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16 Screenshots

About This File

Each folder contains the .iff for each player face. Please use REDitor or tywiggins' Roster Editor to set the Cyberface ID for each player.


The .iff files can be dropped in your MLB 2K12 main directory.

Edited by Kccitystar
Admin edit. Included .zip file for facepack

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Tried the download and it returned with a Bauer.png and no cyberfaces.  These faces looked great, though.



Not bad, but why not upload the files here instead of giving a link to a third party app in order for us to preview or download your mods?

Darian Lopez


Hace 7 horas, jorodedo dijo:

Probé la descarga y regresó con un Bauer.png y sin cyberfaces. Sin embargo, estas caras se veían geniales.

Men si es que las faces las publico en Telegram soy de cuba disculpa por contenstar en español.Tengo muchas mas faces hechas por mi

4 hours ago, scottybilly said:

Not bad, but why not upload the files here instead of giving a link to a third party app in order for us to preview or download your mods?

Men yo mismo las hago, pero soy de Cuba telegram me  es mas economico mi internet es por datos ya nada mas de abrir esta paginas son casi 5Mega. en el enlace estan las faces espero q les gusten



Your link doesnt work properly. I am unable to download any files on this Telegram app. So supposedly your files are too big and it is too expensive for you to upload here?? Isnt there a 100MB size limit for any file we upload/post here?



Can't download these or Fernando Tatis.  Please correct it.



5 hours ago, scottybilly said:

Your link doesnt work properly. I am unable to download any files on this Telegram app. So supposedly your files are too big and it is too expensive for you to upload here?? Isnt there a 100MB size limit for any file we upload/post here?


I don't trust a mod that I can not download that's not on this site. If it's on Mvp Caribe that's a different story but not locations like this.



no puedo usar CFC mlb 2k10, me dice excepcion no controlada por la aplicacion.

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