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Las Vegas Aviators 2021 Multi-Uniform Pack


Hi all! This is now my second attempt and creating new/updated uniforms for MiLB teams! It has been a little bit since my first upload but this project has been quite the undertaking as I learn all about how to create good uniforms. I have also been working on the Home Crowd files and working to reasonably update that .iff to give myself a template to work off of going forward. The results are less generic clothing and the ability to tailor every shirt the home crowd wears to match their respective team. This has been an experiment though, so whether it is something the community likes/enjoys long term remains to be seen. 


For this uniform pack specifically I have decided to do something a little different. While most MiLB teams have a handful of different uniforms, they usually all have a primary home and road jersey. In all my research I found that this team uses multiple variants of their home and road uniforms fairly interchangeably. Because the game only offers 2 total slots (1 home and 1 road) for a MiLB team, I could not provide all 4 uniforms to be installed at one time. So I went ahead and made all 4 uniforms anyway and have provided them each in their own individual folder. This way you can download the file and pick and choose which uniforms to install! I am personally fond of the orange road uniforms and have been flipping back and forth on whether I prefer the home whites or navy. But that's sort of the fun of it and the option I've been working to provide. 


As always I am still learning the ropes of this process, so I would love any feedback so I can update this set as well as apply that feedback to any uniforms going forward. I would love to know if there are any issues with the colorlist, or any parts of the uniforms clipping or glitching that I did not catch!


***Credit for the base of the uniforms and caps goes entirely to Umachines and the templates he has so wonderfully provided the community!***


Hope you enjoy!!

Edited by jvavrik97

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