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About This File

These are some historic and fun teams I made as a creative outlet. The All-Star teams are an idea I had about making a team of just about all the MVP winners of the midsummer classic! If you would like to see more of some of your favorite teams, just let me know and I'll do my best. ❤️ LFGSD

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Fantastic is what I think - not enough praise. Ruth LOOKS like Ruth. The creator here did a great job and I am hoping my sincere compliments will inspire him to make the 80 Phillies with the greatest uniform ever.  Thank you very much - all of the teams are great. I found the 87 A's interesting in that they were a 81 - 81 team that you must have liked. It was an interesting lineup with Canseco, McGuire, and Reggie Jackson in his last year. I think the Garvey, Cey, etc Dodgers would also be a great add. Still there are so many other teams out there,. It might be cool if you made some other older teams to go up against each other. I think the stats you applied to them all to have been very very well thought out and intelligently done.

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