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Updated rosters for all 30 MLB team for 2023 season.


This team pack is based on SMB3 MLB21 Team Pack (OOTP v1.0) 1.0.0 made by Project Randall.


I reworked all ratings (and added new players) based on OOTP24 ratings similarly how original creators did it for 2021 rosters but took another route while assigning perks:


- every batting perk is assigned to top 5% of batters in each category, every pitching perk is assigned to 5% of SP and 5% of RP

- POW vs RHP/LHP is awarded to players with highest difference between slug vs RHP/LFP and overall slug in 2022,

- CON vs RHP/LHP is awarded to players with highest difference between OPS vs RHP/LFP and overall OPS in 2022.

- RBI man/RBI dud is awarded to players with highest positive/negative difference between OPS  w/RISP and overall OPS in 2022.

- High/Low/Inside/Outside is awarded to players with highest difference between OPS  when hitting pitches is each location and overall OPS in 2022.

- Tough Out/Whiffer is awarded to players with highest/lowest K% when facing 2 strike count

- Stealer/Bad Jumps is based on steal success rate and how those steal attempts affected overall game result

- Utility is given to players experienced in playing 3 or more positions

- Speacialist is awarded to players with highest difference between FIP when facing same handed batters and overall FIP

- Composed/BB prone is based on BB% percentage when facing 3 ball counts

- K Man/K Dud is based on K% when facing 2 strike count


Few more things to note:

- there are two Shohei Ohtanis -one is RF with 0 defense and other is "real" two way Ohtani; this way CPU will DH "fielder" Ohtani

- some teams have 4 starters and 1 SP/RP who in real life is actually SP. I decided to do this because it would be a shame to not have some notable SPs in the game just because SMB decided 4-man rotations is a way to go

- these are not Opening Day rosters, I decided to put in some notable guys who will come off IL later in a season (e,g, Bryce Harper, Liam Hendricks) or are out for the season (e.g. Rhys Hoskins). Probably will update this after all star break and/or trade deadline


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Maybe someone will correct me, but as far as I know - no



8 hours ago, lariato88 said:

Maybe someone will correct me, but as far as I know - no

Ok, thx hopefully someone makes one.



it doesn't work for me, when i go to an exhibition game or edit teams, the game just crashes. This does not happen when i load other team packs though




If you gave me credit in the original post and I overlooked it I do apologize.  Your work looks great BTW.  I would have done a roster for this past season but I grew tired of working on each individual player likeness.  If you need any logos or uniforms done let me know.

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