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About This File

It’s been a long time since my last update. Several good and bad things have happened these last months. But I’m back with some uniforms. This time I’ve updated my Mariners’ 2017 uniforms with all the changes of 2020 versions. They seem to be the same thing, so they can be called 2021 anyway. But I wanted to do something really cool for this set. So the aditions are light blue jersey Spring Training uniform, 2019 Seattle Pilots day Throwback and another Jessie Alkire, aka Thespungo, concept, this time in japanese. There are 8 uniforms in this set:


- Home white uniform

- Road gray uniform

- Alternate teal jersey home uniform

- Alternate navy blue jersey road uniform

- Sundays alternate cream home uniform

- Spring Training light blue jersey home uniform with mesh cap

- Seattle Pilots cream uniform, in extra slot 481

- Asian Heritage Concept by Jessie Alkire *, in extra slot 483


For all uniforms, I used ChiSox files as base, except for navy jersey uniforms, because of the names font. I did it in order to get a bigger cap logo. I really like this Japanese concept. You can find more info about this here: http://www.jessealkire.com/mlb-asian-heritage. But my favorite uniform in this set is the Pilots one, by far. I can’t stop playing with this one. Colors are stronger than in 2017 version, like in most of my recent updates. I’m also adding some Stance socks, according to @pickelbrad models, and names tabs have been removed too.

Please, remember to update the colors by importing "2021-UM-MarinersColors.txt" with the included tool, MLB2K12 Roster Editor, in order to have the right colors for these uniforms. It’s necessary, to avoid strange colors in some number and to enable extra slots 481 and 483.



Also, if you don't know it yet, just give a try to this GLOBAL.IFF file to improve the way the jerseys look. It will help not just these uniforms, but all the ones you already have in the game:


And please, don't forget to support me via PayPal: http://paypal.me/umachines , so even greater things will be able to come this season. You know, guys, I love all this stuff, but it takes time and effort too. Let me know about your donation via PM.



What's New in Version 2022-1   See changelog


My maintenance update for Mariners set. The usual changes to v2022 files, like alpha channels and cooling mesh for modern uniforms. Nike swoosh has been moved to main chest picture, the way KCcitystar does, because these uniforms host is ChWS road, like in my 2022 Brewers set. Some numbers and names borders and colors have been fixed too. Both classic uniforms are updated this time. CL1 is 1977 -Inaugural season- home pullover uniform, the one of the yellow trident logo (host is Brewers pinstripes stock). In CL2 there is my version of 1981 road uniform (host is gray ChWS stock). Back to current season, Mariners are wearing navy visitor jersey as 4th home option. So this uniform replaces Asian Concep (asian concept is still avialable in v2021 download). Spring training uniform cap has been updated to v2022.

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In which folder do I have to put it? to be able to use it, Good job.



Those Pilots uniforms are gorgeous 😍



Excellent work... As usual

Thank you so much for make this game a lot nicer.

BTW.... I've been waiting for a while your updates for Braves and Indians, hope they're coming soon



spectacular, you are the best!!!

Response from the author:

Thanks. There is a ghost Nike shwoosh on the Pilots uniform pants. I'm uploading a simple fix.

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