
Update work on my part and especially the contribution of Guaro ... who gave me the go-ahead to use his material that I use in the 2k20 in the stadiums.
among the small updates it contains:
logos and other elements

in a next update and / or version I renew the 10 missing
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here I leave my paypal of course it is optional my friends
can help me with a priority need.
paypal wuilmerramon@gmail.com



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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Well done! awesome detail

Savoy Special

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Fantastic job! I went through all of these stadiums yesterday and the attention to detail is remarkable. Every current MLB stadium, all updated! Nice work! 


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Thanks for the update Wuilmer



Bro tremendo trabajo, espectacular.

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