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About This File

Aquí les dejo el roster de la pre-temporada de MLB. Solamente tiene actualizado los roster de grandes ligas, conforme al roster de 40 que tiene cada equipo, algunos jugadores están en la misma organización pero en otro nivel debido a la limitación del roster de 25. Evidentemente, si crees que un jugador debería estar en el equipo de la MLB. Simplemente sustitúyalo por alguien que crees que no debería estar allí.


INSTALACIÓN: Vaya a C:\Archivos de programa(x86 o x64)\EASPORTS\MVP2005 (o como se le llame)\data\database. ELIMINAR los 19 archivos existentes .dat. Descomprima este archivo de lista en esa ubicación.



Here is the MLB preseason roster. It only has the major league rosters updated, according to the roster of 40 that each team has, some players are in the same organization but at another level due to the limitation of the roster of 25. Obviously, if you think that a player should be in the MLB team. Just replace him with someone you think he shouldn't be there.


INSTALLATION: Go to  \ Program Files (x86 or x64) \ EASPORTS \ MVP2005 (or whatever it is called) \ data \ database. DELETE the 19 existing .dat files. Unzip this list file to that location.

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Why are you uploading a preseason roster now?



It's not a preseason roster. It's an after All Star Game roster

On 9/10/2022 at 10:07 AM, Yankee4Life said:

Why are you uploading a preseason roster now?

It's not a preseason roster. It's an after All Star Game roster



3 hours ago, laca79njac52 said:

It's not a preseason roster. It's an after All Star Game roster

It's not a preseason roster. It's an after All Star Game roster


That's not what you said. Go back and look.


Here is the MLB preseason roster. It only has the major league rosters updated, according to the roster of 40 that each team has, some players are in the same organization but at another level due to the limitation of the roster of 25. Obviously, if you think that a player should be in the MLB team. Just replace him with someone you think he shouldn't be there.



How do we incorporate all of the correct portraits and faces in here? 



Buenas amigos descargo el archivo y me dice que esta dañado podrían resubirlo por favor estoy recordando gratos momentos jugando este juego y quisiera actualizar los rosters 

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