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bctrackboi11's Seabag: Baseball Hall of Fame Uniform (Home only)

Based on the actual jerseys and caps worn by incoming members of the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. This will replace both home sets for the AL/NL Greats teams in game.


-You will need Ty's Roster Editor, which you can get right here on MVPMods.

-Import the Cooperstown_colorlist.txt file into the roster of your choice.

-Copy the uniform files into your main MLB 2K folder.

-As usual, remember to back up your roster file before installing!



-You are free to use my work in your own mods, all I ask is that you give credit to me and MVPMods.com.



-KCCityStar, for encouraging me to get into making uniforms for this game.
-UMachines, for his templates and the uniform textures this mod was based on as well as the software for the embroidery effect.
-You, the great MVPMods community for giving me a reason to share my work.

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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