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Version 1.0.0 (10-16-2021)


Hello everybody! Today I'm releasing a very particular and interesting roster.


Go to your MVP/data/database folder, first, delete ALL the 19 DAT files and then paste the new DAT files of this download. Don't forget to backup.


What's new:

  • Transactions of the month of september.
  • NEW RATINGS for movement and control of MLB pitchers of the 10 teams that advanced to the Postseason (based on a new rating system that I am testing, read more below).
  • Speed ratings adjusted for all MLB Players (via Savant' Sprint Speed data)
  • Added the new ID numbers for Cyberfaces and audio/photo.
  • Lineups and rotations for teams eliminated in the regular season are the same of the last week of competition.
  • Some prospects added to High-A.
  • When playing exhibition games you should see the final record of the 2021 season for all 120 teams.
  • Tweaks to all the Managers' info.
  • Top 100 Prospect List Updated.
  • 2021 Division Series and League Championship Series bracket.

New Pitching rating system:
This is probably the last thing that I wanted to bring to my rosters, now MLB Pitchers have more realistics ratings because I've been developing in the last weeks a new way to rate each pitcher's pitches by basically comparing it's statistical results in the 2021 season to the league average for each pitch in order to determinate their control and movement. Of course, I'm also updating stamina and all the repertoires itself. (The statistics involved in the evaluation are RV, CWS%, Batting average against, Whip, among others).


The purpose of this is to get a more balanced game between the batting and pitching because pitchers were getting punished in my previous rosters when I simulated seasons (ERA and Batting Averages were in the sky), most games ended up with high scores and things wasn't too real. So far I already complete the re-rating of the entire pitching staff of the 10 teams that advanced at least to the Wildcard this season, and the results are being very good in terms of realistic stats!


Now I know this is a work still in progress and the rest of the teams of the league are waiting, but I wanted to release this today because I want you guys to test the new balanced of the game in my roster, and I also didn't want to wait two more weeks because the playoffs are midway and I wanted to keep in pace with the moment. Also this is a punish for our fav teams for not making the playoffs haha, no, but seriously it took some time to determinate the ratings with this method so please be patient here.

What' next:

  • In a couple of weeks the rest of the MLB Teams should have their pitchers fully updated.
  • I will do some final tweaks in the offensive ratings for all MLB Players as well.
  • When all MLB Ratings are ready, I'll release the final roster of the season where I will put back the players out of the main roster for injuries/suspensions, and all teams should have their ideal lineups/rotations.
  • Ratings for milb players will be adjusted and updated as well, but those changes are going to appear for the next season roster.



Enjoy it, I'll be glad to hear your feedbacks about the new pitching ratings.

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

It's incredible that no one to this point has thanked you for the tireless work that you put into this.  But this is what you largely get around here, unfortunately.  So for what it's worth.....thanks very much for everything you've done!


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Tremendous work AlfreJose with one of the hardest works of this site: the rosters.   Gracias bro

Response from the author:

Thank you guys it's been very cool to make this contributions the community.


   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members

excelente trabajo



Amazing job on the roster...I found it to be very helpful and useful..I do have one question though..I was looking for the pitcher James Paxton and I could not find him on the Yankees, Seattle or the Red Soxs rosters or even the Free agents...Is he hidden..?? if he is how would i be able to put him on the roster..?





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