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About This File

These are my 2021 uniforms for the All-Star Game Special event. Both uniforms are included, the way they have been presented so far. I've added July the 4th Stance socks to both official uniforms, since I guess they suit them.


I've been working on an alternate fantasy version of the All-Star Game uniforms, based on Colorado Rockies color schemes and symbols. They are also avialable in this file. I thought about these uniforms as my CR version of the Home Run Derby yearly event. If you folow my uniforms, you may notiece I used some elements form 70's/80's pieces that I thought would work great and I kept the original idea of the stars under the numbers. Chest scripts are made with Rockies symbols and font. Numbers font was specially made to match jersey and pants lines scheme. Hope you like them.


This txt file also releases redundant slots 423,424,425,426, in case you are installing this uniforms on 2019/2020 mod.


To install these uniforms, just decompress all files in your game’s folder. And don’t forget to update the colors, from “2021-UM-AllStarsColors.txt”, as usual.


AL blue pants updated in V1.5

What's New in Version 1.5   See changelog



- Updated AL uniform blue pants

- Added US flag patches to left sleeves

- Several minor fixes

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Tremendo concepto bien pensado hermano te felicito

Response from the author:

Gracias, partner...

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