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**** Update on 4/30/2022 - I'm still working in REDitor (on day 5 now) trying to resolve the crash issue for the following 12 teams ; OAK, ANA, ATL, MIL, CHC, ARI, MIA, WSH, PHI, PIT, CIN and COL. Trying to determine the variable as to why these 12 teams crash. The other 18 work perfectly though.

Hey guys,


I'm 98% happy with my 2022 roster file (accurate as of 4/25/22). Portraits match my roster, faces can be found on Dropbox (see below).


*** My Oakland "file" is broken. Be aware. I am working in REDitor to try and figure out the issue but at the moment, the game crashes in both Franchise and Exhibition when the A's play a game. Will hopefully figure out my entry issue shortly. 


Anyways, for now, this is a pretty accurate build, test in Exhibition and give it a try for yourselves. 


Dropbox links:













It's 1550 faces. I CANNOT take credit for creating all these faces, it's a TRUE community effort!!! Don't be dicks (yes looking you Yankees fans ;) ), download for yourself but do not remove files as others will want to use them also. 

Edited by mbowkett1978

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Thanks for this roster/portraits man, Great work... This ratings is final or will have update?


   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Thank you very much, man 👍👍


   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

Amazing Effort. This looks very good. Minors addition is great. 


My only question is with Energy Levels. Are some players suppossed to be different? I know some pitchers may have slightly lower energy because they dont last long in games depending on closing or setting up.



I think you messed up my Yankees on purpose lol

Faces are all wrong, the roster is decent and got the portraits working perfectly...

Faces were wrong and I know Red Sox also had a bunch of generics, and I know for a face those faces are available, I'll download them manually when you get the final roster done.

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