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About This File

This download updates to the 2023 Major League Schedule. It does not affect minor league schedules.



Installation Instructions

1. Backup your original schedule.big file in Program Files/MVP Baseball 2005/data/database folder.

2. In your team.dat file, insure Houston Astros' line reads as follows:

00b87f3f1,0 Hou,1 Houston,2 Astros,3 HOU,4 0,5 0,6 22,7 0,8 1,9 0,10 0,11 0,12 1,13 0,14 0,15 0,16 0,17 0,18 0,19 0,20 1,21 0,22 0,23 0,24 0,25 0,26 0,27 0,28 2,29 2,30 0,31 2,32 2,33 2,34 1,35 0,36 0,37 1,38 0,39 0,40 0,41 2,42 1,43 2,44 2,45 1,46 1,47 2,48 2,49 1,50 2,51 1,52 2,53 1,54 0,;

(Just follow the directions here: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=54548&#entry637425)

3. Copy the schedule.big file you just downloaded to your MVP Baseball 2005/data/database folder.

4. Confirm replace.

5. The 2023 MLB Schedule should be loaded into MVP.

Additional Instructions

If you have tywiggins' Schedule Updater/Year Changer, you can change the year to 2023, rather than the default 2005.

1. When you get to the team select screen, ALT-TAB out of MVP.

2. Load Schedule Updater.

3. Select option 1 and change the year to 2023, and choose if you want players' ages to change.

4. The 2023 season starts on March 30. Follow the utility's instructions to move the date to March 30. (Note: I ran into some issues at the end of the season with the change of date to March 30 at the begining of the. However, no issues were encountered if I just changed the year.)

5. ALT-TAB back into MVP and continue as usual.

NOTE: I had to create a Virtual Machine for it to work this year.
Version History

1.0: March 18, 2023: Initial version.
1.1: March 19, 2023: The "Non-Year Changer" version.

Please keep in mind I don't have MVP Baseball 2005 installed on my regular computer, so it's especially hard to test any mod I make.

Like previous years, there are a few (two) instances of game times still being "TBA." I just estimated, hope that's OK.

Take care,

What's New in Version 1.1.1   See changelog


1.1.1: March 30, 2023: I made the two instances of game times that were still "TBA" night games.

     Sunday July 23's New York Mets @ Boston Red Sox
     Sunday August 27's Los Angeles Dodgers @ Boston Red Sox

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Thank you for the new schedule mod!


   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

Dylan has been doing this for years and it is second nature to him. Thank you again for the 2023 schedule and best of luck to you.

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